This R package is part of my Bachelor's Thesis which is supervised by the authors of the respective Papers (Prof. Dr. Markus Pauly & Dr. Paavo Sattler). My work has yet to be evaluated!
R package for performing tests on high dimensional repeated measure data for one group [1] or multiple groups [2].
The current version can be installed with:
## install devtools package
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {
# install package
devtools::install_github("Schnieboli/hdrm", dependencies = TRUE)
Be aware that the respective rtools-version for your version of R is required for installation.
A one group test can be performed by using the function
or hdrm_single_widetable
depending the format
of your data. Both take a data.frame
as their first argument. The
package has two data sets included: birthrates
[3] comes in a wide
table format and contains the birthrates of German states from 1990 to
2023. EEG
[4] contains EEG data in 40 dimensions and comes in a long
table format.
### One sample test for data in wide table format with built in data set birthrates
hdrm_single_widetable(data = birthrates,
hypothesis = "flat", # test whether time profile is flat
### One sample test for data in long table format with built in data set EEG
# hypothesis can also be given as a matrix
hypothesis <- matrix(1/40, nrow = 40, ncol = 40) # matrix equivalent to 'flat'
hdrm_single_longtable(data = EEG,
hypothesis = hypothesis,
value = "value", # can all be given as a character...
subject = 4, # ...or a number
dimension = "dimension"
A test for multiple groups can be performed by using the function
or hdrm_grouped_widetable
depending the format
of your data. As for the one group test, both take a data.frame
their first argument. The test is performed using bootstraps to estimate
the computationally heaviest estimator. The number of bootstraps can be
controlled via the argument B
. If your data is large, setting
bootstrap = TRUE
will call the bootstrap versions for the other
estimators as well.
### Test for multiple groups for data in wide table format with built in data set birthrates
## a vector with the same length as ncol(data) is needed that divides subjects into groups
# divide German states in east and west:
group <- factor(c(1,1,2,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,2), labels = c("west","east"))
hdrm_grouped_widetable(data = birthrates,
hypothesis = "interaction", # test for interaction effect between group and dimension
group = group
### Test for multiple groups for data in long table format with built in data set EEG
# hypothesis can also be given as a matrix
hypothesis <- list(TW = diag(4) - matrix(1/4, 4, 4),
TS =matrix(1/40, 40, 40)
) # list entries equivalent to 'whole'
hdrm_grouped_longtable(data = EEG,
hypothesis = hypothesis, # test for time effect in groups
group = "group",
value = "value", # can all be given as a character...
subject = 4, # ...or a number
dimension = "dimension"
[1] Pauly M, Ellenberger D and Brunner E 2015 Analysis of high-dimensional one group repeated measures designs Statistics 49 1243–61
[2] Sattler P and Pauly M 2018 Inference for high-dimensional split-plot-designs: A unified approach for small to large numbers of factor levels Electronic Journal of Statistics 12
[3] Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis) 2024 Statistischer Bericht - Geburten 2023, Tabelle 12612-09 (Statisitsches Bundesamt)
[4] Höller Y, Bathke A C, Uhl A, Strobl N, Lang A, Bergmann J, Nardone R, Rossini F, Zauner H, Kirschner M, Jahanbekam A, Trinka E and Staffen W 2017 Combining SPECT and quantitative EEG analysis for the automated differential diagnosis of disorders with amnestic symptoms Front. Aging Neurosci. 9 290