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mysql Notes:

  • Data: Logic Absent | Not Logically Processes | Conclusion is Not Present | Present in Row Format.
  • Infromation: Logically Process | Logic is Present | Conclusion is Possible | SQL queries.
  • SQL - Mical Widenius - Data Sientiest - later Acquire by Oracle | It is Not Case Sensitive.
  • Dtabase: Collections of Tables | Subset of Table | Digital Format | Easily Accesible
  • DBMS:Database Management System | Software Application Used to Manage our Database (DB)
  • User = SQL - DBMS = Database
  • RDBMS (SQL): Relational Database Management System | Data Store in Tables: MySql, Oracle, Postgre SQL, SQl Server
  • NON-RDBMS (No-SQL): Non-Relational Database Management System | Data Store in Documents: Mongodb, Tsql
  • SQL: Structure Query Language | Used to Interact with Relational Database.
  • SEQUEL: Structure English Query Language.
  • Table: COllections of Rows and Columns.
  • Row: Horizontal | Preticular Object Data | Indivisual Data.
  • Column: Vertical | Attributes | Schema | Design | General Structure.
  • Workbench - Graphical User Interface (GUI).
  • MySql Command Line Client Unicode.
  • SQl Families: Total 5 No Of Families.
  1. DDL: Data Defination Language. Create | Alter | Rename | Truncate | Drop | Describe
  2. DML: Data Manuplation Language. Insert | Update | Delete
  3. DQL: Data Query Language Select - Clauses: Where | Order by | Group by | Having
  4. DCL: Data Control Language. Grant | Revoke - Permission To User.
  5. TCL: Transation Control Language. Set Autocommit = 0, Start Transation - Commit | Rollback to | SavePoint
  • Data Types: They define Types of Values Stored in Columns.
    • Char: Single Charecter | Fix Length | Memory Loss. 0 to 255
    • Varchar(20): Collection of Strings | Dynamically Occupies Memory | Efficient. 0 to 255
    • Blob: Store Binary Large Object
    • Int: Integer
    • TinyInt: Small Integer | Signed(-128 to 127) & Unsigned(0 to 255)
    • BigInt: Large Integer
    • Bit: Bit values
    • Float: Decimal Numbers - 23
    • Double: Decimal Numbers - 24 to 53
    • Boolean: 0 or 1
    • Date: yyyy|mm|dd
    • Year: 1990.
  • Operators:
    • Arithmatic Operaors: + | - | * | / | %
    • Logical Operators:
      • And
      • Or(Single Row Condition)
      • In (Multirow Condition (For Multiple Element))
      • Is ( To check Null Values )
      • IS Not
      • Between (Inclusive)
      • All
      • Like
      • Any
    • Comparison:
      • = : Equal to
      • != : Not Equal to
      • < : Less Than
      • (>): Greater Than
      • <= : Less Than Equal To
      • (>=):GRater than Equal to
    • Bitwise:
      • &(BItwiseAnd), |(BitwiseOr)

MySQL Codes:

-- 18|11|24 APANA COLLAGE
create database collage;
ues collage;

create table student(
    id int primary key,
    name varchar(20),
    age int not null

insert into student values (1,"Aman",26);
insert into student values (1,"Shradha",24);

select * from student;

-- DataBase Related Queries:
-- create database db_name;
-- create database if not exist db_name;
Create Database if not exist collage;

-- Drop database db_name;
drop database if exists db_name;

-- Show Databases
show databases;

-- Table Related Queries:
-- Create:
-- create table table_name(column_name1 datatype constraint, column_name2 datatype constraint);
create table student(rollno int primary key, name varchar(20));

-- Select And View all column:
select * from student;

-- Insert:
Insert into table_name(col1_v1, col2_v1), (col2_v2, col2_v2);

-- Practice Questions:
create table xyz_company;
use xyz_company;
create table employee(id int primary key, name varchar(20), salary int);
insert into employee values(101, "adam", 25000),(2, "bob", 30000),(103, "casey", 40000);
select * from employee;

-- Keys:
-- Primary Keys:
-- It is a column (or set of columns) in a table that uniquely identifies each row. (a unique id)
-- Thereis only 1Pk & it Should be Not Null.

-- Foreign Key:
-- A Foreign key is a column (or set of columns) in a table that refers to the rpimary key in another table.
-- there can be multiple FK's.
-- FK's can have duplicate & null values.

-- Constraints:
-- SQl commands are used to specify rues for data in a table.

-- Not Null: Column cannot have  a null vaue
col1 int not null

-- Unique: all values in column are diffrent.
col2 int unique

-- primary key: makesa column unique & not null but used only for one.
-- id int primary key
create table temp(id int not null, primary key(id));

-- Foreign key: Prevent actions that would destroy links between tables 
create table temp(cust_id int, foreign key(cust_id) references customer(id));

-- Default: Sets the Default Value of a Column.
salary int default 25000

-- Check: It can Limit the values allowed in a column
create table city(id int primary key, city varchar(20), age int, constraint age_check check (age>=18 and city = "Delhi"));
create table newTab(age int check(age >= 18));

-- Create a Sample Table:
create database college;
use collage;
create table student(rollno int primary key, name varchar(20), marks int not null, grade char, city varchar(20));
-- Insert this Data:
insert into student
(rollno, name, marks, grade, city) 
(101, "Anil", 78, "B", "Pune"),
(102, "Rohan", 80, "A", "Mumbai"),
(103, "Kranti", 58, "C", "Nagar"),
(104, "Khushi", 39, "D", "Pune"),
(105, "Nikita", 50, "C", "Bhivandi");

-- 28|11|24 APANA COLLAGE
-- select: use to select data from the database
select * from student;
select name marks from student;
select distinct city from student;
-- clauses: condition
-- where clause: to define some conditions
select * from student where marks > 80;
select * from student where city = "Mumbai";
select * from student where marks > 80 and city = "Mumbai";
-- operators: using operators in where
-- arithmatic: +  -  *  /  %  
-- comparison: =  !=  <  >  <=  >=
-- logical: and or not in between all like any 
-- bitwise: & |
select * from student where marks > 30; 
select * from student where name = "Pratik";
-- and: to check for both conditions to be true 
select * from student where marks > 80 and city = "Mumbai";
-- or: to check for one of the condition to be true
select * from student where marks > 90 or city = "Mumbai";
-- between: select for a given range: inclusive values: also 80 marks and 90 marks members included
select * from student where marks between 80 and 90;
-- in: matches any value in the list
select * from student where city in ("Delhi","Mumbai");
-- not: to negate condition
select * from student where city not in ("Delhi","Mumbai"); 
-- limit: sets an upper limit on number of (tuples) rows to be returned
select * from student where marks > 90 limit 3;
-- order by: to sort in assending(asc) order or decending(desc) order
select * from student order by city desc;
select * from student order by city desc limit 3;
-- aggregate functions: aggreate functions perform a calculations on a set of values, and return a single value.
-- count(): count numbers
select count(name) from student; 
-- max(): get maximum values
select max(marks) from student;
-- min(): get minimum values
select min(marks) from student;
-- sum: get sum of values
select sum(marks) from student;
-- avg(): get average of values
select avg(marks) from student;
-- group by clause
select city, count(rollno) from student group by city;
select city, name, count(rollno) from student group by city, name;
select city, avg(marks) from student group by city order by city, ;
select city, avg(marks) from student group by city order by avg(marks);
select city, avg(marks) from student group by city order by avg(marks) desc;
select mode, count(customer) from payment group  by mode;
select grade, count(rollno) from student group by grade order by grade;
-- having clause: simmilar to where i.e. applies some condition on rows.
-- used when we we want to apply any *condition after grouping*. 
-- where: rows
-- having: groups
select city, count(rollno) from student group by city having max(marks)>90;

-- general order:
select columns
from table
where condition
group by columns
having condition 
order by columns asc;
select city from student where grade = "A" group by city having max(marks) >= 90 order by marks asc;

-- table related Queries:
-- update: to update existing rows
update student set grade = "0" where grade = "A";
set sql_safe_updates = 0;
update student set marks = 80 where rollno = 105;       
update student set grade = "B" where marks = 80 between 90; 
update student set marks = marks+1;
-- delete: to delete some existing rows
delete from student where marks < 33; 
delete from student; -- all data removed.

-- foreign key:
constraint std_fk1 foreign key(id) references stident(id);

-- 01|12|24 APANA COLLAGE
use mydb;
show tables;
select * from student;

create table dept(
id int primary key,
name varchar(20)

insert into dept
(id, name)
(101, "english"),
(102, "IT");

select * from dept;

update dept 
set id = 103
where id = 102;

create table teacher(
id int primary key,
name varchar(20),
deptid int,
foreign key (deptid) references dept(id)

insert into teacher
(id, name, deptid)
(1001, "Adam", 101),
(1002, "BOb", 102);

select * from teacher;

update teacher 
set name = "Bob"
where id = "1002";

drop table teacher;

create table teacher(
id int primary key,
name varchar(20),
deptid int,
foreign key (deptid) references dept(id)
on update cascade
on delete cascade

desc dept;
desc teacher;

-- cascading for foreign key

-- on update cascade
-- when we create a foreign key using this option, it deleteshe referenceing row  in the child table when the referenced row is deleted in the parent table which has a primary key.

-- on delete cascade
-- when we create  a foreign key using update cascade the referencing rows are updated in the child table when the reference row is updated in the parent table which has a primary key.

-- table related queries: 
-- Alter(to change  the schema | design ):

-- ADD column:
-- alter table table_name add column column_name datatype constraint;

-- Drop Column:
-- alter table table_name drop column column_name;

-- RENAME column:
-- alter table table_name rename to new table_name;

-- CHANGE column (rename):
-- alter table table_name change column new_name new_datatye new_constraints;

-- MODIFY Column:
 -- alter table table_name modify col_name new _datatype new_constraints;

select * from student;

alter table student
add column grade varchar(20) not null default "C";  

alter table student
drop column  grade;

alter table student
rename to grades;

alter table grades
rename to student;	

alter table student
change column grade grd varchar(20);
 alter table student 
 modify grd char not null;
 desc student;
 -- table related queries:
 -- Truncate (to delete table's data)
 -- truncate table table_name;
 truncate table student;
 update student 
 set grd = "A"
 where grd = "C";
 -- Error Code: 1175. You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column.  To disable safe mode, toggle the option in Preferences -> SQL Editor and reconnect.

-- Practice Questions:
select * from student;
-- a. Change the name of column "name" to "full_name".
alter table student
change column name full_name varchar(20);
-- b. delete all the student who scored marks less than 80.alter
delete from student 
where marks<30;
-- Error Code: 1175. You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column.  To disable safe mode, toggle the option in Preferences -> SQL Editor and reconnect.
-- c. delete the column for garade.
alter table student 
drop column grd;

-- joins in sql:
-- joins used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related columns between them.

-- Inner join 
-- Outer join - Left join, Right join, Full join
-- Inner join:
-- Returns record that have matching values in both tables.
-- select columns from tableA inner join tableB on tableA.col_name = tableB.col_name;

create database collage;
use collage;

create table student(
id int primary key,
name varchar(20)

insert into student
(id, name)
(101, "Adam"),
(102, "Bob"),
(103, "Casey");

create table course(
id int primary key,
course varchar(20)

insert into  course
(id, course)
(102, "English"),
(105, "Math"),
(103, "Science"),
(107, "Computer Science");

select * from student;
select * from course;

select * from student
inner join course
on =;

select * from student as s
inner join course as c
on =;

-- Left Join:
-- Returns all records from the left table, and the matching record from the right tabe
-- select columns from tableA left join tableB on tableA.col_name = tableB.col_name;
select * from student left join course on =; 

-- Right Join:
-- Returns all record from the right table, and the matching record from the right table
-- select columns from tableA right join tableB on tableA.col_name = tableB.col_name;
select * from student right join course on =;

-- Full Join | Full Outer join | Union : Full join not present in mysql it uses union, but present in oracle and postgrey.
-- Returns all record when there is a match in either left or right table.
select * from student as a left join course as b on = union select * from student as a right join course as b on =;

-- Think & Ans:
-- Right Exclusive join:
select * from student right join course on = where is null;
-- Left Exclusive join:
select * from student left join course on = where is null;

-- Self Join:
-- It is regular join but the table is joined with itself.alter
-- select columns from tableA as a join tableA as b on a.col_name = b.col_name;
select as manager_name, from employee as a join employee as b on = b.manager_id;

create table employee(
id int primary key,
name varchar(20),
manager_id int

insert into employee (id, name, manager_id)
(101, "adam", 103),
(102, "bob", 104),
(103, "casey", null),
(104, "donald", 103);
-- Error Code: 1062. Duplicate entry '101' for key 'employee.PRIMARY'

select * from employee; 

select * from employee as a join employee as b on = b.manager_id; 
select, from employee as a join employee as b on = b.manager_id; 
select as manager_name, from employee as a join employee as b on = b.manager_id; 

-- 02|11|24 APANA COLLAGE
-- Union | Mosty use to perform Full Join:
-- It is used to complete the result-set of two or more select statement. Gives Unique records.alter

-- To use it:
-- every select should have same no. of columns
-- columns must have similar data types
-- columns in every sellect should be in same order.

-- select column(s) from tableA union select column(s) from tableB

-- SubQueries |InnerQueries | NestedQueries
-- A subqueries oe inner queries or a nested queries is a query within another sql query.
-- It involves 2 select statement.
-- Query - SubQuery - Query depend on subquery 
-- select column(s) from table_name where col_name operator (subquery);

-- SQL Sub Queries
-- Example
-- Get names of all students who scored more than class average.
-- step1: find the avg of class.
-- step2: find the names of student with marks > avg.

use mydb;
select * from student;
select marks from student;
select avg(marks) from student; 
select full_name, marks from student where marks > 73.33;
select full_name, marks from student where marks > (select avg(marks) from student);

--  find the name of all students with even roll no.
-- step1: Find the even roll numbers.
-- step2: Find the names of student with even roll no.

select * from student;
select * from student where id%2 = 0;
select full_name from student where id in (select id from student where id % 2 = 0);

-- SQL Sub Queries:
-- Example with From
-- Find  the max marks from the student of Delhi
-- step1: Find the student of Delhi.
-- step2: Find the max marks using the sublist in step 1.

select * from student;
alter table student add column city varchar(20) not null default "Delhi";
select * from student where city = "Delhi";
select max(marks) from (select * from student where city = "Delhi") as temp;

-- SQL Sub Queries:
-- Example with select
select (select max(marks) from student), full_name from student;

-- MySql Views:
-- A view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an sql statement.
-- A view always shows up to date data. the database engine recreates the view, every time a user queries it.
-- table - real - real data - operations.
-- view - virtual 

create view view1 as select id, full_name from student;
select * from view1;
select * from view1 where id = 8;
drop view view1;
-- 18|11|2024 SMIT
show databases;
use mysql;
create table ED_RECORD
(ID int, NAME varchar(20), JOB varchar(20), SALARY int, COMM int, DEPTNO int);
insert into ED_RECORD values(101,"SURESH","MANAGER",100000,5000,20);
select * from ED_RECORD;
insert into ED_RECORD values(102,"ROHIT","SALES",100000,5000,20);
insert into ED_RECORD values(103,"SUNITA","QUALITY",70000,3000,20);
insert into ED_RECORD values(104,"GAURI","OPERATIONS",80000,3500,20);
insert into ED_RECORD values(105,"SHRUTIKA","MANAGER",150000,4500,10);
insert into ED_RECORD values(106,"SAHIL","SALES",130000,3500,10);
insert into ED_RECORD values(107,"SHALAKA","QUALITY",64000,3500,10);
insert into ED_RECORD values(108,"MOHSIN","OPERATIONS",55000,2500,10);
insert into ED_RECORD values(109,"JEET","MANAGER",155000,4500,30);
insert into ED_RECORD values(109,"JEET","MANAGER",155000,4500,30);
insert into ED_RECORD values(110,"YOGESH","SALES",90000,3500,30);
insert into ED_RECORD values(111,"SMRUTI","QUALITY",55000,2500,30);
insert into ED_RECORD values(112,"PAYAL","OPERATIONS",72000,1500,30);
insert into ED_RECORD values(113,"SWAPNIL","MANAGER",97000,3200,40);
insert into ED_RECORD values(114,"SHIRIN","SALES",50000,1500,40);
insert into ED_RECORD values(115,"SOHAIL","QUALITY",50000,2540,40);
insert into ED_RECORD values(116,"SURAJ","OPERATIONS",83000,2700,40);
insert into ED_RECORD values(117,"GILL","SALES",34000,NULL,50);
insert into ED_RECORD values(118,"SAURABH","OPERATIONS",41200,0,50);
insert into ED_RECORD values(119,"ASHISH","MANAGER",53470,3700,60);
-- 21|11|24 SMIT
-- Dual Functions Like Operator
-- Dual Functions use Dual Schema:
use mysql;

-- Lpad & Rpad Dual Functions:
select lpad("code",8,'@');
select lpad("max",8,'*');
select rpad ( lpad("apple",9,'$'),12,'#');
select rpad ( lpad("bye",6,'*'),10,'$');
select rpad ( lpad("data",7,'#'),10,'&');
select rpad ( lpad("code",8,'@'),10,'$');
select rpad(name,10,'$') from ED_RECORD;
select rpad(name,10,'#'), lpad(job,10,'@') from ED_RECORD;

-- Nested Lpad & Rpad Functions: rpad(lpad("code",9,"@"),15,"#");
select rpad(lpad("code",9,"@"),15,"#");
| rpad(lpad("code",9,"@"),15,"#") |
| @@@@@code######                 |

-- Upper & Lower:
select lower("ABCD") from dual;
select upper("ABCD") from dual;
select upper("name") from dual;
select lower(name), lower(job) from ED_RECORD;

-- Round:
select round (2.8) from dual;
select round (2.3) from dual;
select round (-2.3) from dual;
select round (-2.8) from dual;
select avg(SALARY) from ED_RECORD;
select round(avg(SALARY)) from ED_RECORD;

-- Ceil & Floor:
select ceil(2.1);
select ceil(2.8);
select floor(2.8);
select floor(2.9);
select ceil(-2.9);
select ceil(-9.9);
select floor(-9.9);

-- Reverse:
select reverse("coding");
select reverse("1234567890");

-- Substring:
select substr("vishkhapattanum",1);
select substr("vishkhapattanum",-1);
select substr("vishkhapattanum",1,5);
select substr("vishkhapattanum",1,length("vishakhapattanum")/2);
select substr("Pratik",1,length("Pratik")/2);
select substr("Pratik",-length("Pratik")/2);
select substr("Pratik",length("Pratik")/2);
select substr("Pratik",length("Pratik")/2+1);

-- Length
select length("VISHAKHPATTANAM") from dual;
select length(name), length(job) from ED_RECORD;    
select length ("name")/2;
select substr(name,length(name)/2+1), substr(job,-length(job)/2) from ED_RECORD;
select substr(name,length(name)/2), substr(job,-length(job)/2) from ED_RECORD;

-- Like Operator:
select name from ED_RECORD where name like "A%";
select name from ED_RECORD where name like "S%";
select name from ED_RECORD where name like "%A";
select name from ED_RECORD where name like "____";
select name from ED_RECORD where name like "_H%";

-- Two Consicutive EE:
select name from ED_RECORD where name like "%EE%";
<!-- Two escape charecters in Dual Functions: (they dosen't print on terminal) = % & __ -->
-- 25|11|24 SMIT
-- Date & Time
select sysdate();
2024-11-25 16:32:47
select date("2024-11-25");
select month("2024-11-25");
select year("2024-11-25");
select quarter("2024-11-2");
select microsecond("2024-2-25 11:12:33.54321");
select dayofmonth("2024-2-25");
select dayname("2024-11-25");
select dayofweek("2024-11-25");
2 - Monday
select dayofyear("2024-11-25");
select week("2024-11-25");
select yearweek("2024-11-25");
select last_day("2024-11-25");
select extract(year_month from ("2024-11-25"));
select extract(week from ("2024-11-25"));
select extract(month from ("2024-11-25"));
select extract(month from ("2024-11-2"));
select extract(month from ("2024-1-2"));
select extract(month from ("2024-11-25"));
select extract(year from ("2024-11-25"));
select extract(hour from ("2024-11-25 12:23:22"));
select extract(day from ("2024-11-25"));
select extract(minute from ("2024-11-25 12:23:22"));
select extract(second from ("2024-11-25 12:23:22"));
select extract(microsecond from ("2024-11-25 12:23:22.999999"));
select curtime();
select curtime(4);
select curtime(6);

-- Group
select DEPTNO from ED_RECORD;
|     20 |
|     20 |
|     20 |
|     20 |
|     10 |
|     10 |
|     10 |
|     10 |
|     30 |
|     30 |
|     30 |
|     30 |
|     30 |
|     40 |
|     40 |
|     40 |
|     40 |
|     50 |
|     50 |
|     60 |
select DEPTNO from ED_RECORD group by DEPTNO;
|     20 |
|     10 |
|     30 |
|     40 |
|     50 |
|     60 |
select JOB from ED_RECORD group by JOB;
| JOB        |
| MANAGER    |
| SALES      |
| QUALITY    |
select count(ID), DEPTNO from ED_RECORD group by DEPTNO;
| count(ID) | DEPTNO |
|         4 |     20 |
|         4 |     10 |
|         5 |     30 |
|         4 |     40 |
|         2 |     50 |
|         1 |     60 |
select max(SALARY), DEPTNO from ED_RECORD group by DEPTNO;
| max(SALARY) | DEPTNO |
|      100000 |     20 |
|      150000 |     10 |
|      155000 |     30 |
|       97000 |     40 |
|       41200 |     50 |
|       53470 |     60 |
select min(COMM), DEPTNO from ED_RECORD group by DEPTNO;
| min(COMM) | DEPTNO |
|      3000 |     20 |
|      2500 |     10 |
|      1500 |     30 |
|      1500 |     40 |
|         0 |     50 |
|      3700 |     60 |
select * from ED_RECORD;
| ID   | NAME     | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |
select count(JOB), DEPTNO from ED_RECORD group by DEPTNO;
| count(JOB) | DEPTNO |
|          4 |     20 |
|          4 |     10 |
|          5 |     30 |
|          4 |     40 |
|          2 |     50 |
|          1 |     60 |
select count(SALARY), DEPTNO from ED_RECORD group by DEPTNO;
| count(SALARY) | DEPTNO |
|             4 |     20 |
|             4 |     10 |
|             5 |     30 |
|             4 |     40 |
|             2 |     50 |
|             1 |     60 |
select count(DEPTNO), JOB from ED_RECORD group by JOB;
| count(deptno) | job        |
|             6 | MANAGER    |
|             5 | SALES      |
|             4 | QUALITY    |
|             5 | OPERATIONS |
-- 27|11|24 - FG
-- DDL
-- create database
create database sqlsession;

-- use database
use sqlsession;

-- create table student
create table student(
id int primary key,
name varchar(20) not null,
location varchar(20) default 'pune',
age int check(age>=18),
contact bigint,
dob date

-- show database
show databases;

-- show tables
show tables;

-- desc table
desc student;

-- describe table
describe result;

-- create table result
create table result(
rid int,
rmarks int,
ispass char,
id int,
constraint student_fk foreign key(id) references student(id)

-- alter  
-- add col
alter table result add rname varchar(20); 
alter table result add rname int;

-- drop col
alter table result drop column rname;

-- modify datatype
alter table result modify rname varchar(20);

-- add constraint
alter table result add constraint primary key(id);
use mydb;
insert into student(name, age, marks) values("Pratik", 23, 95.5);
select * from student;  
WHERE id = 2;

CREATE TABLE department (
    department_id DECIMAL(10, 0) PRIMARY KEY,
    department_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

drop table department;

CREATE TABLE employee (
    emp_id DECIMAL(10, 0) PRIMARY KEY,
    first_name VARCHAR(30),
    last_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
    email VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
    phone_no VARCHAR(42),
    hire_date DATE NOT NULL,
    job_id VARCHAR(20),
    salary DECIMAL(10, 0),
    comm DECIMAL(10, 0),
    manager_id DECIMAL(10, 0),
    department_id DECIMAL(10, 0),
    CONSTRAINT emp_manager_fk FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES employee(emp_id),
    CONSTRAINT department_fk FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES department(department_id)

desc employee;

use mydb;
select * from student;

create database lenden;

use lenden;

create table if not exists accounts(
id int,
account_no int auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
balance double default 1000.0

insert into accounts(id, account_no, name) values(1, 101, "Ankit");
insert into accounts(id, account_no, name) values(2, 102, "Trisha");

select * from accounts;
truncate table accounts;

drop table accounts;

-- alter table accounts add constraint primary key(account_no);

use sqlsession;
create database student;
drop database student;

create database employee;

use employee;
create table products(id int, name varchar(50));
show create table products;
-- drop primary key
alter table products drop primary key;

-- drop constraint
alter table products drop constraint product_fk1;

-- describeβœ…
desc product;

-- renameβœ…
rename table products to product;

-- rename columnβœ…
alter table products rename column pame to product_name;

-- DML
use sqlsession;
show tables;
insert into student(id, name, location, age, contact, dob) values(1, "Pratik", "Pune", 22, 1234567890, '12-01-01');
insert into student(id, name, location, age, contact, dob) values(2, "Rohan", "Pune", 22, 1234567890, '12-01-01');
insert into student(id, name, age, contact, dob) values(3, "Rohan", 22, 1234567890, '12-01-01');
rename table student to students;
alter table students rename column location to loc;

-- insert into __ values
insert into students
(id, name, loc, age, contact, dob)
(4, "neha", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12'),
(5, "reva", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12');

insert into students
(id, name, loc, age, contact, dob)
(6, "sham", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12'),
(7, "ram", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12'),
(8, "raju", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12'),
(9, "bhim", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12');

insert into students
(id, name, loc, age, contact, dob)
(10, "khushi", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12'),
(11, "vicky", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12'),
(12, "pritty", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12'),
(13, "sweety", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12');

insert into students
(id, name, loc, age, contact, dob)
(14, "payal", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12'),
(15, "bhsma", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12'),
(16, "sahil", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12'),
(17, "samarth", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12'),
(18, "pallavi", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12'),
(19, "pragati", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12'),
(20, "sahil", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12');

-- auto_increment

-- update
update students set name="krishna" where id=20;
update students set name="krishna", loc="mumbai" where id=20;

insert into students
(id, name, loc, age, contact, dob)
(21, "trisha", "khed", 22, 1234567890, '12-12-12');

-- delete from
delete from students where id=21;

-- truncate
truncate table student;

select * from students;

desc students;

-- DQL
use sqlsession;

-- Insert 20 rows into the employee table
INSERT INTO employee 
(emp_id, first_name, last_name, email, phone_no, hire_date, job_id, salary, comm, manager_id, department_id)
(1, 'John', 'Doe', '[email protected]', '1234567890', '2020-01-15', 'DEV001', 50000, NULL, NULL, 10),
(2, 'Jane', 'Smith', '[email protected]', '1234567891', '2020-02-20', 'DEV002', 60000, 5000, 1, 20),
(3, 'Michael', 'Brown', '[email protected]', '1234567892', '2020-03-10', 'DEV003', 55000, 2000, 1, 30),
(4, 'Emily', 'Davis', '[email protected]', '1234567893', '2020-04-25', 'DEV004', 62000, NULL, 2, 20),
(5, 'James', 'Wilson', '[email protected]', '1234567894', '2020-05-30', 'DEV005', 48000, 1500, 2, 10),
(6, 'Linda', 'Taylor', '[email protected]', '1234567895', '2020-06-15', 'DEV006', 75000, 3000, 3, 30),
(7, 'Robert', 'Miller', '[email protected]', '1234567896', '2020-07-10', 'DEV007', 68000, NULL, 3, 10),
(8, 'Susan', 'Moore', '[email protected]', '1234567897', '2020-08-05', 'DEV008', 54000, 1200, 4, 20),
(9, 'Karen', 'Jackson', '[email protected]', '1234567898', '2020-09-20', 'DEV009', 63000, NULL, 5, 30),
(10, 'Mark', 'Anderson', '[email protected]', '1234567899', '2020-10-01', 'DEV010', 47000, 1800, 5, 20),
(11, 'Sarah', 'Thomas', '[email protected]', '1234567800', '2020-11-12', 'DEV011', 51000, 1000, 6, 10),
(12, 'Chris', 'Martin', '[email protected]', '1234567801', '2021-01-15', 'DEV012', 58000, 2500, 6, 20),
(13, 'Patricia', 'Harris', '[email protected]', '1234567802', '2021-02-20', 'DEV013', 49000, 900, 7, 30),
(14, 'Daniel', 'Clark', '[email protected]', '1234567803', '2021-03-10', 'DEV014', 67000, 4000, 8, 10),
(15, 'Barbara', 'Lewis', '[email protected]', '1234567804', '2021-04-25', 'DEV015', 72000, NULL, 8, 20),
(16, 'Steven', 'Walker', '[email protected]', '1234567805', '2021-05-30', 'DEV016', 46000, 300, 9, 30),
(17, 'Jessica', 'Allen', '[email protected]', '1234567806', '2021-06-15', 'DEV017', 61000, NULL, 10, 20),
(18, 'Andrew', 'Young', '[email protected]', '1234567807', '2021-07-10', 'DEV018', 49000, 800, 10, 10),
(19, 'Nancy', 'King', '[email protected]', '1234567808', '2021-08-05', 'DEV019', 56000, NULL, 11, 30),
(20, 'Joshua', 'Wright', '[email protected]', '1234567809', '2021-09-20', 'DEV020', 53000, 1700, 11, 20);

INSERT INTO department (department_id, department_name)
(10, 'HR'),
(20, 'Finance'),
(30, 'IT');

SELECT * FROM department;
SELECT * FROM employee;

create table autoincrementdemo(id int primary key auto_increment, name varchar(50));
insert into autoincrementdemo (name) values 
select * from autoincrementdemo;
-- 28|11|24 SMIT
-- TCl
show databases;
use mysql;
create table data3(id int, name varchar(20), loc varchar(20));
insert into data3 values(1, "rakesh", "pune");
insert into data3 values(2, "Mukesh", "Mumbai");
insert into data3 values(3, "Rupali", "banglore");
select * from data3;
update data3 set name = "sohan" where id = 1;
select * from data3;
update data3 set loc = "channai" where name = "mukesh";
select * from data3;
delete from data3 where id = 1;
select * from data3;
delete from data3 where id = "mukesh";
delete from data3 where id = 3;
select * from data3;
set autocommit = 0;
start transaction;
insert into data3 values (3, "gauri", "channai");
insert into data3 values (4, "shruti", "pune");
select * from data3;
insert into data3 values (4, "shruti", "pune");
insert into data3 values (3, "gauri", "channai");
select * from data3;
select * from data3;
select * from data3;
insert into data3 values (5, "Pratik", "Pune");
insert into data3 values (6, "Samarth", "Pune");
select * from data3;
savepoint p1;
insert into data3 values (7, "Rahul", "Pune");
insert into data3 values (8, "Lokesh", "Pune");
select * from data3;
savepoint p2;
select * from data3;
insert into data3 values (9, "yash", "Pune");
insert into data3 values (10, "Bhim", "Kanpur");
select * from data3;
rollback to p2;
select * from data3;
rollback to p1;
select * from data3;
create user pandu@localhost identified by "jimmi";
grant select on data3 to pandu@localhost;
grant update on data3 to pandu@localhost;
grant delete on data3 to pandu@localhost;
revoke update on data3 from pandu@localhost;
revoke update on data3 from pandu@localhost;
revoke delete on data3 from pandu@localhost;
grant all on data3 to pandu@localhost;
revoke all on data3 from pandu@localhost;

C:\Users\majag>cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin
C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin>mysql -u pandu -p
mysql -u pandu -p
use mysql;
show databases;
show tables;
select * from data3;
update data3 set name = "sohan" where id = 1;
select * from data3;
update data3 set name = "sohan" where id = 2;
select * from data3;
delete from data3 where id = 1;
delete from data3 where id = 2;
select * from data3;
-- 28|11|24 FG
create database test;
drop database test;
use test;

use sqlsession;
select * from students;
select * from result;
insert into result values(101, 80, "p", 1);
delete from result where id=101;

desc students;
desc result;

-- 28|11|24
-- cascading: give delete permissioons on table on parent child relationship
-- on cascade delete
-- on cascade set null
drop table test1;
drop table test2;

create table test2(
id int,
name varchar(20),
constraint fk1 foreign key (id) references test1(id)
-- on delete cascade
on delete set null

create table test1(
id int primary key,
name varchar(20)

insert into test2 values(1,"p");
insert into test2 values(2,"ramesh");
insert into test2 values(3,"archana");
insert into test2 values(4,"pragati");

delete from test1 where id=1;

select * from test1;
select * from test2;

desc test1;
desc test2;

-- projection select all data
-- selection use where clause
-- distict unique values

select distict name from data1;
select distict name, branch from data;

-- alias: as
select 10+5 as addition;
select first_name as fn from data1;
select first_name fn from data1;

-- order by: asc desc
select * from employees order by salary desc;
-- limit
select * from data1 limit 3;
-- offset: skip starting values
select * from employee limit 10 offset 5;
select * from data1 limit 5,10;
-- highest sallary top3 values
select salary from employee order by salary desc limit 5;
-- 2nd highest vallue
select salary from employee order by salary desc limit 1,1;
select salary from employee order by salary desc limit 2,1;
select salary from employee order by salary desc limit 4,1;
-- 28|11|24
use mysql;
create table dept(deptno int, dname varchar(20), loc varchar(20));
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(10, "mechanical", "mumbai");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(20, "computer", "pune");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(20, "computer", "pune");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(30, "civil", "banglore");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(40, "entc", "chennai");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(60, "electric", "tamil_nadu");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(70, "chemical", "panjabi");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(80, "education", "karnataka");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(90, "art", "rajasthan");
select * from dept;
| deptno | dname      | loc        |
|     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|     20 | computer   | pune       |
|     20 | computer   | pune       |
|     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|     50 | it         | mp         |
|     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
select * from ed_record where salary = (select max(salary) from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept wher dname="computer");
select name from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname in (select deptno from ed_record where name ="shalaka")));
use mysql;
create table dept(deptno int, dname varchar(20), loc varchar(20));
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(10, "mechanical", "mumbai");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(10, "mechanical", "mumbai");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(20, "computer", "pune");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(50, "it", "mp");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(60, "electric", "tamil_nadu");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(70, "chemical", "panjabi");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(80, "education", "karnataka");
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) values(90, "art", "rajasthan");
select * from dept;
| deptno | dname      | loc        |
|     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|     20 | computer   | pune       |
|     20 | computer   | pune       |
|     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|     50 | it         | mp         |
|     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|     90 | art        | rajasthan  |

select * from ed_record;
select name from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname like "%c");
select deptno from ed_record where name = "swapnil";
select deptno from ed_record where name = "shirin";
select * from dept;
select name from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname like "C%");
select deptno from ed_record where name = "suresh";
select name from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname like "%l");
select name from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname like "l%");
select * from dept;
select * from ed_record;
select max(salary) from ed_record;
select min(comm) from ed_record;
select deptno from ed_record where comm=0;
select dname from dept where deptno in (select deptno from ed_record where comm=(select min(comm) from ed_record));
select dname from dept where deptno in (select deptno from ed_record where salary=(select min(salary) from ed_record));
select select * from dept;
select name from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname = "mechanical");
select name from ed_record where name = "gill";
select * from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where loc in (select loc from dept where deptno in (select deptno from ed_record where name="gill")));


-- 29|11|24
-- DDL Operations:
-- Q.1. Create the above tables with appropriate data types and constraints (primary keys, foreign keys, not null, etc.).
-- Drop database and tables:
drop database library_management;
drop table Books;
drop table Members;
drop table Borrowed_Books;

-- Create database:
create database library_management;

-- Use database:
use library_management;

-- Create table:
-- Books:
create table Books(
book_id int primary key,
title varchar(20),
author varchar(20),
publication_year date,
genre varchar(20),
available_copies int

-- Members:
create table Members(
member_id int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(20),
address varchar(100),
phone_number bigint,
membership_start_date date,
membership_end_date date

-- Borrowed_Books:
create table Borrowed_Books(
borrow_id int primary key,
book_id int,
constraint book_id_fk foreign key (book_id) references Books(book_id),
member_id int,
constraint member_id_fk foreign key (member_id) references Members(member_id),
borrow_date date,
due_date date,
return_date date 

-- Describe table:
desc Books;
desc Members;
desc Borrowed_Books;

-- Q.2. Alter the Books table to add a new column publisher.
-- Reference: alter table result add rname int;
alter table Books add publisher varchar(20);

-- Q.3. Drop the Borrowed_Books table.
drop table Borrowed_Books;

-- DML Operations:
-- Q.1. Insert 5 records into the Books table.
insert into Books
(book_id, title, author, publication_year, genre, available_copies)
(101, "Kill a Mockingbird", "Harper Lee", '1960-12-12',"Fiction",5),
(102,"1984","George Orwell", '1949-12-12',"Dystopian",3),
(103,"The Great Gatsby", "F. Scott Fitzgerald",'1925-12-12',"Fiction",4),
(104,"PridePrejudice","Jane Austen",'1813-12-12',"Romance",7),
(105,"Catcher the Rye","J.D. Salinger",'1951-12-12',"Fiction",2);

-- Q.2. Insert 3 records into the Members table.
insert into Members
(member_id, name, address, phone_number, membership_start_date, membership_end_date)
(201, "John Doe", "123 Main St, Springfield", 555-123-4567, '2023-01-01', '2024-01-01'),
(202, "Jane Smith", "456 Oak St, Metropolis", 555-987-6543, '2023-03-15', '2024-03-15'),
(203, "Alice Johnson", "789 Pine St, Gotham City", 555-456-7890, '2022-11-10', '2023-11-10');

-- Q.3. Insert 4 records into the Borrowed_Books table.
-- Create Borrowed_Books table:
create table Borrowed_Books(
borrow_id int primary key,
book_id int,
constraint book_id_fk foreign key (book_id) references Books(book_id),
member_id int,
constraint member_id_fk foreign key (member_id) references Members(member_id),
borrow_date date,
due_date date,
return_date date 

-- Insert values in Borrowed_Books table:
insert into Borrowed_Books
(borrow_id, book_id, member_id, borrow_date, due_date, return_date)
(301, 101, 201, '2024-11-01', '2024-11-15', '2024-11-14'),
(302, 102, 202, '2024-11-02', '2024-11-16', '2024-11-20'),
(303, 103, 203, '2024-11-03', '2024-11-17', '2024-11-17'),
(304, 104, 201, '2024-11-04', '2024-11-18', '2024-11-18');

-- Errors:
-- Error Code: 1292. Incorrect date value: 'NULL' for column 'return_date' at row 3: colno-3 error: βœ…
-- Error Code: 1452. Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`library_management`.`borrowed_books`, CONSTRAINT `member_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`member_id`) REFERENCES `members` (`member_id`)): colno-4 error: βœ…

-- Q.4. Update the publication_year of a specific book.
-- update students set name="krishna" where id=20;
update Books set publication_year = '1970-12-12' where book_id = 101;

-- Q.5. Delete a member from the Members table.
delete from Members where member_id = 201;
-- Error Code: 1451. Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`library_management`.`borrowed_books`, CONSTRAINT `member_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`member_id`) REFERENCES `members` (`member_id`)) ❌->

-- To fix this:
-- step 1: drop table
drop table Borrowed_Books;

-- step 2: crete with on delete cascade
create table Borrowed_Books(
borrow_id int primary key,
book_id int,
constraint book_id_fk foreign key (book_id) references Books(book_id),
member_id int,
constraint member_id_fk foreign key (member_id) references Members(member_id) on delete cascade,
borrow_date date,
due_date date,
return_date date

-- step 3: insert values in Borrowed_Books table:
insert into Borrowed_Books
(borrow_id, book_id, member_id, borrow_date, due_date, return_date)
(301, 101, 201, '2024-11-01', '2024-11-15', '2024-11-14'),
(302, 102, 202, '2024-11-02', '2024-11-16', '2024-11-20'),
(303, 103, 203, '2024-11-03', '2024-11-17', '2024-11-17'),
(304, 104, 201, '2024-11-04', '2024-11-18', '2024-11-18');

-- step 4: delete Members
delete from Members where member_id = 201;

-- Cascading Constraints:
-- Q.1. Implement a cascading delete constraint on the Borrowed_Books table so that when a book is deleted, all related borrow records are also deleted automatically.

-- step 1: drop table
drop table Borrowed_Books;

-- step 2: crete with on delete cascade
create table Borrowed_Books(
borrow_id int primary key,
book_id int,
constraint book_id_fk foreign key (book_id) references Books(book_id) on delete cascade,
member_id int,
constraint member_id_fk foreign key (member_id) references Members(member_id),
borrow_date date,
due_date date,
return_date date

-- Q.3. Demonstrate the effect of this constraint by deleting a book.
-- step 1: insert values in Borrowed_Books table:
insert into Borrowed_Books
(borrow_id, book_id, member_id, borrow_date, due_date, return_date)
(301, 101, 201, '2024-11-01', '2024-11-15', '2024-11-14'),
(302, 102, 202, '2024-11-02', '2024-11-16', '2024-11-20'),
(303, 103, 203, '2024-11-03', '2024-11-17', '2024-11-17'),
(304, 104, 201, '2024-11-04', '2024-11-18', '2024-11-18');

-- step 2: delete book
delete from Books where book_id = 101;

-- step 3: additonal work to cross check:
insert into Books
(book_id, title, author, publication_year, genre, available_copies)
(101, "Kill a Mockingbird", "Harper Lee", '1960-12-12',"Fiction",5);

-- Retrive data:
select * from Books;
select * from Members;
select * from Borrowed_Books;

-- Final Output:
show databases;
| Database           |
| employee           |
| information_schema |
| lenden             |
| library_management |
| mydb               |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sakila             |
| sqlsession         |
| sys                |
| world              |

use library_management;
show tables;
| Tables_in_library_management |
| books                        |
| borrowed_books               |
| members                      |

select * from books;
| book_id | title            | author              | publication_year | genre     | available_copies | publisher |
|     102 | 1984             | George Orwell       | 1949-12-12       | Dystopian |                3 | NULL      |
|     103 | The Great Gatsby | F. Scott Fitzgerald | 1925-12-12       | Fiction   |                4 | NULL      |
|     104 | PridePrejudice   | Jane Austen         | 1813-12-12       | Romance   |                7 | NULL      |
|     105 | Catcher the Rye  | J.D. Salinger       | 1951-12-12       | Fiction   |                2 | NULL      |

select * from members;
| member_id | name          | address                  | phone_number | membership_start_date | membership_end_date |
|       201 | John Doe      | 123 Main St, Springfield |        -4135 | 2023-01-01            | 2024-01-01          |
|       202 | Jane Smith    | 456 Oak St, Metropolis   |        -6975 | 2023-03-15            | 2024-03-15          |
|       203 | Alice Johnson | 789 Pine St, Gotham City |        -7791 | 2022-11-10            | 2023-11-10          |

select * from borrowed_books;
| borrow_id | book_id | member_id | borrow_date | due_date   | return_date |
|       302 |     102 |       202 | 2024-11-02  | 2024-11-16 | 2024-11-20  |
|       303 |     103 |       203 | 2024-11-03  | 2024-11-17 | 2024-11-17  |
|       304 |     104 |       201 | 2024-11-04  | 2024-11-18 | 2024-11-18  |
-- 29|11|24
show databases; 
| Database           |
| employee           |
| information_schema |
| lenden             |
| library_management |
| mydb               |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sakila             |
| sqlsession         |
| sys                |
| world              |

use mysql;

show tables;
| Tables_in_mysql                                      |
| columns_priv                                         |
| component                                            |
| data3                                                |
| db                                                   |
| default_roles                                        |
| dept                                                 |
| ed_record                                            |
| engine_cost                                          |
| func                                                 |
| general_log                                          |
| global_grants                                        |
| gtid_executed                                        |
| help_category                                        |
| help_keyword                                         |
| help_relation                                        |
| help_topic                                           |
| innodb_index_stats                                   |
| innodb_table_stats                                   |
| ndb_binlog_index                                     |
| password_history                                     |
| plugin                                               |
| procs_priv                                           |
| proxies_priv                                         |
| replication_asynchronous_connection_failover         |
| replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed |
| replication_group_configuration_version              |
| replication_group_member_actions                     |
| role_edges                                           |
| server_cost                                          |
| servers                                              |
| slave_master_info                                    |
| slave_relay_log_info                                 |
| slave_worker_info                                    |
| slow_log                                             |
| tables_priv                                          |
| time_zone                                            |
| time_zone_leap_second                                |
| time_zone_name                                       |
| time_zone_transition                                 |
| time_zone_transition_type                            |
| user                                                 |

select * from ed_record;
| ID   | NAME     | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |

select * from dept;
| deptno | dname      | loc        |
|     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|     20 | computer   | pune       |
|     20 | computer   | pune       |
|     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|     50 | it         | mp         |
|     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|     90 | art        | rajasthan  |

select * from ed_record where deptno = "10";
| ID   | NAME     | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |

select deptno from ed_record where name = "shrutika";
| deptno |
|     10 |

select loc from dept where deptno in(select deptno from ed_record where name = "shrutika");
| loc    |
| mumbai |
| mumbai |

select loc from dept where deptno in(select deptno from ed_record where name = "shrutika");
| loc    |
| mumbai |
| mumbai |

select deptno from dept where loc in(select loc from dept where deptno in(select deptno from ed_record where name = "shrutika"));
| deptno |
|     10 |
|     10 |

select * from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where loc in(select loc from dept where deptno in(select deptno from ed_record where name = "shrutika")));
| ID   | NAME     | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |

select * from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where loc in(select loc from dept where deptno in(select deptno from ed_record where name = "shrutika")));
| ID   | NAME     | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |

select * from ed_record where name = "smruti";
| ID   | NAME   | JOB     | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  111 | SMRUTI | QUALITY |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |

select * from ed_record where job != (select job from ed_record where name = "smruti") and salary > (select salary from ed_record where name = "rohit");
| ID   | NAME     | JOB     | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES   | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |

(select salary from ed_record where name = "saurabh");
| salary |
|  41200 |

select * from ed_record where name = "gauri";
| ID   | NAME  | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  104 | GAURI | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |

select deptno from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from ed_record where name = "gauri");
| deptno |
|     20 |
|     20 |
|     20 |
|     20 |

select * from dept where dname = "computer";
| deptno | dname    | loc  |
|     20 | computer | pune |
|     20 | computer | pune |

select * from dept where dname = "mechanical";
| deptno | dname      | loc    |
|     10 | mechanical | mumbai |
|     10 | mechanical | mumbai |

select * from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname in ("computer", "mechanical"));
| ID   | NAME     | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |

select * from ed_record where name = "jeet";
| ID   | NAME | JOB     | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  109 | JEET | MANAGER | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  109 | JEET | MANAGER | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |

select * from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from ed_record where name = "jeet");
| ID   | NAME   | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  109 | JEET   | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  109 | JEET   | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  110 | YOGESH | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |
|  111 | SMRUTI | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |
|  112 | PAYAL  | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |

select * from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname in ("computer", "mechanical"));
| ID   | NAME     | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |

select * from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from ed_record where name = "jeet");
| ID   | NAME   | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  109 | JEET   | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  109 | JEET   | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  110 | YOGESH | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |
|  111 | SMRUTI | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |
|  112 | PAYAL  | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |

select deptno from dept where dname = "entc";
| deptno |
|     40 |

select deptno from dept where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname = "entc");
| deptno |
|     40 |

select max(salary) deptno from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname = "entc"));
| deptno |
|  97000 |

select max(salary) from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname = "entc");
| max(salary) |
|       97000 |

select min(salary) from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname = "entc");
| min(salary) |
|       50000 |

select min(salary) from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname = "entc");
| min(salary) |
|       50000 |

select * from  ed_record where salary in (select min(salary) from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname = "entc"));
| ID   | NAME   | JOB     | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  114 | SHIRIN | SALES   |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |
|  115 | SOHAIL | QUALITY |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |
-- 30|11|24
show databases;
use mysql;
create table ED_RECORD(ID int, NAME varchar(20), JOB varchar(20), SALARY int, COMM int, DEPTNO int);
insert into ED_RECORD values(101,"SURESH","MANAGER",100000,5000,20);
select * from ED_RECORD;
insert into ED_RECORD values(102,"ROHIT","SALES",100000,5000,20);
insert into ED_RECORD values(103,"SUNITA","QUALITY",70000,3000,20);
insert into ED_RECORD values(104,"GAURI","OPERATIONS",80000,3500,20);
insert into ED_RECORD values(105,"SHRUTIKA","MANAGER",150000,4500,10);
insert into ED_RECORD values(106,"SAHIL","SALES",130000,3500,10);
insert into ED_RECORD values(107,"SHALAKA","QUALITY",64000,3500,10);
insert into ED_RECORD values(108,"MOHSIN","OPERATIONS",55000,2500,10);
insert into ED_RECORD values(109,"JEET","MANAGER",155000,4500,30);
insert into ED_RECORD values(109,"JEET","MANAGER",155000,4500,30);
insert into ED_RECORD values(110,"YOGESH","SALES",90000,3500,30);
insert into ED_RECORD values(111,"SMRUTI","QUALITY",55000,2500,30);
insert into ED_RECORD values(112,"PAYAL","OPERATIONS",72000,1500,30);
insert into ED_RECORD values(113,"SWAPNIL","MANAGER",97000,3200,40);
insert into ED_RECORD values(114,"SHIRIN","SALES",50000,1500,40);
insert into ED_RECORD values(115,"SOHAIL","QUALITY",50000,2540,40);
insert into ED_RECORD values(116,"SURAJ","OPERATIONS",83000,2700,40);
insert into ED_RECORD values(117,"GILL","SALES",34000,NULL,50);
insert into ED_RECORD values(118,"SAURABH","OPERATIONS",41200,0,50);
insert into ED_RECORD values(119,"ASHISH","MANAGER",53470,3700,60);

select * from ed_record;
| ID   | NAME     | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |
20 rows in set (0.02 sec)

select * from ed_record;
| ID   | NAME     | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |
20 rows in set (0.02 sec)

select name from ed_record;
| name     |
| SURESH   |
| ROHIT    |
| SUNITA   |
| GAURI    |
| SAHIL    |
| MOHSIN   |
| JEET     |
| JEET     |
| YOGESH   |
| SMRUTI   |
| PAYAL    |
| SHIRIN   |
| SOHAIL   |
| SURAJ    |
| GILL     |
| ASHISH   |
20 rows in set (0.02 sec)

select name from ed_record where salary > 0;
| name     |
| SURESH   |
| ROHIT    |
| SUNITA   |
| GAURI    |
| SAHIL    |
| MOHSIN   |
| JEET     |
| JEET     |
| YOGESH   |
| SMRUTI   |
| PAYAL    |
| SHIRIN   |
| SOHAIL   |
| SURAJ    |
| GILL     |
| ASHISH   |

select name from ed_record where salary = 34000;
| name |
| GILL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select name from ed_record where job = "manager";
| name     |
| SURESH   |
| JEET     |
| JEET     |
| ASHISH   |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select DISTINCT job from ed_record;
| job        |
| MANAGER    |
| SALES      |
| QUALITY    |

select job from ed_record;
| job        |
| MANAGER    |
| SALES      |
| QUALITY    |
| MANAGER    |
| SALES      |
| QUALITY    |
| MANAGER    |
| MANAGER    |
| SALES      |
| QUALITY    |
| MANAGER    |
| SALES      |
| QUALITY    |
| SALES      |
| MANAGER    |

select DISTINCT salary from ed_record;
| salary |
| 100000 |
|  70000 |
|  80000 |
| 150000 |
| 130000 |
|  64000 |
|  55000 |
| 155000 |
|  90000 |
|  72000 |
|  97000 |
|  50000 |
|  83000 |
|  34000 |
|  41200 |
|  53470 |
16 rows in set (0.01 sec)

select salary from ed_record;
| salary |
| 100000 |
| 100000 |
|  70000 |
|  80000 |
| 150000 |
| 130000 |
|  64000 |
|  55000 |
| 155000 |
| 155000 |
|  90000 |
|  55000 |
|  72000 |
|  97000 |
|  50000 |
|  50000 |
|  83000 |
|  34000 |
|  41200 |
|  53470 |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from ed_record where deptno = 20;
| ID   | NAME   | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  101 | SURESH | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  102 | ROHIT  | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  103 | SUNITA | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |
|  104 | GAURI  | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from ed_record where id = 116;
| ID   | NAME  | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  116 | SURAJ | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select name, salary, job from ed_record where id = 109;
| name | salary | job     |
| JEET | 155000 | MANAGER |
| JEET | 155000 | MANAGER |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, salary , job from ed_record where job = "sales";
| name   | salary | job   |
| ROHIT  | 100000 | SALES |
| SAHIL  | 130000 | SALES |
| YOGESH |  90000 | SALES |
| SHIRIN |  50000 | SALES |
| GILL   |  34000 | SALES |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from ed_record where comm = 1500;
| ID   | NAME   | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  112 | PAYAL  | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |
|  114 | SHIRIN | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select salary, job from ed_record where name = "smruti";
| salary | job     |
|  55000 | QUALITY |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select max(salary) from ed_record;
| max(salary) |
|      155000 |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

select min(salary) from ed_record;
| min(salary) |
|       34000 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

select name from ed_record where salary = (select max(salary) from ed_record);
| name |
| JEET |
| JEET |
2 rows in set (0.02 sec)

select name from ed_record order by salary desc limit 1;
| name |
| JEET |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select * from ed_record order by salary desc limit 1;
| ID   | NAME | JOB     | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  109 | JEET | MANAGER | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select name from ed_record where salary = (select min(salary) from ed_record);
| name |
| GILL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select name from ed_record order by salary limit 1;
| name |
| GILL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select * from ed_record order by salary limit 1;
|  117 | GILL | SALES |  34000 | NULL |     50 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

select avg(salary) from ed_record;
| avg(salary) |
|  84233.5000 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
select id, avg(salary) from ed_record where salary group by id;
| id   | avg(salary) |
|  101 | 100000.0000 |
|  102 | 100000.0000 |
|  103 |  70000.0000 |
|  104 |  80000.0000 |
|  105 | 150000.0000 |
|  106 | 130000.0000 |
|  107 |  64000.0000 |
|  108 |  55000.0000 |
|  109 | 155000.0000 |
|  110 |  90000.0000 |
|  111 |  55000.0000 |
|  112 |  72000.0000 |
|  113 |  97000.0000 |
|  114 |  50000.0000 |
|  115 |  50000.0000 |
|  116 |  83000.0000 |
|  117 |  34000.0000 |
|  118 |  41200.0000 |
|  119 |  53470.0000 |
19 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select sum(salary) as TOTAL_COSTING_RQUIRED_FOR_THE_COMPANY from ed_record;
|                               1684670 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select count(id) as TOTAL_EMP from ed_record;
|        20 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

create table chini(id int primary key, fname varchar(20) unique, lname varchar(20) unique, mobile bigint unique not null, email varchar(25) not null); 
show tables;
| Tables_in_mysql                                      |
| chini                                                |
desc chini;
| Field  | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id     | int         | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| fname  | varchar(20) | YES  | UNI | NULL    |       |
| lname  | varchar(20) | YES  | UNI | NULL    |       |
| mobile | bigint      | NO   | UNI | NULL    |       |
| email  | varchar(25) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
5 rows in set (0.02 sec)
-- 30|11|24
-- Group Function: Aggregate Function: MultiRow Function.
-- Clause:-Rules
-- 1.Where-->Condition
-- 2.Group By-->Grouping and Returns result as per group.
select * from ed_record;
| ID   | NAME     | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- Q:Display Number of employee working in deptno=20?
| COUNT(DEPTNO) | deptno |
|             4 |     20 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

-- Q:Display Number of employee working in deptno=10?
| COUNT(DEPTNO) | deptno |
|             4 |     10 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

-- Q:Display number of Employees working in each deptno?
| COUNT(DEPTNO) | deptno |
|             4 |     20 |
|             4 |     10 |
|             5 |     30 |
|             4 |     40 |
|             2 |     50 |
|             1 |     60 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- Q:Display jobs available in each deptno?
|          4 |     20 |
|          4 |     10 |
|          5 |     30 |
|          4 |     40 |
|          2 |     50 |
|          1 |     60 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- Q:Display Total Salary of each department?
|      350000 |     20 |
|      399000 |     10 |
|      527000 |     30 |
|      280000 |     40 |
|       75200 |     50 |
|       53470 |     60 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- Q: Display the maximum salary given in each department number?
|      100000 |     20 |
|      150000 |     10 |
|      155000 |     30 |
|       97000 |     40 |
|       41200 |     50 |
|       53470 |     60 |

-- Q:Display the name of the employee who is earning the maximum salary in each deptno?

-- Q:Display the average salary in each deptno?
|  87500.0000 |     20 |
|  99750.0000 |     10 |
| 105400.0000 |     30 |
|  70000.0000 |     40 |
|  37600.0000 |     50 |
|  53470.0000 |     60 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- Q:Display Number of employee working as Manager?
| COUNT(ID) | JOB     |
|         6 | MANAGER |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

-- Q:Display Number of employee working as QUALITY?
| COUNT(ID) | JOB     |
|         4 | QUALITY |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

-- Q:Display number of employee working in each job designation?
| COUNT(ID) | JOB        |
|         6 | MANAGER    |
|         5 | SALES      |
|         4 | QUALITY    |
|         5 | OPERATIONS |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- Q:Display number of employee in each deptno earning salary >=100000?
|         2 |     20 |
|         2 |     10 |
|         2 |     30 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- Q:Display number of employee in each deptno earning salary <100000?
|         2 |     20 |
|         2 |     10 |
|         3 |     30 |
|         4 |     40 |
|         2 |     50 |
|         1 |     60 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- Q:Display the count of employees earning >=100000 in each job designation?
| COUNT(ID) | JOB     |
|         3 | MANAGER |
|         1 | SALES   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

| COUNT(ID) | JOB     |
|         4 | MANAGER |
|         2 | SALES   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec) 
-- 30|11|24
use mysql;
select * from ed_record, dept;
select * from ed_record cross join dept;
| ID   | NAME     | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO | deptno | dname      | loc        |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
220 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from ed_record inner join dept;
| ID   | NAME     | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO | deptno | dname      | loc        |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     90 | art        | rajasthan  |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     80 | education  | karnataka  |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     70 | chemical   | panjabi    |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
220 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d. deptno;
| ID   | NAME     | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO | deptno | dname      | loc        |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  101 | SURESH   | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  102 | ROHIT    | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  103 | SUNITA   | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  104 | GAURI    | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     20 | computer   | pune       |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  105 | SHRUTIKA | MANAGER    | 150000 | 4500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  106 | SAHIL    | SALES      | 130000 | 3500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  107 | SHALAKA  | QUALITY    |  64000 | 3500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  108 | MOHSIN   | OPERATIONS |  55000 | 2500 |     10 |     10 | mechanical | mumbai     |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  109 | JEET     | MANAGER    | 155000 | 4500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  110 | YOGESH   | SALES      |  90000 | 3500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  111 | SMRUTI   | QUALITY    |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  112 | PAYAL    | OPERATIONS |  72000 | 1500 |     30 |     30 | civil      | banglore   |
|  113 | SWAPNIL  | MANAGER    |  97000 | 3200 |     40 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  114 | SHIRIN   | SALES      |  50000 | 1500 |     40 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  115 | SOHAIL   | QUALITY    |  50000 | 2540 |     40 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  116 | SURAJ    | OPERATIONS |  83000 | 2700 |     40 |     40 | entc       | chennai    |
|  117 | GILL     | SALES      |  34000 | NULL |     50 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  118 | SAURABH  | OPERATIONS |  41200 |    0 |     50 |     50 | it         | mp         |
|  119 | ASHISH   | MANAGER    |  53470 | 3700 |     60 |     60 | electric   | tamil_nadu |
28 rows in set (0.01 sec)

select name from ed_record;
| name     |
| SURESH   |
| ROHIT    |
| SUNITA   |
| GAURI    |
| SAHIL    |
| MOHSIN   |
| JEET     |
| JEET     |
| YOGESH   |
| SMRUTI   |
| PAYAL    |
| SHIRIN   |
| SOHAIL   |
| SURAJ    |
| GILL     |
| ASHISH   |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d. deptno;
| name     |
| SURESH   |
| SURESH   |
| ROHIT    |
| ROHIT    |
| SUNITA   |
| SUNITA   |
| GAURI    |
| GAURI    |
| SAHIL    |
| SAHIL    |
| MOHSIN   |
| MOHSIN   |
| JEET     |
| JEET     |
| YOGESH   |
| SMRUTI   |
| PAYAL    |
| SHIRIN   |
| SOHAIL   |
| SURAJ    |
| GILL     |
| ASHISH   |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, dname from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d. deptno;
| name     | dname      |
| SURESH   | computer   |
| SURESH   | computer   |
| ROHIT    | computer   |
| ROHIT    | computer   |
| SUNITA   | computer   |
| SUNITA   | computer   |
| GAURI    | computer   |
| GAURI    | computer   |
| SHRUTIKA | mechanical |
| SHRUTIKA | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | mechanical |
| JEET     | civil      |
| JEET     | civil      |
| YOGESH   | civil      |
| SMRUTI   | civil      |
| PAYAL    | civil      |
| SWAPNIL  | entc       |
| SHIRIN   | entc       |
| SOHAIL   | entc       |
| SURAJ    | entc       |
| GILL     | it         |
| SAURABH  | it         |
| ASHISH   | electric   |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, dname from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno;
| name     | dname      |
| SURESH   | computer   |
| SURESH   | computer   |
| ROHIT    | computer   |
| ROHIT    | computer   |
| SUNITA   | computer   |
| SUNITA   | computer   |
| GAURI    | computer   |
| GAURI    | computer   |
| SHRUTIKA | mechanical |
| SHRUTIKA | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | mechanical |
| JEET     | civil      |
| JEET     | civil      |
| YOGESH   | civil      |
| SMRUTI   | civil      |
| PAYAL    | civil      |
| SWAPNIL  | entc       |
| SHIRIN   | entc       |
| SOHAIL   | entc       |
| SURAJ    | entc       |
| GILL     | it         |
| SAURABH  | it         |
| ASHISH   | electric   |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select loc, dname from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno;
| loc        | dname      |
| pune       | computer   |
| pune       | computer   |
| pune       | computer   |
| pune       | computer   |
| pune       | computer   |
| pune       | computer   |
| pune       | computer   |
| pune       | computer   |
| mumbai     | mechanical |
| mumbai     | mechanical |
| mumbai     | mechanical |
| mumbai     | mechanical |
| mumbai     | mechanical |
| mumbai     | mechanical |
| mumbai     | mechanical |
| mumbai     | mechanical |
| banglore   | civil      |
| banglore   | civil      |
| banglore   | civil      |
| banglore   | civil      |
| banglore   | civil      |
| chennai    | entc       |
| chennai    | entc       |
| chennai    | entc       |
| chennai    | entc       |
| mp         | it         |
| mp         | it         |
| tamil_nadu | electric   |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, loc from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno;
| name     | loc        |
| SURESH   | pune       |
| SURESH   | pune       |
| ROHIT    | pune       |
| ROHIT    | pune       |
| SUNITA   | pune       |
| SUNITA   | pune       |
| GAURI    | pune       |
| GAURI    | pune       |
| SHRUTIKA | mumbai     |
| SHRUTIKA | mumbai     |
| SAHIL    | mumbai     |
| SAHIL    | mumbai     |
| SHALAKA  | mumbai     |
| SHALAKA  | mumbai     |
| MOHSIN   | mumbai     |
| MOHSIN   | mumbai     |
| JEET     | banglore   |
| JEET     | banglore   |
| YOGESH   | banglore   |
| SMRUTI   | banglore   |
| PAYAL    | banglore   |
| SWAPNIL  | chennai    |
| SHIRIN   | chennai    |
| SOHAIL   | chennai    |
| SURAJ    | chennai    |
| GILL     | mp         |
| SAURABH  | mp         |
| ASHISH   | tamil_nadu |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, dname from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno;
| name     | dname      |
| SURESH   | computer   |
| SURESH   | computer   |
| ROHIT    | computer   |
| ROHIT    | computer   |
| SUNITA   | computer   |
| SUNITA   | computer   |
| GAURI    | computer   |
| GAURI    | computer   |
| SHRUTIKA | mechanical |
| SHRUTIKA | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | mechanical |
| JEET     | civil      |
| JEET     | civil      |
| YOGESH   | civil      |
| SMRUTI   | civil      |
| PAYAL    | civil      |
| SWAPNIL  | entc       |
| SHIRIN   | entc       |
| SOHAIL   | entc       |
| SURAJ    | entc       |
| GILL     | it         |
| SAURABH  | it         |
| ASHISH   | electric   |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, loc from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno;
| name     | loc        |
| SURESH   | pune       |
| SURESH   | pune       |
| ROHIT    | pune       |
| ROHIT    | pune       |
| SUNITA   | pune       |
| SUNITA   | pune       |
| GAURI    | pune       |
| GAURI    | pune       |
| SHRUTIKA | mumbai     |
| SHRUTIKA | mumbai     |
| SAHIL    | mumbai     |
| SAHIL    | mumbai     |
| SHALAKA  | mumbai     |
| SHALAKA  | mumbai     |
| MOHSIN   | mumbai     |
| MOHSIN   | mumbai     |
| JEET     | banglore   |
| JEET     | banglore   |
| YOGESH   | banglore   |
| SMRUTI   | banglore   |
| PAYAL    | banglore   |
| SWAPNIL  | chennai    |
| SHIRIN   | chennai    |
| SOHAIL   | chennai    |
| SURAJ    | chennai    |
| GILL     | mp         |
| SAURABH  | mp         |
| ASHISH   | tamil_nadu |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, dname from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno;
| name     | dname      |
| SURESH   | computer   |
| SURESH   | computer   |
| ROHIT    | computer   |
| ROHIT    | computer   |
| SUNITA   | computer   |
| SUNITA   | computer   |
| GAURI    | computer   |
| GAURI    | computer   |
| SHRUTIKA | mechanical |
| SHRUTIKA | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | mechanical |
| JEET     | civil      |
| JEET     | civil      |
| YOGESH   | civil      |
| SMRUTI   | civil      |
| PAYAL    | civil      |
| SWAPNIL  | entc       |
| SHIRIN   | entc       |
| SOHAIL   | entc       |
| SURAJ    | entc       |
| GILL     | it         |
| SAURABH  | it         |
| ASHISH   | electric   |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, dname from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and dname = "entc" ;
| name    | dname |
| SWAPNIL | entc  |
| SHIRIN  | entc  |
| SOHAIL  | entc  |
| SURAJ   | entc  |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, salary from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and loc = "pune";
| name   | salary |
| SURESH | 100000 |
| SURESH | 100000 |
| ROHIT  | 100000 |
| ROHIT  | 100000 |
| SUNITA |  70000 |
| SUNITA |  70000 |
| GAURI  |  80000 |
| GAURI  |  80000 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, salary from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and loc = "pune";
| name   | salary |
| SURESH | 100000 |
| SURESH | 100000 |
| ROHIT  | 100000 |
| ROHIT  | 100000 |
| SUNITA |  70000 |
| SUNITA |  70000 |
| GAURI  |  80000 |
| GAURI  |  80000 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, salary from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and loc = "pune" or "banglore" ;
| name   | salary |
| SURESH | 100000 |
| SURESH | 100000 |
| ROHIT  | 100000 |
| ROHIT  | 100000 |
| SUNITA |  70000 |
| SUNITA |  70000 |
| GAURI  |  80000 |
| GAURI  |  80000 |
8 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

select name, salary from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and loc = "pune" or "banglore" or "chennai" ;
| name   | salary |
| SURESH | 100000 |
| SURESH | 100000 |
| ROHIT  | 100000 |
| ROHIT  | 100000 |
| SUNITA |  70000 |
| SUNITA |  70000 |
| GAURI  |  80000 |
| GAURI  |  80000 |
8 rows in set, 2 warnings (0.00 sec)

select name, salary from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and loc in ("pune", "banglore", "chennai") ;
| name    | salary |
| SURESH  | 100000 |
| SURESH  | 100000 |
| ROHIT   | 100000 |
| ROHIT   | 100000 |
| SUNITA  |  70000 |
| SUNITA  |  70000 |
| GAURI   |  80000 |
| GAURI   |  80000 |
| JEET    | 155000 |
| JEET    | 155000 |
| YOGESH  |  90000 |
| SMRUTI  |  55000 |
| PAYAL   |  72000 |
| SWAPNIL |  97000 |
| SHIRIN  |  50000 |
| SOHAIL  |  50000 |
| SURAJ   |  83000 |
17 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, salary from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and loc in ("pune", "banglore", "chennai") ;
| name    | salary |
| SURESH  | 100000 |
| SURESH  | 100000 |
| ROHIT   | 100000 |
| ROHIT   | 100000 |
| SUNITA  |  70000 |
| SUNITA  |  70000 |
| GAURI   |  80000 |
| GAURI   |  80000 |
| JEET    | 155000 |
| JEET    | 155000 |
| YOGESH  |  90000 |
| SMRUTI  |  55000 |
| PAYAL   |  72000 |
| SWAPNIL |  97000 |
| SHIRIN  |  50000 |
| SOHAIL  |  50000 |
| SURAJ   |  83000 |
17 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, salary from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and dname like "c%";
| name   | salary |
| SURESH | 100000 |
| SURESH | 100000 |
| ROHIT  | 100000 |
| ROHIT  | 100000 |
| SUNITA |  70000 |
| SUNITA |  70000 |
| GAURI  |  80000 |
| GAURI  |  80000 |
| JEET   | 155000 |
| JEET   | 155000 |
| YOGESH |  90000 |
| SMRUTI |  55000 |
| PAYAL  |  72000 |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, job, dname from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and job = "quality";
| name    | job     | dname      |
| SHALAKA | QUALITY | mechanical |
| SHALAKA | QUALITY | mechanical |
| SUNITA  | QUALITY | computer   |
| SUNITA  | QUALITY | computer   |
| SMRUTI  | QUALITY | civil      |
| SOHAIL  | QUALITY | entc       |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, job, dname, loc from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and job = "quality";
| name    | job     | dname      | loc      |
| SHALAKA | QUALITY | mechanical | mumbai   |
| SHALAKA | QUALITY | mechanical | mumbai   |
| SUNITA  | QUALITY | computer   | pune     |
| SUNITA  | QUALITY | computer   | pune     |
| SMRUTI  | QUALITY | civil      | banglore |
| SOHAIL  | QUALITY | entc       | chennai  |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and dname = "computer";
| ID   | NAME   | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO | deptno | dname    | loc  |
|  101 | SURESH | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  101 | SURESH | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  102 | ROHIT  | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  102 | ROHIT  | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  103 | SUNITA | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  103 | SUNITA | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  104 | GAURI  | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  104 | GAURI  | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and dname = "computer" and job = "manager";
| ID   | NAME   | JOB     | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO | deptno | dname    | loc  |
|  101 | SURESH | MANAGER | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  101 | SURESH | MANAGER | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and job like"Q%" and dname like "c%";
| ID   | NAME   | JOB     | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO | deptno | dname    | loc      |
|  103 | SUNITA | QUALITY |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune     |
|  103 | SUNITA | QUALITY |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune     |
|  111 | SMRUTI | QUALITY |  55000 | 2500 |     30 |     30 | civil    | banglore |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name ,job, dname from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and job like"Q%" and dname like "c%";
| name   | job     | dname    |
| SUNITA | QUALITY | computer |
| SUNITA | QUALITY | computer |
| SMRUTI | QUALITY | civil    |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, loc from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno;
| name     | loc        |
| SURESH   | pune       |
| SURESH   | pune       |
| ROHIT    | pune       |
| ROHIT    | pune       |
| SUNITA   | pune       |
| SUNITA   | pune       |
| GAURI    | pune       |
| GAURI    | pune       |
| SHRUTIKA | mumbai     |
| SHRUTIKA | mumbai     |
| SAHIL    | mumbai     |
| SAHIL    | mumbai     |
| SHALAKA  | mumbai     |
| SHALAKA  | mumbai     |
| MOHSIN   | mumbai     |
| MOHSIN   | mumbai     |
| JEET     | banglore   |
| JEET     | banglore   |
| YOGESH   | banglore   |
| SMRUTI   | banglore   |
| PAYAL    | banglore   |
| SWAPNIL  | chennai    |
| SHIRIN   | chennai    |
| SOHAIL   | chennai    |
| SURAJ    | chennai    |
| GILL     | mp         |
| SAURABH  | mp         |
| ASHISH   | tamil_nadu |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and dname = "computer";
| ID   | NAME   | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO | deptno | dname    | loc  |
|  101 | SURESH | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  101 | SURESH | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  102 | ROHIT  | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  102 | ROHIT  | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  103 | SUNITA | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  103 | SUNITA | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  104 | GAURI  | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
|  104 | GAURI  | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |     20 | computer | pune |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from ed_record where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname = "computer");
| ID   | NAME   | JOB        | SALARY | COMM | DEPTNO |
|  101 | SURESH | MANAGER    | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  102 | ROHIT  | SALES      | 100000 | 5000 |     20 |
|  103 | SUNITA | QUALITY    |  70000 | 3000 |     20 |
|  104 | GAURI  | OPERATIONS |  80000 | 3500 |     20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, comm, dname from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and comm is null;
| name | comm | dname |
| GILL | NULL | it    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select name, comm, dname from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and comm is not null;
| name     | comm | dname      |
| SURESH   | 5000 | computer   |
| SURESH   | 5000 | computer   |
| ROHIT    | 5000 | computer   |
| ROHIT    | 5000 | computer   |
| SUNITA   | 3000 | computer   |
| SUNITA   | 3000 | computer   |
| GAURI    | 3500 | computer   |
| GAURI    | 3500 | computer   |
| SHRUTIKA | 4500 | mechanical |
| SHRUTIKA | 4500 | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | 3500 | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | 3500 | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | 3500 | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | 3500 | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | 2500 | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | 2500 | mechanical |
| JEET     | 4500 | civil      |
| JEET     | 4500 | civil      |
| YOGESH   | 3500 | civil      |
| SMRUTI   | 2500 | civil      |
| PAYAL    | 1500 | civil      |
| SWAPNIL  | 3200 | entc       |
| SHIRIN   | 1500 | entc       |
| SOHAIL   | 2540 | entc       |
| SURAJ    | 2700 | entc       |
| SAURABH  |    0 | it         |
| ASHISH   | 3700 | electric   |
27 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, comm, dname from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and comm > 0 ;
| name     | comm | dname      |
| MOHSIN   | 2500 | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | 3500 | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | 3500 | mechanical |
| SHRUTIKA | 4500 | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | 2500 | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | 3500 | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | 3500 | mechanical |
| SHRUTIKA | 4500 | mechanical |
| GAURI    | 3500 | computer   |
| SUNITA   | 3000 | computer   |
| ROHIT    | 5000 | computer   |
| SURESH   | 5000 | computer   |
| GAURI    | 3500 | computer   |
| SUNITA   | 3000 | computer   |
| ROHIT    | 5000 | computer   |
| SURESH   | 5000 | computer   |
| PAYAL    | 1500 | civil      |
| SMRUTI   | 2500 | civil      |
| YOGESH   | 3500 | civil      |
| JEET     | 4500 | civil      |
| JEET     | 4500 | civil      |
| SURAJ    | 2700 | entc       |
| SOHAIL   | 2540 | entc       |
| SHIRIN   | 1500 | entc       |
| SWAPNIL  | 3200 | entc       |
| ASHISH   | 3700 | electric   |
26 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, comm, dname from ed_record e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and comm > 0 and e.deptno in (30,50,60,70);
| name   | comm | dname    |
| PAYAL  | 1500 | civil    |
| SMRUTI | 2500 | civil    |
| YOGESH | 3500 | civil    |
| JEET   | 4500 | civil    |
| JEET   | 4500 | civil    |
| ASHISH | 3700 | electric |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, dname from ed_record left join dept on ed_record.deptno = dept.deptno;
| name     | dname      |
| SURESH   | computer   |
| SURESH   | computer   |
| ROHIT    | computer   |
| ROHIT    | computer   |
| SUNITA   | computer   |
| SUNITA   | computer   |
| GAURI    | computer   |
| GAURI    | computer   |
| SHRUTIKA | mechanical |
| SHRUTIKA | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | mechanical |
| JEET     | civil      |
| JEET     | civil      |
| YOGESH   | civil      |
| SMRUTI   | civil      |
| PAYAL    | civil      |
| SWAPNIL  | entc       |
| SHIRIN   | entc       |
| SOHAIL   | entc       |
| SURAJ    | entc       |
| GILL     | it         |
| SAURABH  | it         |
| ASHISH   | electric   |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, dname from ed_record right join dept on ed_record.deptno = dept.deptno;
| name     | dname      |
| MOHSIN   | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | mechanical |
| SHRUTIKA | mechanical |
| MOHSIN   | mechanical |
| SHALAKA  | mechanical |
| SAHIL    | mechanical |
| SHRUTIKA | mechanical |
| GAURI    | computer   |
| SUNITA   | computer   |
| ROHIT    | computer   |
| SURESH   | computer   |
| GAURI    | computer   |
| SUNITA   | computer   |
| ROHIT    | computer   |
| SURESH   | computer   |
| PAYAL    | civil      |
| SMRUTI   | civil      |
| YOGESH   | civil      |
| JEET     | civil      |
| JEET     | civil      |
| SURAJ    | entc       |
| SOHAIL   | entc       |
| SHIRIN   | entc       |
| SWAPNIL  | entc       |
| SAURABH  | it         |
| GILL     | it         |
| ASHISH   | electric   |
| NULL     | chemical   |
| NULL     | education  |
| NULL     | art        |
31 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from record1;
| id   | name   | loc      |
|    1 | Rohan  | pune     |
|    2 | Sunil  | Mumbai   |
|    3 | Anil   | channai  |
|    4 | Sujato | banglore |
|    5 | Manish | Pune     |
|    6 | Ruchi  | Channai  |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from proxy;
| id   | name   | loc      |
|    1 | Rohan  | pune     |
|    2 | Sunil  | Mumbai   |
|    3 | Anil   | channai  |
|    4 | Sujato | banglore |
|    5 | Manish | Pune     |
|    6 | Ruchi  | Channai  |
6 rows in set (0.01 sec)

select * from proxy;
| id   | name    | loc      |
|    1 | Rohan   | pune     |
|    2 | Sunil   | Mumbai   |
|    3 | Anil    | channai  |
|    4 | Sujato  | banglore |
|    5 | Manish  | Pune     |
|    6 | Ruchi   | Channai  |
|    1 | Paratik | Pune     |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)    

select * from record1;
| id   | name    | loc      |
|    1 | Rohan   | pune     |
|    2 | Sunil   | Mumbai   |
|    3 | Anil    | channai  |
|    4 | Sujato  | banglore |
|    5 | Manish  | Pune     |
|    6 | Ruchi   | Channai  |
|    1 | Paratik | Pune     |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from record1;
| id   | name    | loc      |
|    1 | Rohan   | pune     |
|    2 | Sunil   | Mumbai   |
|    3 | Anil    | channai  |
|    4 | Sujato  | banglore |
|    5 | Manish  | Pune     |
|    6 | Ruchi   | Channai  |
|    1 | Paratik | Pune     |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from proxy;
| id   | name    |
|    1 | Rohan   |
|    2 | Sunil   |
|    3 | Anil    |
|    4 | Sujato  |
|    5 | Manish  |
|    6 | Ruchi   |
|    1 | Paratik |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from record1 union select * from record2;
| id   | name    | loc      |
|    1 | Rohan   | pune     |
|    2 | Sunil   | Mumbai   |
|    3 | Anil    | channai  |
|    4 | Sujato  | banglore |
|    5 | Manish  | Pune     |
|    6 | Ruchi   | Channai  |
|    1 | Paratik | Pune     |
|    7 | kiran   | Delhi    |
|    9 | Rakesh  | Up       |
|    4 | Suraj   | Banglore |
|   10 | Shirin  | Mumbai   |
|   11 | Jeet    | Madras   |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from record2;
| id   | name   | loc      |
|    7 | kiran  | Delhi    |
|    1 | Rohan  | Pune     |
|    9 | Rakesh | Up       |
|    3 | Anil   | Channai  |
|    4 | Suraj  | Banglore |
|   10 | Shirin | Mumbai   |
|   11 | Jeet   | Madras   |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)









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