The ps-camera script allows you to capture images throughout the city, serving as a tool for gathering evidence or simply snapping enjoyable photos!
- Add items to qb-core > shared > items.lua
['camera'] = {['name'] = 'camera', ['label'] = 'Camera', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'camera.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Camera to take pretty pictures.'},
['photo'] = {['name'] = 'photo', ['label'] = 'Saved Pic', ['weight'] = 500, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'photo.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Brand new picture saved!'},
- Add pictures for items to your-inventory > html > images
- Add Discord webhook to ps-camera > server > Line 4
[F] key to toggle Flash
[MOUSELEFT] Capture Photo
[BACKSPACE] Cancel/Exit