Baxter robot play the gobang with human. #CV#gobang#Baxter#ROS#Matlab
- gobang_ai
- arm_controller
- measure the position of chess board
- grip chesses by the hand camera
- place chess
- image_processor
- face - show picture on xdisplay
- head -
- Info/board ChessBoard
- Information about chess board / 棋盘信息,初始位置信息
- Pub : [image_processor]
- Sub : arm_controller
- posi/human ChessMove
- human move, incudes withdraw/change difficulty / 人下的位置,可选参数包括重新开始,改变难度和悔棋(相应操作未实现)
- Pub : [image_processor]
- Sub : gobang_ai
- posi/ai Int16MultiArray(Better change it to custom type)
- ai_move / ai计算得的下一步位置
- Pub : gobang_ai
- Sub : arm_controller
- ai_state - waiting/thinking/win/lose - for face photos
- Pub : gobang_ai, arm_controller, image_processor
- Sub : face
Andrew Tzer-Yeu Chen and Kevin I-Kai Wang ,Computer Vision Based Chess Playing Capabilities for the Baxter Humanoid Robot
mostly from, modified it to fit ROS
- movement - baxter demo ‘pick and place’
- graph process - Baxter抓取物块——基于单应性矩阵(一)
- when to deal with the board to get information?
- ik needs to be modify. not just thrust into the board…
- Internet delay causes gripping process unstable – it will keep move as the camera photo is not updated - use Ethernet will make sense.