I always wondered why there wasn't a macro like some->
that short-circuited once an arbitrary predicate function returned a truthy val.
Well, now there is.
(pronounced "thread-first-until") does exactly that.
(until-> {} :error
(assoc :name "Burt")
(assoc :error "Wrong guy")
(assoc :money "One million dollars"))
;=> {:name "Burt", :error "Wrong guy"} ;;Good thing we didn't give the wrong guy a million dollars!
Of course, there's a until->>
("thread-last-until") as well.
I also added while->
and while->>
, for good measure, you can probably guess what they do.
Here's an example, anyway;
(let [withdraw! (fn [account amount]
(update account :credit - amount))]
(while-> {:name "John"
:credit 600} (comp #(>= % 500) :credit)
(withdraw! 100)
(withdraw! 100)
(withdraw! 400) ;;Too bad John, gotta save some credit! 200 is all you get.
(withdraw! 1000)))
;=> {:name "John", :credit 400}
Check the tests to more examples.