Application Security requirements generator, based on ASVS, OWASP Testing guide and some experience :)
Many of you have seen a huge set of requirements from OWASP and met developers faces with many words to your side about such a big document. If not - you may find it here and try to share it to devs without prepairing them :)
- Split ASVS requirements by functionality
- Have added a function to mark some requirements as important (so your devs can start from them for example)
- Mapped requirements to tests
- Shared it for you in this repository and on our subdomain
- Use our free tool online here
- Use our free tool in your infrastructure (see instructions below)
And have a useful set of important and relevant requirements:
git clone srg && \
cd srg
export BASE_URL=
docker-compose up -d --build
docker-compose run back migrate
docker-compose run back loaddata
docker-compose run back collectstatic
docker-compose exec back ./ create_super_user --username admin --password PASSWORD
open # to login and set your company name
- create virtualenv & install requirements
cd back
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.0 srg_back
pyenv activate srg_back
pip install poetry
poetry install
- set environments
export DEBUG=on
export BASE_URL=http://localhost:8000
export REDIS_DSN=redis://localhost:6379/0
export DB_USER=user
export DB_PASS=pass
export DB_HOST=localhost
export DB_NAME=srg
- call
pre-commit install
at command line - create DB in pg market
- add envs from
- apply DB migrations
./ migrate
- create super user
./ create_super_user
- run localserver
./ runserver
- open admin panel and login as admin:admin
- call
make pre-commit
before making a commit
cd front
npm install
npm run serve
open http://localhost:8080
npm run build
@alex-deus - Did all this nice repositories with working code
- @sarosbacz - Noticed, that requirements are mixed with tests without categories
- @httpnotonly - Brought everyone together
- @acrono - Gave us more requirements and tests
- @a_ashwarya - Gave us more requirements and tests