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=== Volatyl ===

Created by Sean Davis: -

License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

== Description ==

Volatyl is a lightweight theme framework WordPress. The focus of Volatyl is leverage. Simple checkboxes perform complex tasks without breaking a sweat. Add content to any area of your website built-in hooks while controlling the columns layout on every single page or post. In other words, Volatyl creates unique websites with ease... period.

== Installation ==

1. Upload `volatyl` to the `/wp-content/themes/` directory
2. Activate the theme through the 'Themes' menu in WordPress
3. Volatyl options are located under the "Appearance" menu in your WordPress dashboard

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Q. Does this theme support child themes?

A. Certainly! Volatyl should always be used with a child theme. For information on why and how, visit the docs:
----- Why Use Child Themes?
----- How to Create a Volatyl Child Theme
----- Starter Child Theme Download
----- Child Theme Template Files
----- Child Theme Skeletons

Q. Do I have to have an activated license key to use Volatyl?

A. Nope. It'll work just fine without a license key. However, you will not receive dashboard updates or support unless you have a valid license key. If you do not have a license key and you would like one (I love your integrity), please visit the pricing page.