Includes the following ROS Packages for my mobile Robot:
- Package "base_odometry" with node: "base_odometry"
- Package "base_controller" with node: "base_controller"
- Package "robot_teleop" with nodes: "joystick_teleop", "keyboard_teleop"
- Package "robot_urdf" for visualization of robot in rviz
- Package "robot_2dnav" for implementation of the navigation stack
- Package "robot_maps" with maps to use with the navigation stack
- Package "sqlite_connector" with node: "sqlite_connector"
- Package "arduino_examples" to demonstrate usage of Arduinos as ROS- Nodes
- Package "md49_messages" implementing custom ROS messages
- Package "serialport" as C++ function library for serialports
This Robot Hardware is build around an embedded Linux PC (pcDuino).
Robots drives are two EMG-49 geared Motors with wheelencoders, connected to MD49 Driverboard (both from Devantech) with serial connection to pcDuino.
ROS Distribution on pcDuino and Ubuntu-Workstation is Indigo.
robots OS and workstations OS is both Ubuntu 14
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd ~/ROS-Workspace
$ rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo
$ catkin_make
The complete documentation of the project can be found on