A plug and play component for parsing GraphQL Gravity Form data. Outputs a component using BEM classes, meaning all you need to do is style it.
To be used alongside gatsby-source-wordpress and wp-graphql-gravity-forms.
Uses React Hook Forms under the hood for all that good state management.
Apollo is baked in for handling the data submission.
# Install the component
yarn add gatsby-plugin-gravity-forms
# Or with NPM
npm i gatsby-plugin-gravity-forms
- Add the component to your gatsby-config.js file.
resolve: "gatsby-plugin-gravity-forms",
options: {
// This URL should be the same as you use for your
// gatsby-source-wordpress options.
url: "https://yourwebdomain.com/graphql",
- Import the component and use it with a GraphQL query. Make sure to set the formID.
import React from "react";
import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from "gatsby";
import Layout from "../components/layout";
import GravityFormForm from "gatsby-plugin-gravity-forms";
const ExamplePage = () => {
const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
query formQuery {
wpGravityFormsForm(formId: { eq: 1 }) {
return (
<GravityFormForm data={data} />
export default ExamplePage;
The ...GravityFormFields
fragment is included within the gatsby-plugin-gravity-forms plugin.
This outputs the form that has been set up in WordPress - Gravity Forms. Ready for you to style it!
Having CORS issues?
Add the following snippet of code to your WordPress functions.php file.
Make sure to update the 'https://yourfrontendurl.com' to your actual frontend. With no trailing slash.
add_filter( 'graphql_response_headers_to_send', function( $headers ) {
return array_merge( $headers, [
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => 'https://yourfrontendurl.com',
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' => 'POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE',
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => 'true'
] );
} );
On your Gatsby project set up an Environment Variable named GATSBY_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY
with your reCAPTCHA site key as value. This variable will be automatically used whenever Gravity Form that has a reCAPTCHA field.
Upon responding to the captcha Google sends back a reCAPTCHA response token that gets stored in a hidden <input>
on your form. When your form data is sent back to your Wordpress website(through a Lambda function), Gravity Forms will automatically verify the reCAPTCHA token token to ensure it was sent by a human.
Firstly, yes please! Any help would be great.
To develop the component, you first need to link it to a Gatsby project. This is so you have an environment to work with. The Gatsby Default Starter is a good choice.
- Input
- Textarea
- Select (half done, need to add default values)
- Multiselect
- Number
- Checkbox (half done, need to add default values)
- Radio (half done, need to add default values and correct error placement)
- Hidden
- Captcha
- Add masking to inputs
- Section
- Page
- Date
- File upload
- Post Fields
- Pricing Fields
- Honeypot
- Save and Continue
- Add submit/error callback for custom use
- Input
- Textarea
- Select (half done, need to add default values)
- Multiselect
- Number
- Checkbox (half done, need to add default values)
- Radio (half done, need to add default values)
- Hidden
- Captcha
- Text Confirmation
- Page Change
- Redirect