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Privacy Lx devops repository


It is assumed that you have a GNU/Linux environment

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install ansible
  3. Deploy the infrastructure wanted as explained bellow

Deploy ansible roles

Note: You need to be in ansible directory so that it could call the file ansible/ to open the vault.

Snowflake proxy

cd ansible ; ansible-playbook -i inventory/production deploy-snowflake.yml


cd ansible ; ansible-playbook -i inventory/production deploy-discourse.yml


cd ansible ; ansible-playbook -i inventory/production deploy-mailcow.yml

Update mailserver

Run only the update task:

cd ansible ; ansible-playbook -i inventory/production deploy-mailcow.yml --tags update


Deployment and testing of our website:

Deploying website

cd ansible ; ansible-playbook -i inventory/production deploy-website.yml

Deploying testing website

This deploys the website on a testing server. You can access it via

  1. edit your ssh-config file (~/.ssh/config) to add the hostname, your ssh key and the user
  2. cd ansible ; ansible-playbook -i inventory/testing deploy-website.yml


It currently bridges PrivacyLx IRC <-> Matrix internal chat rooms. It can be extended to support more networks and bridges can be added by configuring matterbridge/templates/matterbridge.toml.j2.

Deploying matterbridge

cd ansible ; ansible-playbook -i inventory/production deploy-matterbridge.yml

Note: Matterbridge config (template) file matterbridge.toml.j2 should placed under the host_vars directive for the specified host,

Admin role

This role is used to add/remove users, groups, permissions rights and access to hosts. You can deploy this role by running:

cd ansible ; ansible-playbook -i inventory/production deploy-admin.yml

Add a user to all hosts

In order to add a user to all the hosts managed by Ansible you need to add the user name (login), comment, state (present or absent) and the public SSH key (sshkey) of a specified user to users.yml inventory file.

The public SSH key should be entered in encrypted format by using the vault.

To generate the SSH public key you should use the ansible-vault (encryption/decryption utility for Ansible data files), an example command looks like:

cd ansible ; ansible-vault encrypt_string 'ssh-ed25519 XXX' --name sshkey

Example of users.yml that will add the user exampleusr:

    login: exampleusr
    comment: 'This is an example user'
    state: present
    sshkey: !vault |

Adding a user to the admin group

Users (given that are previously added and present at a host) may be added in adm_logins (allowed to sudo). Example:

adm_logins: [ exampleusr1,exampleusr2 ]


This role deploys unattended updates and updates all system packages in all hosts and reboots the host if it's required (set reboot_enabled to true).

Deploy updates to all servers

The following command updates all servers distributions (including mailcow):

cd ansible ; ansible-playbook -i inventory/production deploy-update.yml

Similarly the following command will reboot the servers if required:

cd ansible ; ansible-playbook -i inventory/production deploy-update.yml -e reboot_enabled=true

Deploy BigBlueButton

cd ansible ; ansible-playbook -i inventory/production deploy-bigbluebutton.yml

Adding SSH fingerprints to known hosts

  1. Get an SSH fingerprint from a local known_hosts file for a given hostname and IP:

ssh-keygen -q -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts -F hostname/IP -F $(dig +short A hostname)

  1. Upon verifying add the SSH fingeprints one per line (or seraparated by comma if is same host, see ansible/ssh/known_hosts).

Ansible vault

We are using a multi-key encryption via GPG. The ansible-vault decryption is handled automatically in Ansible with the use of script which decrypts the vault password and feeds it to the Ansible role.

In order to add/remove the recipients of the GPG encrypted vault file vault_pass.gpg add/remove the --recipient-file parameter with the appropriate GPG public key file stored in ansible/gpg directory.

You may use the following commands to re-encrypt the encrypted vault password with the desired recipients GPG public key(s).

Note: In case you are using a Qubes GPG split VM replace the command gpg with qubes-gpg-client in line 2

mv ansible/gpg/vault_pass.gpg ansible/gpg/vault_pass_old.gpg && \
    qubes-gpg-client --batch --yes --decrypt ansible/gpg/vault_pass_old.gpg |
    gpg --batch --verbose --yes --armor --encrypt \
        --recipient-file ansible/gpg/anadahz.asc \
        --recipient-file ansible/gpg/core.asc \
        --output ansible/gpg/vault_pass.gpg && \
            rm ansible/gpg/vault_pass_old.gpg

View an encrypted string

Using the debug module you can view the encrypted variable:

cd ansible ; ansible -i inventory/testing -m debug -a var='VARIABLE' all


Useful commands and documentation to help you debug and test roles.

List almost all group/host variables:

ansible -i inventory/testing -m debug group/host -a "var=vars"

Filter gathered facts

List distribution version from all hosts in production inventory:

ansible all -i inventory/production -m setup -a "filter=ansible_distribution_version*"

Ansible vault

Create encrypted strings

Use encrypt_string to create encrypted variables to embed in inventory file:

cd ansible ; ansible-vault encrypt_string --stdin-name 'variable_name'

Note: Do not press Enter after supplying the string. That will add a newline to the encrypted value.

View encrypted strings

You can view the original value of an encrypted string by using the debug module:

ansible localhost -m debug -a var="variable_name" -e "@ansible/inventory/testing/group_vars/all/vars.yml"


Backup BigBlueButton

To backup Greenlight database run:

docker exec -t greenlight_db_1 \
 pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > /root/greenlight_`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.sql


Naming convention

Server hostnames used from the list of whistleblowers.

RSS Feeds

A collection of RSS feeds can be found as an OPML file here. This file can be imported in the RSS integration bot of our Matrix channel


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