Code for Dr Michel Lemay's computerized laser diode system that can measure the withdrawal time to a heat stimulus applied to the plantar surface of the foot in a large animal model of spinal cord injury. The system provides automatic measurement of the paw withdrawal latency time and stores the values for later export.
Clone the repo using the following, git clone
"requirements.txt" contains all requirements needed to run the program. The program uses default Python3 libraries with the exception of openpyxl. Additionally, this can be simply installed using pip install openpyxl
There are two versions of the program, one containing a GUI under the "GUI" folder for maximum user friendliness, which is ran by, Python3 or ./
or a no GUI, terminal-based version of the program under the "noGUI" folder, ran by Python3 or ./
Additionally, Solidworks Files are uploaded incase the Lens is damaged or should be modified, as well as the lid for the enclosure.
The Final Presentation for the goup may be found here, which contains thorough information about the design process as well as a video demonstration of the system at 18:10
Final Paper will be uploaded upon completion to act as manual for the system.