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The @scienta/eslint-plugin is a set of common ESLint rules used across Scienta projects.
Supercharge your code quality with just one line! Try Scienta's ESLint plugin now:

  "extends": ["@scienta/recommended"]


To use this plugin, you can install it via npm. Run the following command in your project:

npm install --save-dev @scienta/eslint-plugin


Explore ESLint rules with concise descriptions, examples, and configuration options for effective code linting.

The legend below explains what the symbols after the rule name mean.

Symbol Meaning
👍 The rule is enabled when using the recommended configuration
🔧 The rule support autofixing via eslint --fix

Rule: ng-component-decorator-props-order 👍🔧

Unifies the order of the props in @Component(props).


With this rule you can maintain a unified order of properties inside the Angular @Component decorator. The properties are ranked in the following order:

  • selector
  • exportAs
  • templateUrl
  • template
  • styleUrl
  • styleUrls
  • styles
  • host
  • hostDirectives
  • animations
  • encapsulation
  • changeDetection
  • preserveWhitespaces
  • standalone
  • jit
  • inputs
  • outputs
  • imports
  • providers
  • viewProviders
  • queries
  • schemas


Examples of code for this rule with the default config:

❌ Incorrect
	template: "<ng-content></ng-content>",
	selector: "example",
    // changeDetection shouldn't percede styleUrls
	changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
	styleUrls: ["example.component.scss"],
class ExampleComponent {}
✅ Correct
	selector: "example",
	template: "<ng-content></ng-content>",
	styleUrls: ["example.component.scss"],
	changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
class ExampleComponent {}

Rule: ng-module-decorator-props-order 👍🔧

Unifies the order of the props in @NgModule(props).


With this rule you can maintain a unified order of properties inside the Angular @NgModule decorator. The properties are ranked in the following order:

  • id
  • jit
  • bootstrap
  • imports
  • providers
  • schemas
  • declarations
  • exports


Examples of code for this rule with the default config:

❌ Incorrect
	declarations: [],
	imports: [],
	exports: []
class ExampleModule {}
✅ Correct
	imports: [],
	declarations: [],
	exports: []
class ExampleModule {}


If you encounter any issues or need assistance with using the plugin, you can reach out for support. For support or bug reporting, please create an issue on the GitHub repository.


If you would like to contribute to the development of this plugin, you are more than welcome to do so.


This plugin is open-source and is distributed under the MIT License.