This Dapp lets players to interact with the contarct allowing them to deposit 1 ETH to the contract and be a part of the lottery. Only the manager can choose the random winner function which is directly interacted with the smart contract. Once there is a winner all the deposited ETH is transfered to the winner and the contract gets reset to zero. Be a part of this Lottery Dapp and get a chance to surprise win in ETHs!!
- Solidity (for Contract development language)
- Reactjs (for frontend)
- Web3.js (for contract abi interaction)
- Html
- Goerli testnet (for deployment network)
- Alchemy (for node link integration)
- Truffle (for developing environment)
To play the Lottery please deposit 1 ETH(Goerli testnet) to contract address 0x78A8098273A333D543324b0BB8d6B8c84a944C05
To view the project Click Here!