Angles_pos1.csv contains the angles of all the joints of the 9 YouTubers referenced. Further processed to obtain the joint angles. The deployable app. The app which is deployed in Streamlit. It process the live video stream and outputs the results like grades and comments in a streamlit dashboard.
Calculate_mean_var.ipynb Once the Angles are returned their standard deviation and variance needs to be obtained. This notebook processes this information.
Data_preprocessing.ipynb After Datapreprocessing, the calculation of joint angles is implemented from keypoints detected from the model is available here.
Mean_var.csv Contains all the necessary joint angle's means and standard deviation needed for grading.
Movenet_lightning_unit8.tflite Contains Tensorflow's Movenet lightning model.
NamastAI-Report.pdf is the final report of this project.
requirements.txt contains the necessary libraries used.
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