MMM-MicrosoftToDo is a 3rd party module for MagicMirror that shows open tasks from task lists and allows to complete them as well. The tasks are retrieved from Microsoft To Do / Outlook.
The idea of this module is to display a shopping list on your mirror that you can control from your Microsoft To Do app and collaborate on with your family. Originally I used MMM-Wunderlist, though Wunderlist will be shut down and replaced by Microsoft To Do.
- Display open to do list items from a to do list managed by Microsoft To Do
- Update contents every minute
- Complete task when clicking on it (disabled by default)
In order to configure this module, you'll need some configuration parameters from Microsoft, which can be obtained as described in this section. All steps are required as the configuration parameters are needed for the installation below.
Register an app at (sign-in first if needed)
- Click on "+ New registration"
- Enter as "Name": "Magic Mirror"
- Select as "Supported account types": "Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox)"
- Click "Register"
- On the following screen click on "Add a Redirect URI", then "Add a Platform", select "Web"
- Set as "Redirect URIs": "https://localhost:1234"
- Check "Access tokens"
- Click "Configure"
- Go to "Overview" and copy the "Application (client) ID" (Client ID), e.g.
Note: This setup does not work under an Azure Germany (with T-Systems as data trustee) account.
- Go to "Certificates & secrets"
- Click "+ New client secret"
- Set as "Description": "Magic Mirror"
- Select as "Expires": "Never"
- Click "Add"
- Copy the "Value", e.g.
, it will be theclient secret
you need later
Create authorization code by opening the following URL in your browser (but replace the client_id with your value):
- Login and click on "Yes" and wait to be redirected
- Copy the
parameter from the URL in the browser, e.g.M30cd0dff-af91-d061-8755-ffb3b328aa03
Generate refresh token to allow the module to retrieve your task list going forward
- Open Terminal app
- Run the following command with your
(Client ID),code
(Code) andclient_secret
(Client Secret) parameters (don't forget the trailing'
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=4ef19f40-4892-4905-b999-76041e991f53&"
- Copy the value of the
parameter from the response, e.g.refresh_token
from the full response
{"token_type":"Bearer","scope":"User.Read Tasks.Read","expires_in":3600,"ext_expires_in":3600,"access_token":"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","refresh_token":"MCVDmtyumC8ZdlGxrkMwCdur4FbPh7GHjy1gOaOHEA8*c5tTI4oIcJAHU8AflLZMLmcCRWNEa7nMkag2hbipYbZ3QgL9JB1G6Hc*JZY9oA5j46Cq79b6BDx8mivTVen0r*39h2hw9pngKS7MGXjKc9efwayQ7UhsFoCJ2wdhLJzv5gTR2EozgcsKsxHODj!1fV8a1sqVqJ!sU*CBLTMsm0twI2hZqsCkPoSWaMIS5kKFAq7bCsfNaumS11TZYni3XjVwuyHn4DEqfLGjHuSNo1TYRifcG422MdG6bYt7tBxWiw5dlq2iIEMl6O*N2sLWU7W0Ns2*oQbcXIFxRsZ8cHP*6M9dn*9Axg8WbtERj!*jHTfC!Ax6IILXrHDJkdAXgh01PVH!huztVrgd0UC6E4R4zJSOa4ytOKWfQcL9h0NdA“}
- Navigate into your MagicMirror's
folder and executegit clone
. - In order to load the MMM-MicrosoftToDo module you will need to add the following configuration to your
file. Asoauth2ClientSecret
you need to provide Client Secret from above, asoauth2RefreshToken
you set the Refresh Token, asoauth2ClientId
you set the Client ID and aslistName
you set the exact name of the task list, or leave it blank to show items from the default "Tasks" list.
modules: [
module: 'MMM-MicrosoftToDo',
position: 'top_left', // This can be any of the regions. Best results in left or right regions.
header: 'Shopping List', // This is optional
config: {
oauth2ClientSecret: '1Q25ls%3FTKEDf4RWBKVUbKjnaVu%3DytP.%5B',
oauth2RefreshToken: 'MCVDmtyumC8ZdlGxrkMwCdur4FbPh7GHjy1gOaOHEA8*c5tTI4oIcJAHU8AflLZMLmcCRWNEa7nMkag2hbipYbZ3QgL9JB1G6Hc*JZY9oA5j46Cq79b6BDx8mivTVen0r*39h2hw9pngKS7MGXjKc9efwayQ7UhsFoCJ2wdhLJzv5gTR2EozgcsKsxHODj!1fV8a1sqVqJ!sU*CBLTMsm0twI2hZqsCkPoSWaMIS5kKFAq7bCsfNaumS11TZYni3XjVwuyHn4DEqfLGjHuSNo1TYRifcG422MdG6bYt7tBxWiw5dlq2iIEMl6O*N2sLWU7W0Ns2*oQbcXIFxRsZ8cHP*6M9dn*9Axg8WbtERj!*jHTfC!Ax6IILXrHDJkdAXgh01PVH!huztVrgd0UC6E4R4zJSOa4ytOKWfQcL9h0NdA',
oauth2ClientId: '4ef19f40-4892-4905-b999-76041e991f53',
listName: 'Shopping List', // optional parameter: if not specified displays tasks from default "Tasks" list, if specified will look for a task list with the specified name (exact spelling)
listId: 'AQMkADAwATNiZmYAZC1iODgANS1hNGMyLTAwAi0wMAoALgAAA1Lh_i4gMGJMlZDpJ2d8iWwBAB_qpxIEaN5AgOOJ-T1mRJ8AAzJQqfYAAAA=', // deprecated parameter: use listName instead
dynamicList: 'important', //optional parameter: currently only the list "important" is supported and only tasks from default tasklists are shown. If not specified displays tasks from default "Tasks" list, (if this is set it will ignore "listName" & "listId").
showCheckbox: true, // optional parameter: default value is true and will show a checkbox before each todo list item
showDueDate: false, // optional parameter: default value is false and will show the todo list items due date if it exists on the todo list item
dateFormat: 'ddd MMM Do [ - ]', //optional parameter: uses moment date format and the default value is 'ddd MMM Do [ - ]'
hideIfEmpty: false, // optional parameter: default value is false and will show the module also when the todo list is empty
maxWidth: 450, // optional parameter: max width in pixel, default value is 450
itemLimit: 200, // optional parameter: limit on the number of items to show from the list, default value is 200
orderBy: 'subject', // optional parameter: 'subject' - order results by subject/name, 'dueDate' - order results by due date, default value is unordered
completeOnClick: true, // optional parameter: default value is false, when set to true complete task when clicking on it
refreshSeconds: 60, // optional parameter: every how many seconds should the list be updated from the remote service, default value is 60