The Laravel Auditing package is a comprehensive auditing solution for Laravel applications. It provides a way to track changes made to your models, enabling you to maintain a detailed record of data modifications
The Laravel Auditing package is designed to seamlessly integrate with your Laravel application, offering a robust and flexible solution for auditing your Eloquent models. It records every change made to your models, storing the old and new values of attributes, the user responsible for the changes, and timestamps. This allows you to maintain a detailed audit trail and ensures data integrity and accountability.
The package is highly customizable, enabling you to define which models and attributes should be audited, specify the storage location for audit logs, and configure how audits are queried and displayed. Additionally, it supports broadcasting audit events, which can be useful for triggering real-time notifications or other actions in response to data changes.
By using Laravel Auditing, you can enhance the transparency and reliability of your application, making it easier to debug issues, understand user actions, and maintain compliance with regulatory requirements.
- Keeping track of user actions
- Keeping track of what the user sees
- Keeping track of system changes
- Keeping track of databases
- Keeping track of user actions (responsibility)
- Third party integrations (request and response)
- Discover malicious activities in your applications
- Debugging purposes
Run the following command in your terminal to install the package:
composer require rembon/laravel-auditor
Once the package is successfully installed, you need to register the service provider and publish the assets. Add the service provider to the providers array in config/app.php
'providers' => [
* Laravel Framework Service Providers...
* Package Service Providers...
* Application Service Providers...
Use these library on top of your Event Service Provider Files app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php
use Illuminate\Mail\Events\MessageSent;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Events\NotificationSent;
use Rembon\LaravelAuditor\Listeners\AuthorizeMail;
use Rembon\LaravelAuditor\Listeners\AuthorizeNotification;
Then replace these code into app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php
protected $listen = [
MessageSent::class => [
NotificationSent::class => [
Run the following Artisan commands to publish the package configuration:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=migrations
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=views
then run the migration:
php artisan migrate
if you want to migrate the specific migration, run migration below:
php artisan migrate --path=database/migrations/2050_06_14_042948_create_audits_table.php
php artisan migrate --path=database/migrations/2050_07_13_093233_create_performances_table.php
Lastly, run the following optional commands:
composer dump-autoload
if you are using uuid, just check these file ..._create_audits_table.php
Schema::create('audits', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->foreignId('user_id')->nullable(); // modify this line into foreignUuid method, do not change the column name
Simple, Just put our Auditable Traits into your models
use Rembon\LaravelAuditor\Traits\Auditable;
class User extends Authenticatable
use ..., Auditable;
Check the view on: /auditor
- PHP >= 8.0
- Laravel <= 9.*
- Mysql & PostgreSQL Supported