Setup instructions and docker files for Dingo.
- Docker:
- docker-compose:
- vcs:
I prefer sudo apt install python3-vcstool
using the ROS repositories
Setup Workspace and Clone dingo_setup
$ mkdir -p ~/ros2/dingo_ws/src $ cd ~/ros2/dingo_ws $ git clone [email protected]:RIF-Robotics/dingo_setup.git
Clone Repositories
$ cd ~/ros2/dingo_ws/dingo_setup $ vcs import ../src < dingo.repos
NOTE: Regularly execute the following to keep the repositories up to date:
$ vcs pull ../src
Build Docker development environment
$ cd ~/ros2/dingo_ws/dingo_setup $ docker-compose build
Start Docker development environment and enter:
$ cd ~/ros2/dingo_ws/dingo_setup
$ docker-compose up -d dev-nvidia
$ docker exec -it dingo_galactic_nvidia /bin/bash
NOTE: You can open as many terminals as needed with the last command. Each command will drop you inside the same container.
Stop Docker container
$ cd ~/ros2/dingo_ws/dingo_setup
$ docker-compose stop
Remove container (will remove any of your changes in the Docker container, so don't do this unless you want to start fresh):
$ cd ~/ros2/dingo_ws/dingo_setup
$ docker-compose down
Start Gazebo:
$ ros2 launch dingo_gazebo
Start the Nav2 stack:
$ ros2 launch dingo_navigation
Start Rviz:
$ ros2 launch dingo_navigation
AMCL requires an initial 2D pose estimate. In rviz, click on the "2D Pose Estimate" button and click and drag on the rviz map to approximate the 2D pose of the actual robot in Gazebo.
You can now send navigation goals to the robot by clicking on the "Nav2 Goal" button in rviz and clicking on the map.
Make sure the source code is built
$ cd ~/workspace $ colcon build
Start Gazebo:
$ ros2 launch dingo_gazebo
Start the Nav2 stack with the slam toolbox enabled:
$ ros2 launch dingo_navigation build_map:=True
Start Rviz:
$ ros2 launch dingo_navigation
You now need to move the robot around the space to build the map. You can use the "Nav2 Goal" button in rviz to drop goal poses or you can manually teleoperate the robot with the keyboard.
Teleoperate the robot with the keyboard
$ ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
Save the new map
After the map has been adequately explored, you can save the map with the command:
$ ros2 service call /map_saver/save_map nav2_msgs/srv/SaveMap
This command sends a request to the map saver node to save the map to the ROS workspace.