No other form of transportation is as scrutinized, investigated and monitored as commercial aviation. Yet there are compelling statistics and figures that prove airline transportation to be the safest way to travel. In fact, based on odds of dying statistics, if someone did fly every day of their life, probability indicates that it would take more than seventeen thousand years before that person would succumb to a fatal accident. Seventeen thousand years!
Airline travel has been recently getting a lot of negative press promoting statistics stating air is no longer a safe way to travel especially when compared to automobiles. The purpose of the dashboard I created is to neutrally examine the publicly available authentic datapoints and statistically combat this negative publicity.
The work that will be subsequently done as part of this paper will have at the very least embody the following principles (ai/responsible-ai, n.d.): • Fair - AI must maximize efficiencies without destroying dignity and guard against bias. • Accountable - AI must have algorithmic accountability. • Transparent - AI systems must be transparent and understandable. • Ethical - AI must assist humanity and be designed for intelligent privacy.