About | Features | Technologies | Requirements | Importation | Starting | License
- PHP Version :
- Dependencies used :
- Depends on a Database
- Every adding and edit of the shopping cart is done with fetch
- The project architecture is in MVC
✔️ Log in / Create an account
✔️ Edit your profile / Log out
✔️ Add a product or a menu to the shopping cart
✔️ Look, Edit, Validate (with or without delivery) your shopping cart
✔️ Consult your orders et download if needed every order in PDF
✔️ Send a message to the administrators
✔️ Consult every order of all the users and download if needed every order in PDF
✔️ Consult your sales revenues and your flagship products or menus during the last 7 days
✔️ Add / Edit / Delete products, menus, foods and categories
✔️ Create / Edit / Delete coupons
The following technologies were used for this project :
Before starting 🏁, you need composer
and git
- In PHPMyAdmin create a database called
- Collect the database with the example datas in the folder
- Drag and drop the file
in the databasecroc_express
on PHPMyAdmin
- Edit config.example.php with the Database's name (DATABASE) and the Project's name (PROJECT_NAME)
- Rename config.example.php to config.php
# Clone the project
$ git clone https://github.com/Raxuis/Croc-Express.git
# Go to the project's root folder
$ cd Croc-Express
# Install the dependencies
$ composer install
# Use MAMP/XAMP/LAMP or WAMP and start the server
# The server will initialize at the URL <http://localhost:8888/>
# Then, go to the URL <http://localhost:8888/Croc-Express/public/>
# Everything should work perfectly fine 😃
thanks to the path ?page=killall
Different datas are included in the database to be able to try the website. Orders were also placed using the administrator's account.
- Email :
[email protected]
- Password :
- Email :
[email protected]
- Password :
This project is under MIT license. For more details, check the LICENSE.
Made with ❤️ by Raphaël and Benoît