Fast, To calculate star ratings and performance points for all osu! gamemodes, And, quickly parse Beatmap into python objects.
!! Now with
rosu-pp (Rust) binding for python based on PyO3.
Cross-platform support. Support synchronous and asynchronous(tokio and async_std).
Faster than oppai-ng, see the benchmark for details.
pip install peace-performance-python
Testing on my local machine, about 70,000 maps can be calculated properly.
[ Walking (E:\osu\songs) Start... ]
[ 69146 ] .osu files founded...
[ Walking Done! ]
[ Start task ]
69146/69146; ok: 69142, err: 0; total time: 23825.90ms, avg: 0.34ms
[ All DONE ]
from peace_performance_python.prelude import *
from peace_performance_python.objects.utils import Mods
# Beatmap can be cached and reused!
beatmap = Beatmap('path_to_osu_file')
result = Calculator(acc=98.8, miss=3, mods=Mods.HARDROCK | Mods.HIDDEN).calculate(beatmap) # HDHR
# Async support!
beatmap = await Beatmap.create_async_rs('path_to_osu_file')
# import all
from peace_performance_python.prelude import *
# or
# from peace_performance_python.objects import Beatmap, Calculator
from peace_performance_python.objects.utils import Mods
from tests import async_run, join_beatmap, HITORIGOTO, UNFORGIVING
# *No longer available by default (compile without `rust_logger` features enabled)*
# Initialize Rust logger (optional)
# Choose a style you like
def calculate(beatmap: Beatmap, calculator: Calculator) -> CalcResult:
return calculator.calculate(beatmap)
def calculate_2(beatmap: Beatmap) -> CalcResult:
# --
c = Calculator()
c.set_mods(Mods.HARDROCK | Mods.HIDDEN)
# or
c.acc = 98.8
c.miss = 3
c.mods = Mods.HARDROCK | Mods.HIDDEN
# or
c.setattr('acc', 98.8)
c.setattr('miss', 3)
c.setattr('mods', Mods.HARDROCK | Mods.HIDDEN)
return calculate(beatmap, c)
def calculate_3(beatmap: Beatmap) -> CalcResult:
c = Calculator()
c.set_with_dict({'acc': 98.8, 'miss': 3})
return calculate(beatmap, c)
def calculate_4(beatmap: Beatmap) -> CalcResult:
return Calculator({'acc': 98.8, 'miss': 3}).calculate(beatmap)
def calculate_5(beatmap: Beatmap) -> CalcResult:
return Calculator(acc=98.8, miss=3).calculate(beatmap)
async def main() -> None:
path = join_beatmap(HITORIGOTO)
# Load beatmap
beatmap = Beatmap(path)
# beatmap = Beatmap.create(path)
# Async
# beatmap = await Beatmap.create_async_rs(path)
# beatmap = await Beatmap.create_async_py(path)
# or
# beatmap = await AsyncBeatmapRust(path)
# beatmap = await AsyncBeatmapPython(path)
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap:', beatmap)
# Calculate pp
# result = calculate_5(beatmap)
c = Calculator(acc=98.8, miss=3)
print('\n>>>>> Calculator as dict:', c.attrs_dict)
result = c.calculate(beatmap)
# Print results
# print('\n>>>>> result:', result)
print('\n>>>>> result.pp:', result.pp)
print('\n>>>>> result as dict:', result.attrs_dict)
# print('\n>>>>> result.raw_stars as dict:', result.raw_stars.attrs_dict)
# print('\n>>>>> result.raw_pp as dict:', result.raw_pp.attrs_dict)
# Reset calculator
print('\n>>>>> reseted Calculator as dict:', c.attrs_dict)
# Calc again
result2 = c.calculate(beatmap)
print('\n>>>>> result2 as dict:', result2.attrs_dict)
# Load another .osu files
path2 = join_beatmap(UNFORGIVING)
# Convert calculate
result3 = Calculator(mode=3).calculate(beatmap)
if __name__ == '__main__':
TRACE peace_performance_python::methods::common > function=sync_read_file duration=73.3µs
TRACE peace_performance_python::methods::pp > function=sync_parse_beatmap duration=181.9µs
>>>>> Beatmap: <Beatmap object (
path: ./test_beatmaps/hitorigoto.osu,
is_initialized: True,
mode: 0,
mode_str: std,
version: 14,
n_circles: 207,
n_sliders: 132,
n_spinners: 1,
ar: 9,
od: 8.5,
cs: 4,
hp: 6,
sv: 1.7,
tick_rate: 1,
stack_leniency: None
>>>>> Calculator as dict: {
'mode': None,
'mods': None,
'n50': None,
'n100': None,
'n300': None,
'katu': None,
'acc': 98.80000305175781,
'passed_obj': None,
'combo': None,
'miss': 3
TRACE peace_performance_python::methods::pp > function=calc_with_any_pp duration=55.7µs
TRACE peace_performance_python::objects::calculator > function=calc duration=103.2µs
>>>>> result.pp: 152.19204711914062
>>>>> result as dict: {
'mode': 0,
'mods': 0,
'pp': 152.19204711914062,
'stars': 5.162832260131836,
'raw_pp': {
'aim': 73.0337905883789,
'spd': 31.048368453979492,
'str': None,
'acc': 45.17241287231445,
'total': 152.19204711914062},
'raw_stars': {
'stars': 5.162832260131836,
'max_combo': 476,
'ar': 9.0,
'n_fruits': None,
'n_droplets': None,
'n_tiny_droplets': None,
'od': 8.5,
'speed_strain': 2.0723509788513184,
'aim_strain': 2.7511043548583984,
'n_circles': 207,
'n_spinners': 1
from peace_performance_python.prelude import *
from tests import join_beatmap, HITORIGOTO
# *No longer available by default (compile without `rust_logger` features enabled)*
# Initialize Rust logger (optional)
def main():
path = join_beatmap(HITORIGOTO)
# Load beatmap
b = Beatmap(path)
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap:', b)
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap.hit_objects (0-3):', b.hit_objects[:3])
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap.timing_points:', b.timing_points)
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap.difficulty_points (0-3):', b.difficulty_points[:3])
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap.hit_objects[0].pos:', b.hit_objects[0].pos)
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap.hit_objects[3].kind:', b.hit_objects[3].kind)
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap.hit_objects[3].kind.curve_points:',
pos_0 = b.hit_objects[0].pos
pos_1 = b.hit_objects[1].pos
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap object(0):', b.hit_objects[0])
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap object(1):', b.hit_objects[1])
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap object pos(0):', pos_0)
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap object pos(1):', pos_1)
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap object pos(0) length, squared:',
pos_0.length, pos_0.length_squared)
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap object pos(0 and 1) distance:', pos_0.distance(pos_1))
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap object pos(0 and 1) add:', pos_0.add(pos_1))
print('\n>>>>> Beatmap object pos(0 and 1) sub:', pos_0.sub(pos_1))
if __name__ == '__main__':
TRACE peace_performance_python::methods::common > function=sync_read_file duration=78.3µs
TRACE peace_performance_python::methods::pp > function=sync_parse_beatmap duration=193.4µs
>>>>> Beatmap: <Beatmap object (
path: ./test_beatmaps/hitorigoto.osu,
is_initialized: True,
mode: 0, mode_str: std, version: 14,
n_circles: 207, n_sliders: 132, n_spinners: 1,
ar: 9, od: 8.5, cs: 4, hp: 6, sv: 1.7, tick_rate: 1,
stack_leniency: None
), hidden: hit_objects, timing_points, difficulty_points>
>>>>> Beatmap.hit_objects (0-3): [
<HitObject object (
start_time: 536, sound: 4, end_time: 536, kind: circle, pos: (44, 136))>,
<HitObject object (
start_time: 717, sound: 0, end_time: 717, kind: circle, pos: (315, 196))>,
<HitObject object (
start_time: 899, sound: 0, end_time: 899, kind: slider, pos: (152, 304))>]
>>>>> Beatmap.timing_points: [<TimingPoint object (time: 536, beat_len: 363.63635)>]
>>>>> Beatmap.difficulty_points (0-3): [
<DifficultyPoint object (time: 23808, speed_multiplier: 1)>,
<DifficultyPoint object (time: 35445, speed_multiplier: 0.8)>,
<DifficultyPoint object (time: 41263, speed_multiplier: 1)>]
>>>>> Beatmap.hit_objects[0].pos: <Pos2 object (x: 44, y: 136)>
>>>>> Beatmap.hit_objects[3].kind: <HitObjectKind object (
kind: slider, pixel_len: Some(85.0), repeats: Some(1),
path_type: Some("perfect_curve"), end_time: None)>
>>>>> Beatmap.hit_objects[3].kind.curve_points: [
<Pos2 object (x: 315, y: 196)>,
<Pos2 object (x: 277, y: 176)>,
<Pos2 object (x: 248, y: 145)>]
>>>>> Beatmap object(0): <HitObject object (
start_time: 536, sound: 4, end_time: 536, kind: circle, pos: (44, 136))>
>>>>> Beatmap object(1): <HitObject object (
start_time: 717, sound: 0, end_time: 717, kind: circle, pos: (315, 196))>
>>>>> Beatmap object pos(0): <Pos2 object (x: 44, y: 136)>
>>>>> Beatmap object pos(1): <Pos2 object (x: 315, y: 196)>
>>>>> Beatmap object pos(0) length, squared: 142.9405517578125 20432.0
>>>>> Beatmap object pos(0 and 1) distance: 277.5625915527344
>>>>> Beatmap object pos(0 and 1) add: <Pos2 object (x: 359, y: 332)>
>>>>> Beatmap object pos(0 and 1) sub: <Pos2 object (x: -271, y: -60)>
This package is intended to be built using rust
, maturin
or setuptools_rust
1. Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
2. Install python dev dependencies
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
3. Build native python lib
maturin develop --release
python develop
maturin build --release
python bdist_wheel
install .whl
# maturin build
pip install target/wheels/<name>.whl
# build
pip install dist/<name>.whl
Build native modules (.pyd
or .so
python develop
Then run
or bench and draw a image
pytest --benchmark-histogram
Complete bench
pytest --benchmark-disable-gc --benchmark-warmup=True --benchmark-histogram
Run examples
Flag | Description |
default |
Enable async_tokio, all modes and choose the all_included version for osu!standard. Set default_features = false to disable. |
score_v2_buff |
Buff ScoreV2 (STD) - acc *= 1.25 |
ppysb_edition |
Special changes for RELAX and AUTOPILOT |
relax_nerf |
Nerf relax and autopilot pp. Relax: aim * 0.9, spd * 0.3, acc *0.8 ; Autopilot: aim * 0.3, spd * 0.9, acc * 0.8 |
taiko |
Enable osu!taiko. |
fruits |
Enable osu!ctb. |
mania |
Enable osu!mania. |
osu |
Enable osu!standard. Requires to also enable exactly one of the features no_leniency , no_sliders_no_leniency , or all_included . |
no_leniency |
When calculating difficulty attributes in osu!standard, ignore stack leniency but consider sliders. Solid middleground between performance and precision, hence the default version. |
no_sliders_no_leniency |
When calculating difficulty attributes in osu!standard, ignore stack leniency and sliders. Best performance but slightly less precision than no_leniency . |
all_included |
When calculating difficulty attributes in osu!standard, consider both stack leniency and sliders. Best precision but significantly worse performance than no_leniency . |
async_tokio |
Beatmap parsing will be async through tokio |
async_std |
Beatmap parsing will be async through async-std |
peace-performance Python bindings vs C89 oppai-ng Python bindings.
Rust is Faster. The longer the map, the more obvious the advantages of rust.
peace-performance enables the no_sliders_no_leniency
feature to be consistent with oppai's algorithm (faster, but loses precision).
If you need maximum precision (osu-performance) rather than performance, use all_included
This test was run on my subsystem and had performance issues with a minimum time greater than 1ms. (The minimum time in windows is 86us (padoru) and the next smallest is 192us (hitorigoto)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ benchmark 'bench-oppai-vs-rust': 12 tests -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name (time in ms) Min Max Mean StdDev Median IQR Outliers OPS Rounds Iterations
test_rust_padoru 1.3805 (1.0) 1.7463 (1.0) 1.4447 (1.0) 0.0518 (1.0) 1.4301 (1.0) 0.0444 (1.01) 68;32 692.1759 (1.0) 358 1
test_rust_hitorigoto 1.6154 (1.17) 2.0133 (1.15) 1.7433 (1.21) 0.0587 (1.13) 1.7407 (1.22) 0.0439 (1.0) 129;82 573.6085 (0.83) 498 1
test_oppai_padoru 1.8734 (1.36) 2.3294 (1.33) 1.9799 (1.37) 0.0845 (1.63) 1.9659 (1.37) 0.0931 (2.12) 47;11 505.0744 (0.73) 204 1
test_oppai_hitorigoto 2.5925 (1.88) 3.1272 (1.79) 2.7537 (1.91) 0.0883 (1.70) 2.7357 (1.91) 0.0887 (2.02) 84;21 363.1464 (0.52) 346 1
test_rust_freedom_dive 3.0829 (2.23) 3.6729 (2.10) 3.1865 (2.21) 0.0687 (1.33) 3.1715 (2.22) 0.0685 (1.56) 70;18 313.8282 (0.45) 303 1
test_rust_sotarks 3.6848 (2.67) 4.0976 (2.35) 3.7886 (2.62) 0.0748 (1.45) 3.7676 (2.63) 0.0748 (1.70) 51;17 263.9489 (0.38) 240 1
test_rust_galaxy_burst 5.1418 (3.72) 5.7422 (3.29) 5.2629 (3.64) 0.0851 (1.64) 5.2349 (3.66) 0.0911 (2.08) 44;9 190.0092 (0.27) 184 1
test_oppai_freedom_dive 5.8532 (4.24) 6.3883 (3.66) 6.0279 (4.17) 0.1154 (2.23) 5.9971 (4.19) 0.1660 (3.78) 45;2 165.8948 (0.24) 161 1
test_oppai_sotarks 6.2822 (4.55) 7.0327 (4.03) 6.4706 (4.48) 0.1350 (2.61) 6.4400 (4.50) 0.1544 (3.52) 36;4 154.5453 (0.22) 145 1
test_oppai_galaxy_burst 8.2669 (5.99) 9.4358 (5.40) 8.5453 (5.91) 0.1838 (3.55) 8.5012 (5.94) 0.1732 (3.95) 25;8 117.0232 (0.17) 114 1
test_rust_unforgiving 10.9350 (7.92) 11.6170 (6.65) 11.1305 (7.70) 0.1289 (2.49) 11.1028 (7.76) 0.1701 (3.87) 26;2 89.8429 (0.13) 88 1
test_oppai_unforgiving 22.8311 (16.54) 23.7671 (13.61) 23.1481 (16.02) 0.2352 (4.54) 23.0818 (16.14) 0.2999 (6.83) 10;1 43.2001 (0.06) 43 1
Native vs Wrapped beatmap object, Sync vs Async, Py async vs Rust async
Note: Rust has its own event loop (independent of python) and has performance issues due to rust's need to convert built-in futures to python coroutine. So rust async is the worst performer.
Read and parsing time spent on beatmap of different sizes
(forgiving is a beatmap over 50 minutes long and takes the longest)
There are also subtle differences in the different calling methods