This repository uses Redis core data structures, Streams, RediSearch and TimeSeries to build a Java/Spring Boot/Spring Data Redis Reactive application that shows a searchable transaction overview with realtime updates as well as a personal finance management overview with realtime balance and biggest spenders updates. UI in Bootstrap/CSS/Vue.
Features in this demo:
- Redis Streams for the realtime transactions
- Redis TimeSeries for the balance over time
- RediSearch for searching transactions
- Sorted Sets for the 'biggest spenders'
- Redis hashes for session storage (via Spring Session)
- JDK 17 or higher ( Not needed if you're using Docker.
- Maven. Not needed if you're using Docker.
- Docker Desktop (, or Colima with a docker/k8s/containerd runtime
- For running on Azure only: Azure CLI (
- For running on Azure only: Azure Spring Cloud extension for the Azure CLI (
- For running on Kubernetes: a Kubernetes cluster
- Git clone this repository
docker compose build
will produce a local maven build and local docker image with the applicationdocker compose up
will start Redis and the application- Navigate to http://localhost:8080
- Login with user
(the passwordlarsje
is already configured for you) - Download/use Redis Insight to explore the content of the Redis database (the Redis on docker is exposed on localhost:6379)
- Stop and clean with
docker compose down -v --rmi local --remove-orphans
Follow the steps from 'Running locally'
Make sure you are logged into the Azure CLI
Add the Azure Spring Cloud extension to the Azure CLI
az extension add --name spring-cloud
If you already have the extension, make sure it's up to date usingaz extension update --name spring-cloud
Create an Azure Spring Cloud instance using
az spring-cloud create -n acrebank -g rdsLroACRE -l northeurope
(this may take a few minutes) -
Create an App in the newly created Azure Spring Cloud instance using
az spring-cloud app create -n acrebankapp -s acrebank -g rdsLroACRE --assign-endpoint true --runtime-version Java_11
Modify the so it points to your newly created ACRE instance ACRE hostname spring.redis.port=your ACRE port (default: 10000) spring.redis.password= your ACRE access key
Modify the so the websocket config will point to the Azure Spring Cloud app instance endpoint createed in step 3. ASC app endpoint URL (Default: <appname>-<service-name> stomp.port=443 stomp.protocol=wss
Rebuild the app using
./mvnw package
Deploy the app to Azure Spring Cloud using
az spring-cloud app deploy -n acrebankapp -s acrebank -g rdsLroAcre --jar-path target/redisbank-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
To get the application logs:
az spring-cloud app logs -n acrebankapp -g rdsLroAcre -s acrebank
Note: project is compiled with JDK11 as that's currently the max LTS version that's supported by Azure Spring Cloud. Project will run fine when running locally or on other platforms up to JDK16.
Please see OpenShift via S2I.
Please see Deploy on Kubernetes with Redis OSS
Please see Deploy on Kubernetes with Redis Enterprise
- Thread safety. Data is currently generated off of a single stream of transactions, which means it's the same for all users. Not a problem with the current iteration because it's single user, but beware when expanding this to multi-user.
- Hardcoded values. Code uses hardcoded values throughout the code, these need to be replaced with proper variables.