Bookmarklet is a nodejs module for compiling bookmarklets in server-side code and directly from the shell. You can run it on any JavaScript file—it will minify it using uglify-js, wrap it in a self executing function, and return an escaped bookmarklet.
More so, it supports a metadata block—modeled after the greasemonkey userscript metadata block—to specify metadata, external stylesheets and script includes, which can look like this:
// ==Bookmarklet==
// @name LoveGames
// @author Old Gregg
// @style
// @script
// ==/Bookmarklet==
Most notably, you can specify any external scripts that you’d like your bookmarklet to include via the @script
rule, which can be repeated as many times as you’d like.
NOTE: currently with script includes you have to handle noConflict
scenarios yourself, e.g., you might want to start off a script with var $ = jQuery.noConflict(true)
In addition, any css files included with @style
will be injected.
This project is new and open to suggestions & pull requests.
Also, if you’re just looking for a quick way to throw together a bookmarklet, try my browser-based bookmarklet creator.