HostelVerse is a Hostel Management System, which aims to digitize and automate the daily and monotonic tasks that a Hostel Warden or Caretaker does.
- Sign up for students using their college email id
- Automated Hostel Allotment Prodcedure, based on higher priority to the farthest students
- Creating Leave Applications, Room Issues that the warden can Resolve/Approve/Reject online
- Statistics for Admin, like Hostel Occcupancy Rate, Issue Clearance Rate for Wardens
- Create Feedback for the hostels and give them rating
- Location based Check In/Check Out for monitoring attendence of Students
- Paying Hostel Fees
- Azure Functions - Serverless Backend Technology
- Typescript
- Azure CosmosDB API for MongoDB - A gloabally distributed database hosted on Azure
- Sentry - Application monitoring and error tracking software
- @hapi/iron - A more secure protocol for encrypting data in form of tokens
- Mongoose
- Razorpay - A simple and sophisticated payment gateway
I have created a OpenAPI v3.0.0 complaint API and have documented the same using Swagger Docs and have hosted the docs on Heroku.
Link to documentation: project requires Node.js 16.x LTS version to run
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
cd HostelVerse-Serverless
npm i
npm start
Integrate a payment gatweay like Stripe, Razorpay for students to pay their hostel fees- Chat with Warden: Students should be able to chat with the warden in case of any urgent matters
- Emergency Beacon: Students can use the emergency becon to send a distress seignal to the emergency services present at the campus
Free Software, Hell Yeah!