Releases: Saibot393/perceptive
Releases · Saibot393/perceptive
- Added wold setting Use Pf2e rules to activate Pf2e specific behaviour
- Differentiates between hiding and sneaking, using the appropiate Pf2e macros (keys will be added in a later version of this module later)
- Adds different effects, either hidden for hide or undetected for sneaking
- The active perception DC will be calculated with this formula: stealth modifier + 10
- Allows for the world setting Auto reroll sneaking stealth dc to be activated
- The passive perception DC will be rerolled when a sneaking token moves
- Allows the passive perception DC to be locked per token, preventing it from being rerolled
- Added world setting Split interactions distances to set different interactions distances for lock peeking and door moving
- Allows for world setting Lock peeking distance to be set to limit the distance over which players can peek locks
- Allows for world setting Door moving distance to be set to limit the distance over which players can move doors
- Fixed several bugs in regards to pinging of newly spotted objects and reporting the result of perception checks
- Improved simulated player vision, hidden doors should now be correctly hidden
- Perceptive wall should now be hidden the moment they are created (unless the DEBUG option is turned on)
- Added world setting Perceptive stealthing friendlies visible to allow friendly tokens that use Perceptives stealth to still be visible
- Added world setting Sync Perceptive stealth removel to automatically remove applied stealth effects when Perceptives stealth effect is removed and vice versa
- Added client setting Show perception results to show the result of own perception rolls in the chat
- Fixed compatibility issue with Levels thanks to help from theripper93 (requires Levels v.4.2.2 or higher)
- Added world setting Use Illumination perception DC modifiers for active perception to enable the set modifiers ofr perception rolls
- Added world setting Illumination perception behaviour to set advantage or disadvantage for active perception rolls dependent on illumination
- Improved confirm spotting ui to include used roll behaviour per token