🏎️ PlateRace - A computer vision racing game where anything, including a paper plate, can be your steering wheel!
A game to learn pygame
and computer vision controls built as part of the AWS Game Builder Challenge. Checkout our submission here.
Clone the repository:git clone https://github.com/RoguePenguin06/PlateRace
Install dependencies:
Apple Silicon:
- Install Python 3.11.
- Run
pip3.11 install -r requirements.txt
Other systems:
- Ensure Python 3 is installed.
- Run
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run the game:
Apple Silicon:
- Execute
python3.11 PlateRace
Other systems:
- Execute
python3 PlateRace
Originally meant to be a paper plate as the controller, hence the name PlateRace. Since we used hand tracking instead, you can hold anything or even nothing, and it still works just as well.
A two player game that uses your camera to track your hands which lets you steer the car in game.
Split the game and controller between us and integrated them with Q Developer The game was made with Pygame as a way of learning the library for school work. The hand-tracking controller used Google's media pipe library to track the hands, and then we used it to control the cars. We used an S3 bucket to store the assets; however, we only worked out how to do this for an individual user, so we have not merged this branch into the main.
At first, the game ran very slowly due to the camera making it almost unplayable so we had to reduce how many times it processed the image every second
Allowing the camera to distinguish between two players at once Managing to combine our parts in a way that worked how we envisioned it
How to use Github Use of object oriented programming and small shortcuts to use in any project Using mediapipe and setting up AWS services (still a lot to learn)
More levels, speed boosts, single player mode Adding more players onto one camera or even online games