Create a mapping diagram for selected HOTAS (hands on throttle and stick) gaming devices, specifically the Thrustmaster Warthog with MFG Crosswind rudder pedals. Takes plain JSON input (for which it can generate a template), or Elite:Dangerous key mapping files.
usage: [-h] [--format {blank,debug,demo,ed,json}] [--input INPUT]
[--joyout JOYOUT] [--throtout THROTOUT]
[--compout COMPOUT] [--joytemplate JOYTEMPLATE]
[--throttemplate THROTTEMPLATE]
[--ed_tmw_stick ED_TMW_STICK]
[--ed_tmw_throttle ED_TMW_THROTTLE]
[--ed_mfg_crosswind ED_MFG_CROSSWIND] [--ed_horizons]
[--title TITLE] [--subtitle SUBTITLE]
[--extra_text EXTRA_TEXT] [--rgbtitle RGBTITLE]
[--rgbanalogue RGBANALOGUE] [--rgbmomentary RGBMOMENTARY]
[--rgbsticky RGBSTICKY] [--ttf TTF] [--wrap]
[--wrap_linesep WRAP_LINESEP] [--showmapping]
[--showrects] [--verbose]
(1) Generate Thrustmaster Warthog (joystick, throttle) binding pictures. Also
adds MFG Crosswind rudder pedal labels.
(2) For a simple example with no definitions, run --format demo [--showmapping]
... this creates pictures labelled with the switch names.
(3) As input, it can take a JSON mapping: --format json --input MYFILE.json
or an Elite:Dangerous bind file: --format ed --INPUT Custom.2.0.binds
For Elite, the best thing to do is to create the bindings within Elite
itself, then aim this script at the custom binding file.
(4) To find your Elite:Dangerous custom binding file, use:
dir custom*bind*.* /s /p
Usually it is in
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Input options:
--format {blank,debug,demo,ed,json}
Input format. Possible options: ~~~ blank: Create a
blank mapping (for pen-and-paper editing) // debug:
Fill all boxes with text // demo: Demonstrate by
printing switch names // ed: Elite:Dangerous binding
file (.binds) // json: JSON (.json; same format
produced by --showmapping) ~~~ (default: json)
--input INPUT Input file (unless 'demo' mode is used) (default:
Output files:
--joyout JOYOUT Joystick output file (default: /home/rudolf/Documents/
--throtout THROTOUT Throttle output file (default: /home/rudolf/Documents/
--compout COMPOUT Composite output file (default: /home/rudolf/Documents
Template image files:
--joytemplate JOYTEMPLATE
Joystick template (default: /home/rudolf/Documents/cod
--throttemplate THROTTEMPLATE
Throttle template (default: /home/rudolf/Documents/cod
Elite:Dangerous options:
--ed_tmw_stick ED_TMW_STICK
Elite Dangerous device name for Thrustmaster Warthog
joystick (default: ThrustMasterWarthogJoystick)
--ed_tmw_throttle ED_TMW_THROTTLE
Elite Dangerous device name for Thrustmaster Warthog
throttle/control panel (default:
--ed_mfg_crosswind ED_MFG_CROSSWIND
Elite Dangerous device name for MFG Crosswind rudder
pedals (default: 16D00A38)
--ed_horizons Include bindings for Elite Dangerous: Horizons (lander
buggy) (default: False)
Cosmetic options:
--title TITLE Title (default: None)
--subtitle SUBTITLE Subtitle (default: None)
--extra_text EXTRA_TEXT
Additional text (default: None)
--rgbtitle RGBTITLE RGB colours for title/subtitle/extra text (default:
--rgbanalogue RGBANALOGUE
RGB colours for analogue devices (default: 255,0,255)
--rgbmomentary RGBMOMENTARY
RGB colours for momentary switches (switches that
deactivate when released) (default: 255,0,0)
--rgbsticky RGBSTICKY
RGB colours for sticky switches (switches that keep
their position when released) (default: 0,0,255)
--ttf TTF TrueType font file (default: Arial_Bold.ttf)
--wrap Wrap text lines (default: False)
--wrap_linesep WRAP_LINESEP
For wrapping, use this to separate multiple label
lines (default: ● )
Debug options:
--showmapping Print mapping to stdout (default: False)
--showrects Debugging option: show text rectangles (default:
--verbose Verbose (default: False)