Five different Wikipedia pages were chosen for each category: Geographic, Non-Geographic. The pages texts were extracted using the Wikipedia API and can be stored into a .txt file.
The texts are preprocessed using in order:
- A regular expression to remove all non alphabetic characters;
- A function to transform each word in lowercase;
- Tokenization using nltk word_tokenize;
- Removing stopwords using nltk english stopwords corpus;
- Stemming using Porter's algorithm;
- Spell correction using autocorrect library.
After the preprocessing step, the bag-of-words is created for each text and can be stored into a .txt file. Finally, the labels are applied to each BoW and a training set is created.
The classifier is built and trained using the nltk NaiveBayesClassifier.
You simply need to put the text to classify into input_text.txt file.
Then run the script and the console tells you the predicted class for that text.