This is an attempted pythonification of the Mie code from Guangran Kevin Zhu at and
The 2D scattering code for a cylinder is working. The 3D scattering code is not implemented correctly yet.
miefield requires a working installation of SciPy and NumPy.
Example Usage:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import miefield
radius = 10 # radius of the cylinder in wavelengths
nmed = 1.333 # refractive index of surrounding medium
ncyl = 1.350 # refractive index of the cylinder
lD = 12 # distance from center of cylinder to planar detector
size = 100 # pixel number of the planar detector
res = 2.0 # pixels per vacuum wavelength at the detector line
efield = miefield.GetFieldCylinder(radius, nmed, ncyl, lD, size, res)
plt.plot(np.arange(size), efield.real, label="real electric field")
plt.plot(np.arange(size), efield.imag, label="imaginary electric field")