GUI, feature, and performance updates
- Moved various controls to Settings menu
- Added Mode and Action toolbars
- Added additional View toolbar buttons
- Added menus with help and info links
- Set reasonable step values for window and level based on loaded data intensity range
- Added interface with segmentation controls
- Added split region interface for splitting into > 2 regions
- Added loaded image and segmentation file name labels
- Added check if attempting to save segmentation data as current image filename and vice versa
- Set autorescale as default
- Disable most GUI controls/menus until data loaded
- Add buttons for X, Y, Z, and resetting view
- Added clean region
- Added 2D floodfill
- Improved segmentation performance
- Improved loading segmentation data performance
- Improved region splitting performance for images with > 8 bits
- Improve paint/erase performance by waiting until mouse button release to update region table
- Use single click/drag/release for undo/redo when painting/erasing instead of each individual voxel change
- Check for change in z before rescaling window/level
- Added Linux build
Bug fixes:
- Fixed TIFF saving issues
- Fixed issue with updating progress when no .json file
- Fixed bugs with setting region done and text color when loading metadata