(Differential RhythmicitY analysis in R) is an R package that provides the statistical framework to assess differential rhythmicity of a time series of RNA-Seq data with two and more conditions.
These instructions will allow you to get dryR
running on your machine.
You need to install R (see https://www.r-project.org/).
accepts count data typically produced by RNA-Seq with a time dimension and several conditions/groups. The input count data should contain only integer values and be organized in a matrix with rows indicating a specific gene and the column refering to a sample.
The pipelines that can be used to produce these count data from RNA-Seq data (FASTQ files) are described in more detail here: http://master.bioconductor.org/packages/release/workflows/vignettes/rnaseqGene/inst/doc/rnaseqGene.html
A user-friendly web application to generate a count table from FASTQ files is provided here: https://amp.pharm.mssm.edu/biojupies/
To install dryR
run the following code in R.
comes with example data in form of a list called simData. The list contains count data simData[["countData"]], a vector with the different conditions/groups simData[["group"]], and a vector indicating Zeitgeber Time simData[["time"]]. The data was generated using simphony https://github.com/hugheylab/simphony.
# prepare arguments
countData = simData[["countData"]]
group = simData[["group"]]
time = simData[["time"]]
# run the analysis for count data (e.g. RNA-Seq data)
dryList = dryseq(countData,group,time)
# explore the results
dryList[["results"]] # data frame summarizing results
dryList[["parameters"]] # coefficients: phase, amplitude and mean for each group
dryList[["ncounts"]] # normalized counts
dryList[["counts"]] # raw counts
dryList[["cook"]] # cook's distance for outlier detection
#plot a feature of interest
dry_plot(dryList, "feature_113")
#generate a pdf with a global summary of all models
plot_models_rhythm(dryList, "./")
To asses temporal variation of normally distributed measurements, we implemented the function drylm
that can deal with gaussian noise using linear models.
# prepare arguments
data = log(simData[["countData"]]+1)
group = simData[["group"]]
time = simData[["time"]]
# run the analysis with normally distributed data
dryList = drylm(data,group,time)
# explore the results
dryList[["results"]] # data frame summarizing results
dryList[["parameters"]] # coefficients: phase, amplitude and mean for each group
#plot a feature of interest
dry_plot(dryList, "feature_013")
#generate a pdf with a global summary of all models
plot_models_rhythm(dryList, "./")
You can run drylm
with a simple vector that contains data from a time series of multiple groups.
# define time and group for each sample
time = c(1:48,1:48) # Zeitgeber time or Circadian time in h for each sample
group = c(rep("KO",48), rep("WT",48))
# run the analysis with normally distributed data
dryList = drylm(vector_example,group,time)
# explore the results
dryList[["results"]] # data frame summarizing results. Row 2 is a copy of row 1.
dryList[["parameters"]] # coefficients: phase, amplitude and mean for each group. Row 2 is a copy of row 1.
#plot the result of the selected model
dry_plot(dryList, "X1")
A documentation using ?dryseq
pr ?drylm
function is available.