Take one, leave one
These are just some ideas for privacy workshops/talks that might be interesting to cover.
They just sit here until someone decides to pick it up. Feel free to share, remix however you like and contribute back if you have something interesting in mind. You can do that as a pull request or if you don't have a github account, e-mail one of the organizers at francisco.core.at.protonmail.com.
When the idea is getting bigger than a small description, you can create a new directory like "Topics/name-of-your-idea" and expand it as much as you would like in there, add images, presentations, etc. And then add a link from this document to your other one.
Feel free to use any of these ideas on workshops of yours !
event format: exhibition
Create a censored environment with various levels of censorship:
- DNS censorship - people will have to change the DNS
- IP Blocking - use tor or some sort of VPN
- Tor is Blocked - people will have to use bridges
- Deep Packet Inspection - obsfproxy
The ideia is for people in understand that there are various types of censorship and know how to get around them. It would also be valuable to explain what kinds of censorship are in use in particular countries.
event format: talk
Explain to people the kinds of censorship.
event format: working session
How to tell if malware/surveillance software has been added to a cell phone?
How to tell if data has been extracted from a phone?
These are questions which have been explored in the AnarchoTechNYC. Take a look there
event format: workshop
These are digital privacy and security workshops, but from a bit more technical and offensive side.
Take a look at the wiki entry from AnarchoTechNYC.
event format: discussion
Facebook is made to be addictive and the fear of missing out is a huge psychological effect that keeps people locked into the platform. We should enable a discussion where people talk about the issues that keep them locked on the platoform and what can be done to help them leave it.
note: do the same with google
event format: working session
The european union passed a law that was considered later considered to be against the fundamental rights of the citizen. The law find source mandated that telecom provides recorded metadata for two years. But since it was a directive, it was implemented in every country's laws and when it was conidered illegal, it was already too late. Now the law has to be abolished in every single EU country's tribunals. In Portugal the law was apparently considered inconstitutional. But then it seems that a loophole allowed for the continuation of that collection and use. We should investigate a bit more on this.
event format: workshop
In europe, with the GDPR, (an possibly in other places - due to the brussels effect) people have the right to ask for the data stored about them such that they can move to another service. Some services had already allowed people to take their information, but other only how implemented it. The idea is to show people what kind of data they have uploaded onto these platform.
Here are some links to export data:
- Amazon
- Alexa Recordings
- Apple
- Snapchat
- Tinder
- Twitter Links were originally compiled by Michael Bazzel in his podcast Intel Techniques
event format: workshop
For many people encryption is a buzz word for security and it is some sort of magic bullet that solves everything. In reality there are different kinds of encryption and it important for us to know how to differentiate the. Even more than that, it is important to ask the right questions about that technology. Questions such as:
- Who has access to the data
- Who controls the keys
- Is it open and well documented?
- Is the technology standardized?
Note: Talk about Metadata too in this event Exploing what metadata is.
event format: workshop
https://incoherency.co.uk/blog/stories/image-steganography.html https://incoherency.co.uk/blog/stories/chess-steg.html
event format: workshop
Create a new identity on the web and try to reach a certain profile. Example: female, likes makeup, or male that gets adds about watches, etc. And see the adds for that
do the same with amazon and facebook.
some work has already been done in facebook.tracking.exposed
event format: talk China is evolving in a fast pace to becoming the first digital dictatorship. We should do a presentation.
*Facial recognition to take college attendance
- Attendance face recognition Access control
- Mobile Attendance App with Face Recognition Face Recognition system using in students Identification
event format: workshop Make people see what advertising companies think they are and compare with other people. Use a script that takes pictures of the adds shown to each of us and compare them. Maybe some will not even like that they are shared because they are so personal. And it is an opportunity to show people how much information these companies have on you.
the digital dopleganger that those companies have of us
event format: workshop/gathering
QuebesOS is an awesome Operating System and it deserves to have people chat about it. So let's share your experiences with it and introduce new people to the concept of compartmentalization at the operationg system level.
event format: workshop
Let's break away from Windows. Let's install software that promotes freedom and gives us power instead. In this workshop, we shall guide people on the adventure of venturing to a new operating system. There will be chanllenges ahead, but the destination is a much better place and well worth the turbulent trip. So let's sail to that island together and help eachother with our difficulties.
event format: workshop
Basic Idea: gather people around the topics of surveillance and privacy on an informal encounter.
Cryptoparties are the original idea
Privacy Cafes are an idea from Bits Of Freedom and they have some material here - all in NL :/
SecuriTea is the same but from the cypurr collective
This social event from the CyPurr Collective hopes to provide a comfortable space to discuss these anxieties as well as current events in the digital world. Let's build up our digital-agency and form a critical understand the tech encroaching on our lives. All while enjoying delicious tea and snacks, of course. https://cypurr.nyc
Do you see those "free" wifi hotspots everywhere and sometimes there is more than one (to give you better internet) ? Well, they also see you. A possible idea for a talk/workshop would be talking about these devices and give concrete examples. Maybe do a road tour and play around with these device.
This guide here is a great introduction to the topic.
More examples:
- In a university in Lisbon they are using wifi to track students (to save energy costs, they say)
Electricity smart meters are being installed all around us. They tell all about what is going on in our house:
- When we are there,
- When whe are not
- When we have vistors
- When we are having a party
- When it looks like we are running a business from our homes
That information can and will be abused:
- It will be used in court as possible alibi or testemony (against you)
- Will raise questions on what you are doing on in your house
- Will be used to determine if you are at home. Just imagine someone knowing whether or not you are at home just sitting on a desk.
- They can use that to gamify your life. Give you bonus points if you have certain habits
Here is a video about it and here (Portuguese) a discussion thread on the topic.
These work like wiretapping devices
event format: working session
It has been some years now, but the Snowden documents still contain relevant information. We should do a working session where we analyze the these documents, and more recent leaks.
We can also look at the catalogues of surveillance companies to see the kinds of capabilities they advertise. To help in this, privacy international's surveillance industry index might be of help
During the working session we could search and anontate documents with the helo of UWAZI. It's a took for human rights researchers that makes investigations with documents much easier.
Useful material:
- snowden archive from cjfe https://www.cjfe.org/snowden and here https://snowdenarchive.cjfe.org
- other snowden archive https://search.edwardsnowden.com/, which was produced by transparency toolkit. Source data here.
- privacy international's surveillance industry index
event format: working session
We know that in europe as well as around the world there are huge dataset from people all around the world. We should do a working session to find what these are at leas so we have some notion of what is going on.
event format: working session
Taking a look at the marketing industry, look for catalogs and the stuff they sell. Because their websites look like they went straight out of Brave New World.
https://myshadow.org/resources (find the videos on databrokers, metadata)
event format: film projection
Citizenfour, article12, Nothing to Hide, Information: what are they looking at, etc.
event format: workshop
Get some inspiration here Youtube | Yao Li - Cross-cultural Privacy Prediction
event format: workshop
Gigapixel There are these cameras that sit on top of a building and take a picture with millions of pixel. This means that we will lever see the camera, but it will see us from very far way.
event format: talk
Peer-surveillance is when someone surveils or tracks others within the same circles. Think of parents tracking their children (look for US patent 2016/0183693 A1 Google), people tracking their health data, foursquare.
event format: talk/working session
- US patent 2016/0183693 A1 Google
- Facebook patent on tacking people on supermarkets
- Look for facebook's other companies
Maybe do a presentation on the most distopian patents. Maybe do a contest of the patents in a workshop where we choose the worst one (big-brother award-like)
Some examples:
Patent | Company | News | Patent Application | Pattent code |
Tacking people through camera dust | gizmodo | here | US20160014677A1 | |
Wireless communications to suggest connections for a user | - | here | US20160014677A1 | |
Find people's real friends even if they don't use fb much | - | here | US20160014677A1 | |
Trigger Phone’s Mic When a Hidden Signal Plays on TV | [gizmodo](news article) | here | US20180167677A1 | |
Google spying teddy bear | cnn | here | US20151038333A1 | |
Correlating media consumption data with user profiles | nytimes | here | US20170195435A1 |
Where to find more patents:
event format: workshop
Show people how google manipulates search results and use that to motivate questioning on the social impact of google. Prove alternatives to the people so they have a choice
event format: workshop
Do a workshop where we MITM to test this ourselves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wd_lhqi2NcA
event format: workshop
software tokens / sms can be compromised (MITM)
Harware devices are better
event format: workshop/talk
Phones are very old technology and with old stuff comes insecurity. Simply because that was not a concert at its inception. Meanwhile, we keep using them, but that fragility can use used against use. We could explore some topics on this insecurity.
event format: workshop
As documented here: https://github.com/Oros42/IMSI-catcher and here https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/gy7qm9/how-i-made-imsi-catcher-cheap-amazon-github to understand the capabilities of such devices and doing so in a controled environment to make sure that no-one's privacy is violated and within the limits of the law.
event format: talk
But who needs imsi catchers if the communication operators can know what people are talking as well as phone's locations at all times. This motherboard article explores how in the us that data is broadly missused. In many EU countries there is a metadata law that requires telecom companies to store location data of phones via the tower they connect to for two years. This means that they know where you have been every single day for that time period!
event format: talk
Teach people how to use passsword managers A workshop was made on this topics. We will publish the resourced produced shortly
event format: talk
Compartmentalizaton is a security principle for not having everything in the same place. Some of you might know the expession "not putting all eggs in the same basket". That's what this presentation is about. Practical measures like using "firefox multi-account containers", creating accounts in different services or using fake accounts are covered.
A presentation by privacylx was made on this topic and the slides are avaiable on github.
event format: workshop/hackathon
One typical problem with explaining to people how deep the privacy violations go is because in tech, everything is kind of invisible. The purpose of these sessions is for us to collaborate on tools that help people visualize what is going on in the background.
Ideas for project:
- Simple IMSI catcher: https://github.com/Oros42/IMSI-catcher
- Pirogue MITM: https://github.com/Oros42/IMSI-catcher
- Censorship Simulation: explained above
event format: talk
inspired on ccc event
does it really need to be online
Island of Things is better than an internet of thinks
Disrupting IoT examples:
- project that blocks voice recordings by personal assistants [news article]
Some links related to Iot invading people's privacy:
event format: talk
This could be a talk of a discussion. Maybe with some slides before talking about surveillance.
Surveillance poisons the discourse.
this whould also have some practical examples. Amnesty International has some great study cases on Belarus and how surveillance might have affected protests or lack-thereof.
Stasi knew about this. Maybe we should also cover this.
Also talk about how this affect and individual's creativity. It might be important to talk about the social cooling
event format: workshop
Protonmail and other modern email webapps has a nice interface for doing email encryption. We could teach people through there or maybe also do it through thunderbird.
WARNING: Warn people that protonmail may reveal a person's language if they use iOS, for example. The replied message contains the translated string of "from" and the date.
event format: workshop
On this workshop we would be creating an onion service - a way to host a website without exposing your server location and making sure people accessing it use tor.
There are other advantages that can be covered too:
- very easy to setup
- no DNS / authentication is in the url
- nat punching
- non-enumerable
- making sure people use tor to access it
- authenticated onion services to do access controll
security considerations: check out riseup's wiki
event format: workshop/working session
Explore together with others how privacy invasive chrome really is. The base for this session would the chrome privacy whitepaper, which is a document that details all the surveillance that chrome does (they must call it a "privacy paper" ironically).
At the end of 2018, google (the company that develops chrome) silently pushed an update that automatically login in to chrome any user who had logged into a google account without consent or notification. We aready knew that having a company like google as owner of the browser we use could be a bad idea. I guess we just needed proof that it could lead to more privacy invasions.
But many more privacy invasions happen in chrome and we're not even aware of them. This will serve as an eye opener to what google really is seeking - our souls ;)
event format: ? Invite artists to brainstorm on ideas to raise awareness on privacy issues and also inform them.
event format: online activity
- link out and not in. Send people links to your website and keep it updated instead of sending people to your facebook
- create facebook suicide parties / use sth like http://suicidemachine.org/
event format: workshop
Teach people how to safely backup a facebook account. Maybe pollute it a bit before leaving in order to confuse the algorithms.
event format: talk
We know facebok is bad for a lot of reasons and it is worrisome why so many people are still there. In this proposal for a talk we would expose facebook's actions and make people rethink their positions. Examples
We can no longer talk about sex on Facebook in Europe
Sometime in late 2018, Facebook quietly added “Sexual Solicitation” to its list of “Objectionable Content”. Without notifying its users. This is quite remarkable, to put it mildly, as for many people sex is far from being a negligible part of life.
on edrigram 17.1 16th jan 2019
And maybe find other examples.
event format: bar
Show people that there is no single strategy to be secure.
When you make a cocktail there is not a single recepy that is good. Infomrations security is pretty much the same
Note: maybe we can integrate this with cryptoparties and have a bar give us the space
event format: workshop
(or maybe call it "Degooglifying your android" / "owning the phone you payed for"). This might take some time and requires some preparation:
Prepare material to inform people of what will be needed
- phone
- backup done
- charger
Downloading images for the devices as the Internet at the venue might be too slow to do everyone's download
Prepare a debricking guide to follow in case something goes wrong
event format: workshop/game
Privacy "Underground" - Computerphile describes a nice concept where people meet in a secret location revealed only on the day of the event and when reaching it, they need to turn off their smartphone.
A similar concept seems to be "Secret Dining". With that idea, we could organize a diner where the main topic would be privacy and where the location is "secret".
There could be a gamification aspect where we would disclose the location in an "encrypted manner" and only those who would decipher the message would be able to reach the destination. And maybe that could be like a short treasure hunt (30mins) to reach the dining place. That might create a good climate within the group as people all feel accomplished and that can be used to kick-start the dinner.
Event format | Description | Room arangement |
Talk | Some people talk to the rest of the group | forward-facing chairs |
Workshop | There is some material prepared for people to follow and learn | various groups in tables |
Working session | people in groups collaborate to investigate/work on something | various groups in tables |
Screening | showing some piece of media, be it a film or talks | forward-facing chairs |
Discussion | Everyone is invited to contribute to the discourse. | chairs in a circle |