This is a small perl/gtk3 frontend for hamlib using a minimum of external libraries.
Install needed perl packages:
- sudo apt install -y libgtk3-perl libglib-perl libyaml-perl libhamlib-perl libexpect-perl
Then try it out before installing:
- ./rustyrigs
If successful, optionally install it:
- make install
Configuration file defaults to ~/.config/rustyrigs.yaml
This can be changed with -f newfile.yaml
Most settings can be changed in the dialog, but for now it must restart to apply.
You'll probably want to quiet down the debug level in the settings.
Run from source tree: ./rustyrigs
Or if installed: rustyrigs
For help, try rustyrigs -h
Log output will be in ~/rustyrigs.log as well as the logview window.
Things that are broken but should be fixed soon: For now, you might need to restart for many settings to apply. - This is in work as we move things to rr_gtk_ui::apply()
Right now this seems to only work reasonably if you run rigctld connected to flrig as such: rigctld -m 4 -P RIG -t 4532 -o &
Good luck! ~ rustyaxe