Aligns BS-Seq reads and tabulates methylation without intermediate temp files. This works for single-end reads and for paired-end reads from the directional protocol (most common).
Uses the method employed by methylcoder and Bismark of in silico conversion of all C's to T's in both reference and reads.
Recovers the original read (needed to tabulate methylation) by attaching it as a comment which bwa appends as a tag to the read.
Performs favorably to existing aligners gauged by number of on and off-target reads for a capture method that targets CpG-rich region. Some off-target regions may be enriched, but all aligners are be subject to the same assumptions. See manuscript: for details. Optimal alignment is the upper-left corner. Curves are drawn by varying the mapping quality cutoff for alingers that use it.
This image is on real reads and represents an attempt to find good parameters for all aligners tested.
Note that bwa-meth and Last perform well without trimming. scripts for each method are here: I have done my best to have each method perform optimally, but no doubt there could be improvements.
Without installation, you can use as python
with install, the
command is
The commands: index $REF --reference $REF some_R1.fastq.gz some_R2.fastq.gz --prefix some.output
will create some.output.bam
and some.output.bam.bai
To align single end-reads, specify only 1 file.
See the full example at:
The following snippet should work for most systems that have samtools and bwa installed and the ability to install python packages. (Or, you can send this to your sys-admin). See the dependencies section below for further instructions:
# these 4 lines are only needed if you don't have toolshed installed
tar xzvf toolshed-0.4.0.tar.gz
cd toolshed-0.4.0
sudo python install
tar xzvf v0.10.tar.gz
cd bwa-meth-0.10/
sudo python install
After this, you should be able to run:
and see the help.
depends on
python 2.7+ (including python3)
library. can be installed with:easy_install toolshed
orpip install toolshed
if you don't have root or sudo priviledges, you can run
python install --user
from this directory and the executable will be at: ~/.local/bin/ -
if you do have root or sudo run:
[sudo] python install
from this directory -
users unaccustomed to installing their own python packages should download anaconda: and then install the toolshed module with pip as described above.
samtools command on the
( -
bwa mem from:
One time only, you need to index a reference sequence. index $REFERENCE
If your reference is some.fasta
, this will create some.c2t.fasta
and all of the bwa indexes associated with it. --threads 16 \
--prefix $PREFIX \
--reference $REFERENCE \
$FQ1 $FQ2
This will create $PREFIX.bam and $PREFIX.bam.bai. The output will pass Picard-tools ValidateSam and will have the reads in the correct location (flipped from G => A reference).
Handles clipped alignments and indels correctly. Fastqs can be gzipped or not.
The command above will be sent to BWA to do the work as something like:
bwa mem -L 25 -pCM -t 15 $REFERENCE.c2t.fa \
'<python c2t $FQ1 $FQ2'
So the converted reads are streamed directly to bwa and never written
to disk. The output from that is modified by bwa-meth
and streamed
straight to a bam file.
It is well known that methylation estimates from the bases at the ends of reads are biased (or just incorrect). We can plot these using, e.g.:
python $PREFIX.bam $REF
Which will create the output files $PREFIX.bias.txt and $PREFIX.bias.png The latter looks like this
This plot requires that matplotlib and seaborn are installed. If they are not available, then only the text file will be created.
Currently, bwa-meth
calls Bis-SNP to call methylation for CpG's and genotypes
for SNPs. Note that we can use the bias plot from above to inform our
trimming. Below, we will trim 3 bases from the ends of the reads.
E.g.: tabulate \
--trim 3,3 \
--map-q 60 \
--bissnp BisSNP-0.82.2.jar \
--prefix out \
-t 12 \
--reference $REF \
$BAM1 $BAM2 ... $BAMN
This will use BisSNP to perform multi-sample SNP and CpG calling to create
and out.snp.vcf
as well as a BED file of methylation for
each input BAM.