v0.1.29 (dev)
- The way the tech tree is built has been redone making use of Godot's Control nodes instead of through pure maths
Known Issues:
- Long white vertical line is offset a bit making it appear jagged
- 2 long white vertical lines are drawn when 1 is really only needed to get the job done
- Purple circles are not being displayed for tech nodes G and H
- You can drag the tech tree with left mouse drag even when dragging outside of the viewport
- Zooming out will sometimes go past the maxZoom for a split second than correct itself next frame
- Zooming feels linear and not lerp like
- Camera moves to center on startup for about the first 10 frames (small but noticeable)
v0.1.28 (dev)
- Tech lines look more node like
- Tech node sizes are retrieved dynamically and no longer hardcoded
- Fixed memory leak caused by a bug in Godot Engine for all _Input related functions