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Talent Land


Talent Land is a social media web application which is designed for Turkish Football Federation. The main goal is facilitate the discovery of undiscovered football players and increase the quality of football players.In addition, ensuring that young talents have equal chances and rights. Also, facilitating the scouts' work and at the same time preventing the transportation problem, enabling more than one scout to reach more than one young talent are the other goals. The project has been developed in JavaScript engine NodeJS with express for the frontend, MongoDB for the database system.

2.User Documentation

2.1 Installing the Software

No installation is required. You can just click on the link:

Clone the Repository git clone Open the working directory Install dependencies npm install Run development server Comment env port to be able to redirect conncection from deployed website to localhost:3000. Open http://localhost:3000/ in browser

2.2 Reporting bugs

To report a bug, you can use scout request page message box. All of the messages that are come from this page will be evaluatedas as a repoorted bugs and responded. If you have problems during the installation of the software project, you can send e-mail to the email adresses below: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

2.3 Known bugs

Users can directly navigate to profile page with undefined username even users are not logged in. Even users are not logged out, after a few times credentials automatically may return to null and username turns the undefined.

3. Developer Documentation

3.1 Obtaining source code

Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied earlier.

You can clone the repository and run it with "nodemon app.js" or "node app.js" command line.

3.2 Layout of the Directory

middleware: Contains functions of rolelist.js to determine the user roles and permissions that are needed for authorization.

node_modules: Contains node packages for running project.

public: css: Conains the design materials of the website. For profile page view there is profilePage.css and for the home page there is homePage.css files. image: Contains the image and icons that are used in web site. js: Contains validation functions for edit profile page(ProfilePageEdit.js).

services: Contains the functionalities for upload video. views: Contains general view of the web site pages. partials: Contains the includes for the css files and form header. app.js: Main logic functions and CRUD operations of the web site. package.json: Contains the related packages.

3.3 Building and Deploying

After clonning the project successfully, from the compiler you have to install some packages from the terminal:

You have to install required packages from ‘package.json’ by using "npm install".

After installation:

  • Connect the backend by writing terminal to ‘nodemon app.js’or "node app.js".