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Single Sign-On Authentication Module


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请注意本函数库已经停止技术支持,因为新的Perfect JWT认证管理系统正在开发中。

PLEASE FOLLOW Kyle Jessup(The Primary Perfect Author)'s SAuthLib FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Perfect JWT Based Authentication Module 简体中文

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This project is a new candidate feature of Perfect Server since version 3.

Please use the latest version of Swift toolchain v4.0.3.

This package builds with Swift Package Manager and is part of the Perfect project.


Besides the teamwork of PerfectlySoft Inc., many improvements and features of this module are suggested / contributed by @cheer / @Moon1102 (橘生淮南) and @neoneye (Simon Strandgaard).

Project Status

Alpha Testing


  • Independently work without ORMs (although it includes a mini ORM actually) or even databases, while it supports most Perfect database drivers as well.
  • Fast, light-weighted, simple, configurable, secured, scalable and thread-safe.
  • Session free: a full application of JWT for the single sign-on authentication to any virtual private clouds.

Why JWTAuth?

Feature JWTAuth LocalAuth Turnstile
Password Storage AES Digest BlowFish
Password Security Level Highest Medium High
Password Shadow Generation Fast Fast Very Slow
Configurable Security Method Yes N/A N/A
Package Layout One Piece Scattered Scattered
Build Configurable Yes N/A N/A
Login Control JWT Session Session
Single Sign-On Yes N/A N/A
Token Renewable Yes N/A N/A
Password Quality Control Protocol N/A N/A
Rate Limiter Protocol N/A N/A
Thread Safe Yes N/A N/A
Database Free/Persistence Yes N/A N/A
Log Readability JSON Friendly Plain Text Plain Text
User Profile Extension Generic/Strong Typed Dictionary Dictionary
Database Customization Protocol StORM based StORM based

SPM Configuration Note

This library is configurable by environmental variables when building with Swift Package Manager. See description below for the settings.

Database Driver Specification

use DATABASE_DRIVER for database driver specifications. If null, the library will build with all compatible databases.

For example, export DATABASE_DRIVER=SQLite will apply a PerfectSQLite driver if swift build

Currently configurable database drivers are:

Driver Name Description Example Configuration
JSONFile a native JSON file based user database export DATABASE_DRIVER=JSONFile
SQLite Perfect SQLite export DATABASE_DRIVER=SQLite
MariaDB Perfect MariaDB export DATABASE_DRIVER=MariaDB
PostgreSQL Perfect PostgreSQL export DATABASE_DRIVER=PostgreSQL

Local Mirror

This library can use Perfect Local Mirror with URL_PERFECT to speed up the building process.

For example, export URL_PERFECT=/private/var/perfect will help build if install the Perfect Local Mirror by default.

Quick Start


.Package(url: "", 
majorVersion: 3)


The first library to import should be PerfectJWTAuth, then import the user database driver as need:

Import Description
import UDBJSONFile User database driven by a native JSON file system
import UDBSQLite User database driven by SQLite
import UDBMySQL User database driven by MySQL
import UDBMariaDB User database driven by MariaDB
import UDBPostgreSQL User database driven by PostgreSQL

Runtime Initialization

NOTE If there is no other libraries, such as Perfect-HTTP Server, to initialize the Perfect-Crypto lib, you would have to manually turn it on:

_ = PerfectCrypto.isInitialized

Customizable Profile

Perfect-JWTAuth is a using generic template class to deal with database and user authentications, which means you MUST write your own user profile structure.

To do this, design a Profile: Codable structure first, for example:

struct Profile: Codable {
  public var firstName = ""
  public var lastName = ""
  public var age = 0
  public var email = ""

You can put as many properties as possible to this Profile design, with NOTES here:

  • DO NOT use id, salt and shadow as property names, they are reserved for the user authentication system.
  • Other reserved key words in SQL / Swift should be avoided, either, such as "from / where / order ..."
  • The whole structure should be FLAT and FINAL, because it would map to a certain database table, so recursive or cascaded definition is invalid.
  • The length of String type is subject to the database driver. By default, the ANS SQL type mapping for a Swift String is VARCHAR(256) which is using by UDBMariaDB, UDBMySQL and UDBPostgreSQL, please modify source DataworkUtility.ANSITypeOf() if need.

Open Database

Once got the Profile design, you can start database connections when it is ready. Please NOTE it is required to pass a sample Profile instance to help the database perform table creation.

Database Example
JSONFile let udb = try UDBJSONFile<Profile>(directory: "/path/to/users")
SQLite let udb = try UDBSQLite<Profile>(path: "/path/to/db", sample: profile)
MySQL let udb = try UDBMySQL<Profile>(host: "", user: "root",password: "secret", database: "test", sample: profile)
MariaDB let udb = try UDBMariaDB<Profile>(host: "", user: "root",password: "secret", database: "test", sample: profile)
PostgreSQL let udb = try UDBPostgreSQL<Profile>(connection: "postgresql://user:password@localhost/testdb", sample: profile)

NOTE For databases such as SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB and PostgreSQL, drivers will setup two tables - "users" and "tickets" - for management purposes.

Log Settings

Login / Access control is always sensitive to log file / audition.

You can use an existing embedded log file driver let log = FileLogger("/path/to/log/files") or write your own log recorder by implement the LogManager protocol:

public protocol LogManager {
  func report(_ userId: String, level: LogLevel, 
  event: LoginManagementEvent, message: String?)

NOTE The log protocol is assuming the implementation is thread safe and automatically time stamping. Check definition of FileLogger for the protocol implementation example.

The default FileLogger can generate JSON-friendly log files by the calendar date, e.g, "/var/log/access.2017-12-27.log". There is an example of log content:

{"id":"d7123fcf-64f2-4a6d-9179-10e8b227d39b","timestamp":"2017-12-27 12:04:03",
"level":0,"userId":"rockywei","event":5,"message":"profile updated"},

{"id":"56cde3cd-d4bf-4af3-a852-8c6c6a2f3f85","timestamp":"2017-12-27 12:04:49",
"level":0,"userId":"rockywei","event":0,"message":"user logged"},

{"id":"00f72022-0b8e-422f-9de9-82dc6059e399","timestamp":"2017-12-27 12:04:49",
"level":1,"userId":"rockywei","event":0,"message":"access denied"},

The log level and log event are defined as:

public enum LoginManagementEvent: Int {
  case login = 0
  case registration = 1
  case verification = 2
  case logoff = 3
  case unregistration = 4
  case updating = 5
  case renewal = 6
  case system = 7

public enum LogLevel: Int {
  case event = 0
  case warning = 1
  case critical = 2
  case fault = 3

Login Manager

A Login Manager can utilize the user database driver and log filer to control the user login:

let man = LoginManager<Profile>(udb: udb, log: log)

Certainly, you can skip the log system if no need, which will log to the console indeed:

let man = LoginManager<Profile>(udb: udb)

Now you can use the LoginManager instance to register, login, load profile, update password and update profile, or drop user:

Register & Login

// register a user by its id
try man.register(id: "someone", password: "secret", profile: profile)

// generate a JWT token to perform single sign on
let token = try man.login(id: "someone", password: "secret")

NOTE: By default, both user id and password are in a length of [5,80] string. Check Login / Password Quality Control for more information.

NOTE For those end users who want user id to be an autoincrement UInt64 id, please fork this repo to make your own edition.

The token generated by LoginManager.login() is a JWT for HTTP web servers.

It is supposed to send to the client (browser) as a proof of authentication.

Besides, login() function also provides a carrier argument to allow extended information once logged on:

let token = try man.login(id: "someone", password: "secret", header: ["foo": "bar"])

Token Verification

Every once the client sent it back to your server, LoginManager.verify() should be applied to verify the token.

It will automatically validate the content inside of the token, such as however, it will also return the header and content dictionary as well

It is especially useful when single sign-on is required: set the allowSSO = true to forward the token issuer checking from internal to the end user, Otherwise, verify will reject any foreign issuers, even the token itself is valid.

let (header, content) = try man.verify(token: token_from_client, allowSSO: true)

guard let issuer = content["iss"] as? String {
  // something wrong

if issuer == {
  print("it is a local token.")
} else {
  print("it is a foreign token.")

// header and content are both valid dictionaries, can apply further validation.

Token Renewal

In certain cases, the token needs to be renewed before further operations.

LoginManager provides a renew() function, not only for renewal, but also allows the developer to add / replace any information by passing new headers, in a form of dictionary:

let renewedToken = try man.renew(id: "someone", headers: ["foo":"bar", "fou": "par"])

// the renewed token is different from the previous issued tickets,
// but it can be verified in the same interface.

Log out

Login manager also provides an optional parameter inside of the verify function interface to cancel a previously issued token:

let (header, content) = try man.verify(token: token, logout: true)

// if success, both header and content value is still be readable,
// but the token is no longer valid.

NOTE JWT is not supposed to logout in RFC7519, however, Perfect-JWTAuth is using a "blacklist" to ban those "logoff" tickets, which is practical and could be propagated to all sites by sharing the "blacklist" (in database, the "tickets" table).

Load User Profile

You can retrieve the user profile by its id:

 let profile = try man.load(id: username)

Update Password

try man.update(id: username, password: new_password)

NOTE: By default, both user id and password are in a length of [5,80] string. Check Login / Password Quality Control for more information.

Update Profile

try man.update(id: username, profile: new_profile)

Drop A User

try man.drop(id: username)

HTTP Server Integration

Now you can use the ready LoginManager instance to protect your Perfect HTTP Server, take the following snippet as an example:

// make a configuration for the access control 
// - will explain the configuration detail later
let conf = HTTPAccessControl<Profile>.Configuration()

// applying the configuration to an ACS module
let acs = HTTPAccessControl<Profile>(man, configuration: conf)

// add the ACS module into the server filters
let requestFilters: [(HTTPRequestFilter, HTTPFilterPriority)] 
	= [(acs, HTTPFilterPriority.high)]
// take Perfect HTTP Server for example
let server = HTTPServer()

// take effect to protect all routes, login is mandatory now!

By the default ACS setting, any HTTP request towards this server will be banned with a "401 Unauthorized" if there is no Authorization: Bear \(jwt) token being sent.

To log into the web server, post a login request (code example below is using a pseudo client URL request function request() and assuming it is IO blocking, check the test script for urlsession examples):

let json = try request(url: "https://your.server/api/login", 
	method: .POST,
	fields: ["id": username, "password": your_secret])
// if login successfully, the server will return a json:
// the error should be empty if success
// {"jwt": "please-use-this-string-to-the-session", "error":""}

Post Login

  1. a production server should always apply HTTPS to avoid password hacking.
  2. by default, Perfect-JWTAuth is CSRF sensitive, so please make sure the header "origin" is the same as "host".
  3. the return JWT should always apply to all following url requests by adding an authorization header in such a form:
request(url: "https://your.server/somewhere",
	headers: [ "Authorization": "Bearer \(jwt)"])

Here is a list of ACS preconfigured api:

URI Description Authorization Header Required Post Fields Return JSON
/api/reg User Registration No id, password, profile(json), payload(json) {"jwt": jwt, "error":""}
/api/login User Login No id, password, payload(json) {"jwt": jwt, "error":""}
/api/renew Renew Token Yes N/A {"jwt": jwt, "error":""}
/api/logout User Logout Yes N/A {"error":""}
/api/modpass Change Password Yes password {"error":""}
/api/update User Profile Update Yes profile(json) {"error":""}
/api/drop Close User File Yes N/A {"error":""}
/** everywhere else Yes -- --


  1. The post field "id" and "password" is the plain text for login, so that's why HTTPS is always essential.
  2. The post field "profile" is a url encoded JSON expression and should keep the consistency with the previously defined Profile structure.
  3. The post field "payload" is also a url encoded JSON expression but only cached in this login session, which will not be written into the database as "profile" does.

Protected Resources

HTTP Servers with this JWT based authentication can directly access the user id / profile in the route handlers:

routes.add(Route(method: .get, uri: "/a_valuable_uri", handler: {
      request, response in
      let ret: String
      guard let id = response.request.scratchPad["id"] as? String,
        let profile = response.request.scratchPad["profile"] as? Profile,
        let payload = response.request.scratchPad["payload"] as? [String:Any]
        else {
        // something wrong, should reject this access immediately.
      // id & profile available here, 
      // and the payload is coming from the login / registration

Full Settings of HTTP Access Control

HTTPAccessControl<Profile>.Configuration is a json Codable structure which contains three parts of settings:

  1. URIs. For example, you can set the login URI from the default /api/login to /api/v1/login by config.login = "/api/v1/login"
  2. String literals. Source of Perfect-JWTAuth is using these standard names to strengthen the type checking in building phase. Although it is not suggested to change this part, you can still poke it by checking the source code.
  3. SSO Settings. config.allowSSO is a general switch to enable Single Sign-On, which is disabled by default. To implement SSO, firstly set this option to true, then add trusted issuers into a string set config.issuers, for example, config.issuers.append("[a-z]") is trying to add all hosts of as trusted issuers by a regular expression.
  4. CSRF setting:
Configuration Key Description Example Default Value
"whitelist" domains that are allowed to override CSRF
config.whitelist.append("a.trusted.domain") empty
"blacklist" domains that are rejected all the time, even CSRF applied. config.blacklist.append("hackers.playground") empty
"realm" realm name, suggested to customize config.realm = "myTerritory" "perfect"
"noreg" disable self registration,
turn it on if need
config.noreg = true false
"timeout" seconds to wait before sending 401 unauthorized,
essential for anti brutal password crack
config.timeout = 0 // disabled 1

Advanced LoginManager Configuration

The full configuration of LoginManager is listed in the class definition:

/// a generic Login Manager
public class LoginManager<Profile> where Profile: Codable {

  public init(cipher: Cipher = .aes_128_cbc, keyIterations: Int = 1024,
  digest: Digest = .md5, saltLength: Int = 16, alg: JWT.Alg = .hs256,
  udb: UserDatabase,
  log: LogManager? = nil,
  rate: RateLimiter? = nil,
  pass: LoginQualityControl? = nil,
  recycle: Int = 0, 
  issuer: String? = nil)

The last parameter "issuer" is the identification of this LoginManager instance. If nil by default, it will automatically assign a uuid to itself. This option is useful in Single Sign-On applications to identify and trust foreign token issuers.

Encryption Control

The first section of LoginManager constructor is the encryption control:

  • cipher: a cipher algorithm to do the password encryption. AES_128_CBC by default.
  • keyIterations: key iteration times for encryption, 1024 by default.
  • digest: digest algorithm for encryption, MD5 by default.
  • saltLength: length to generate the salt string, 16 by default.
  • alg: JWT token generation algorithm, HS256 by default

User Database Driver

Please check Open Database for more information

Log Manager

Please check Log Settings for more information

Rate Limiter

A RateLimiter is a protocol that monitors unusual behaviour, such as excessive access, etc. The login manager will try these callbacks prior to the actual operations You can develop your own rate limiter by implementing the protocol below:

public protocol RateLimiter {
  func onAttemptRegister(_ userId: String, password: String) throws
  func onAttemptLogin(_ userId: String, password: String) throws
  func onLogin<Profile>(_ record: UserRecord<Profile>) throws
  func onAttemptToken(token: String) throws
  func onRenewToken<Profile>(_ record: UserRecord<Profile>) throws
  func onUpdate<Profile>(_ record: UserRecord<Profile>) throws
  func onUpdate(_ userId: String, password: String) throws
  func onDeletion(_ userId: String) throws

Check the table below for callback event explanation. NOTE Implementation should yield errors if reach the limit.

Callback Event Description
onAttemptRegister an attempt on registration
onAttemptLogin an attempt on login, prior to an actual login.
onLogin a login event, after a successful login
onAttemptToken an attempt on token verification, prior to an actual verification
onRenewToken a token renew event
onUpdate a user profile update event, could be update password or profile
onDeletion an attempt on deletion user record

Login / Password Quality Control

LoginManager also accepts customizable login / password quality control. If the protocol is implemented, it will call these interfaces as events when necessary. The verification is not limited to typical scenarios such as registration or password update to avoid weak credentials, but also applicable in routine user name checking, especially as protecting the login system from oversize username cracks.

public protocol LoginQualityControl {
  func goodEnough(userId: String) throws
  func goodEnough(password: String) throws

Token Recycler

LoginManager can cancel any previously rejected tickets. You can customize the token recycling time span by set the recycle parameter, in seconds, and 60 by default.

NOTE a smaller recycling timeout may result in a bigger system usage.

Customize Your Own Database Drivers

If you want to implement a different database driver, just make it sure to comply the UserDatabase protocol:

/// A general protocol for a user database, UDB in short.
public protocol UserDatabase {

  /// -------------------- BASIC CRUD OPERATION --------------------
  /// insert a new user record to the database
  func insert<Profile>(_ record: UserRecord<Profile>) throws

  /// retrieve a user record by its id
  func select<Profile>(_ id: String) throws -> UserRecord<Profile>

  /// update an existing user record to the database
  func update<Profile>(_ record: UserRecord<Profile>) throws

  /// delete an existing user record by its id
  func delete(_ id: String) throws
  /// -------------------- JWT TOKEN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM --------------------
  /// put a ticket with its expiration to the blacklist
  func ban(_ ticket: String, _ expiration: time_t) throws

  /// test if the giving ticket has been banned.
  func isRejected(_ ticket: String) -> Bool

Please feel free to check the existing implementation of UDBxxx for examples.


More examples can be found in the test script.

Further Information

For more information on the Perfect project, please visit