This repository contains a open source version of UAD for StarCraft II.
- StarCraft II account (Starter Edition has editor limitations)
- Clone or download zip to "Mods\UAD3" in StarCraft II install folder (e. g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Mods\UAD3"). Create "Mods" folder if necessary. If you need a GUI frontend for Git, I would suggest SourceTree:
- Launch "Mods\UAD3\Development\Undead Assault 3 Dasdan.SC2Map\ComponentList.SC2Components" to open map in editor. File associations may not work for first run, so be sure to open it with SC2Edit.
- Various documents for SC2Edit & game mechanics
- To help translate the game see: Game Translator
- Launch "SC2_GameTranslater.exe" open one of the existing projects & set the target language
- Development/Undead Assault 3 Dasdan.SC2Map/Map_Translation.SC2GameTran
- Development/UA Data.SC2Mod/Data_Translation.SC2GameTran
- Development/UA UI.SC2Mod/UI_Translation.SC2GameTran
- Art - .psd templates for buttons & model skins
- BlizWiz - directory for data wizards. File -> Preferences -> Wizards to setup additional directory
- M3 Utility - finds textures associated with M3 models
- Regions - converts terrain region file to UserType xml format
- Replay Utility - dumps player banks from SC2Replay file
- Run Build Script.cmd - creates new build and ouputs to "UAD3\Bin" folder
- When making pull requests please leave a detailed description of what the commit contains. All pull requests will be reviewed before being accepted.
- To make map load faster, change Editor startup settings to load triggers module instead of terrain in File -> Preferences -> Startup
- Editor bank files are located in Documents\StarCraft II\Banks [UAD|UAD3]
- While in test mode additional Editor cheats can be used for convenience. For full reference see Docs/Editor/SC2 Editor Cheats.txt
For any further questions you can find us on UAD Discord channel: