Releases: Saibot393/perceptive
Releases · Saibot393/perceptive
- Added world setting Atomate token Can be spotted to automatically manage the Can be spotted token setting
- Added client setting Stealthed token transparency to change the transparency of spotted tokens
- Added integration with Stealthy
- Added world setting Stealthy integration to synch the stealth DCs between Stealthy and Perceptive
- Spot Invisible improvements:
- A few general improvements
- Added ping for passively spotted object
- Added world setting Reveal spotted tokens to make spotted tokens visible
- Spottables tokens and door controls should now be correctly calculated the moment a token is selected or a scene is loaded
- Added [EXPERIMENTAL!] custom stealth "effect" that is not directly affected by any vision calculation other than perceptive
- Added world setting [EXPERIMENTAL!] Use Perceptive stealth to activate this feature
- Added custom "effect" to the effect panel
- Added token setting Is Perceptive stealthing to enable or disable the Perceptive stealth effect
- This is not an effect in the conventional sense and only imitates the way an effects works
- The ui is unfinished/buggy and may not always work correctly
- There may be bugs where tokens remain invisible
- Improved some UI in the wall sheet settings
- Spot Invisible improvements:
- Added scene setting Bright illumination limit to set the value below which the scene darkness is considered bright
- Added scene setting Dim illumination limit to set the value below which the scene darkness is considered dim
- Spot Invisible improvements:
- The "spotted by" list should now correctly reset when a new stealth check is rolled
- Added key Remove selected tokens stealth to reset the stealh values of the selected tokens
- Added world setting GM confirm Spotting to open a dialog for the GM when a player rolls a perception check to conform which tokens are spotted
- Added client setting Position of illumination indicator to show a indicator for the current illumination level in the token HUD
- Added client setting Spotting ping duration to ping new objects that are spotted with an active roll for a certain duration
- Added the vision modes "blindsight", "truesight" and "devilssight" as "Darikvsion (Total)" Vision levels
- Spot Invisible improvements:
- Added key to ignore stealth and perception checks
- Added world setting Player perspective to allow GMs to only spot tokens players can spot
- Added world setting Illumination perception DC modifiers to add a perception DC modifier based on the light level of a token
- Added world setting Apply system stealth effect(s) to automatically apply the systems stealth effects
- Added world setting Custom stealth effects to automatically apply custom stealth effects
- Added token setting Stealth effects to add additional stealth effects to this token
- Added token setting Override world stealth effects to override the worlds stealth effects with this tokens custom stealth effects
- Added spotting info to spotable objects setting sheet, containing (if applicable):
- Calculated passive perception: The passive perception of this token calculated according to the set formula
- Spotted by: A list of token names (or IDs) this token has been spotted by
- Illumination perception DC modifier: A light level based modifier added or subtracted from this tokens set perception DCs
- Vision level: This tokens set vision level:
- Basic sight: Normal behaviour
- Low-light vision: Can see tokens in dim-light as if they were in bright light
- Darkvision: Can see tokens in darkness as if they were in dim light and in dim light as if they were in bright light
- Darkvision (total): Can se all tokens (even those in darkness) as if they were in bright light
- Added Vision 5e integration:
- Adds the world setting Vision 5e Integration to add additional system stealth effects and correctly register the set token vision level