A notebook for fitting and evaluating models for daily counts of pedestrians. Generalization is tested through fitting on data collected from Stockholm in October 2017 by the Spatial Morphology Group (SMoG, smog.chalmers.se) in collaboration with the private company Bumbee Labs Stockholm (https://bumbeelabs.com) and testing on data collected from Gothenburg in October 2018 by the traffic planning office in Gothenburg municipality.
The models are used in the 'Crowd Movement, a milestone project of the DTCC Gothenburg (Digital Twin City Center at Chalmers University of Technology (https://dtcc.chalmers.se/crowd-movement-2/). The project aims to support decision making in urban planning through analyzing and simulating pedestrian movement flows in public space by linking macroscale and microscale simulations.
Data is not yet publicly available.
Find a presentation of the real world data collected in Stokcholm in: Stavroulaki G, Berghauser Pont et al. (2018) Methodology and results of an international observational study on pedestrian movement tracking anonymised Wi-Fi signals from mobile phones. In: AESOP Annual Congress, Making space for hope, July 2018, Gothenburg, http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21825.20321 and Stavroulaki et al. 2019, Statistical modelling and analyisis of big data on pedestrian movement, in Proceedings of 12th International Space Syntax symposium, pp. 79.1-79-24. http://www.12sssbeijing.com/upload/file/1562661632.pdf
Find a presentation of the real world data collected in Gothenburg in: Trafikontoret 2019 WiFi-mätningar av fotgängarflöden i Göteborgs innerstad-slutrapport, Diarienummer 5799/18, https://docplayer.se/155964446-Wifi-matningar-av-fotgangarfloden-i-goteborgs-innerstad-slutrapport.html