Done as part of my SOP for second semester 2020-21
Adversarial examples are inputs designed to fool machine learning models. They result in incorrect output from the neural network. These examples pose security threats for applications. Adversarial training is the process of explicitly training a model on adversarial examples, in order to make it more robust to attack or to reduce its test error on clean inputs. In white box attacks, the attacker has access to the model’s parameters, while in black box attacks, the attacker has no access to these parameters. For the latter, the attacker uses a different model or no model at all to generate adversarial images with the hope that these will transfer to the target model. There are two kinds of attacks -
- Non-targeted attacks - Enforce the model to misclassify the adversarial image
- Targeted attacks - The attacker pretends to get the image classified as a specific target class, which is different from the true class.
There were two parts in this project-
Generating adversarial images using different attack methods
An inceptionv3 model, pretrained on the ImageNet dataset has been used. An image is fed and is classified as an Egyptian cat by the model. The probability(confidence) of classification for this label is .701695. To this image, noise is added, generating adversarial images by different attack methods. a. Fast Gradient Sign method - The value of epsilon is chosen as 0.02. The sign of the gradient of the loss function is calculated with respect to the input image. The input image is modified according to the formula to generate the adversarial image. This is then fed to the model and is classified. Different values of epsilon are used to see how the classification and confidence varies as we increase the perturbations.
b. One step target class method - The leopard class in the ImageNet Dataset is chosen as the target class. Different values of epsilon - 0.002, 0.01, 0.15, 0.5 are chosen.
c. Basic Iterative method - The number of iterations chosen is 5 and in each iteration, we add some perturbation to the image. This generates the final adversarial image.
d. Iterative Target Class Method - The target class is ostrich. The value of epsilon chosen is 0.25 and the number of iterations is 5.
Quantifying how similar two images are
This takes two images and calculates how similar they are based on the Euclidean distance between feature vectors. A ResNet model, pretrained on the ImageNet dataset is used. For each input image, the predict() function returns probability for each outcome class as a value between 0 and 1. This is the feature vector. All possible combinations of pairs of images are taken and the Euclidean distance is calculated for the two feature vectors. For each image, the more similar it is to any particular image, the less the value of Euclidean distance should be. For each test image, it returns the image it is most similar to and the Euclidean distances with all other images.