This is the source code for the "SoundInvestments" project from the lecture SoftwareEngineering II.
The application aims to support stock analysts by sonifying trade data and thereby enabling a more intuitive understanding of market trends.
Download the newest release, choosing the package for your Operating System (Windows, Arch-based Linux and Apple Silicon macOS are supported). Unpack the zip and, in the resulting directory, open the file named SoundInvestments.bat (or .command on macOS or .bash on Linux). The app opens from there and can be used as descibed in the user guide (German).
Important: Don't remove that file from the directory or change the directory's structure in any other way as that might break the app.
For a highlevel overview and explanations, consult the architecture document (German). For detailed insights on code level, classes and complicated methods are equipped with explanatory docstrings.
- Rex2002 - Music and synthesizer
- ArtInLines - Controller and Data flow
- MalteRichert - Music and harmonizer
- Lizzyhara - User Interface
- JakobPK - Data analysis
- nichtLehdev - Music and mixer