##Pinch ###A 'Snapchat meets Groupon' Makers Academy Final Project
Follow the brands you love.
Get exclusive offers.
Pinch is the new way for businesses to connect with fans of their brand.
Businesses post special deals to their followers, each with a 30-120s time limit. This time limit indicates how long a user has to decide whether they're going to purchase the offer or not. If the time runs out and a purchase hasn't yet been made, the deal is gone forever!
Customer features
- Account creation, with profile avatar
- Set business category preferences
- Follow/unfollow businesses from a list of participating companies
- View deal preview cards posted by businesses
- View a deal, complete with countdown timer
- When the timer runs out, the user is redirected back to the deal page
- Purchase deals using built-in Stripe Checkout API
Business features
- Account creation with business dashboard, featuring:
- Number of followers
- Number of deals published
- Impressions per deal
- Clicks per deal
- Click-through rate per deal
- Number of conversions
- Number of conversions per click
- Average time taken customer spends before buying
- Total revenue from deals
- Revenue earned per deal
- Create new deal, including time limit to buy and dates the deal will be available to followers, and incorporating custom images
- Rails 4.0.1
- Ruby 2.0
- PostgreSQL
- RSpec, Capybara, Poltergeist & Cucumber
- SimpleCov
- Factory Girl, Shoulda-Matchers and Database Cleaner
- Zurb Foundation 5
- JavaScript, CoffeeScript & jQuery
- Ajax
- JSON & Jbuilder
- Angular JS
- Omniauth - Facebook, Twitter, and Google
- Paperclip
- Amazon Web Services
- Devise
- Chartkick
- Stripe API
- Heroku
####Working as a team As a team of five we employed Agile practices, as well as taking advantage of other online tools, including:
- Trello
- HipChat
- Google Hangouts
- GitHub version control
- Daily standups/sitdowns
#####Preferences and Deal Stream
####Team and Background
The team behind this app is:
Hemang Patel
Michael Bottyer
James Jenkins-Yates
Nadia Odunayo
Rhys Stansfield
Makers Academy is a 12-week intensive software development course. For the final 10 days, participants have to produce a web app which showcases what they have learnt whilst on the course.