The project setup has to be done from within the scouts-kampvisum-docker repository.
V-Switch (by lmiller1990)
This package helps us to dynamically load in components depending from what information has been given by the backend API. A switchcase within the html (see ConcernSwitch.vue component)
Litepie Datepicker
This component is till now a very nice way to select single or multiple dates within a vue3 application. It has a good amount of props that can be configured depending on what you want (see DateField.vue component).
Vue leaflet
This package is used to display a map and setting up pinpoints depending on the given latitude and longitude coordinates. Keep in mind this does not provide a search engine and only displays the location grafically.
Currently the vue 3 version is still being worked on and if there is a poor documentation the vue2 documentation should cover most functionallity that also works with the vue 3 package:
To perform a search request with the endpoint you dont need any credentials but it will have a limit based on the amount of times you perform a request within a time gap. (1 time per second as written in the policy):
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