Techno Study Batch 4 Group 5 Friday Project. We use JAVA, TestNG, Cucumber, Gherkin and other JAVA Tools on this project.
The easiest way to get started is to clone the repository:
# File > New > Project From Version Control
# Copy to URL
[email protected]:emrtnm/ParaBankTesting.git
# open project at Intellij
# select project JDK
# Load Pom
Click to pom.xml > Maven > Reload Project
# Run All Test
Click to Runners > ExtentReport and Run
# Run Cross Browser Test
Click to Runner > CrossBrowserTest and Run
Package | Description |
TestNG | Next Generation Testing Tool. |
Selenium | Browser Automation Framework. |
slf4j | The Simple Logging Facade for Java. | | The Apache Commons IO library. |
cucumber | Cucumber is a tool that supports BDD. |
grasshopper | HTML & PDF Report tool. |
|-- src
| |-- main
| |-- java
| |-- resources
| |-- test
| |-- java
| |-- FeatureFiles
| |-- Cucumber Feature Files
| |-- Pages
| |-- Locators, Page Object Model Files
| |-- Runners
| |-- CrossBrowserTest
| |-- CrossBrowserTest.xml
| |-- ExtentReport
| |-- StepDefinitions
| |-- Test Class Files
| |-- Utilities
| |-- Events
| |-- ExcelUtility
| |-- GWD
| |-- Hooks
| |-- resources
| |-- results
| |-- reports*
| |-- gitignore
|-- gitignore
|-- pom.xml
- Update your codes from main branch before you pull request
- Don't use Thread.Sleep
- Don't use Turkish Character
- Don't use extra space
- Use logical comment lines
- Use ./screenshots folder for bug & facility report
- Only work at your story
- Don't add any scenario you want
- Try to have fun ;)
- 🔥 Emrullah Tanıma - Team Lead
- 🔥 Samet Çamoğlu - Tester
- 🔥 Ümit Boyraz - Tester
- 🔥 Selen Dilek - Tester
- 🔥 Rustam Roz - Tester
- 🔥 Umut Can Güzel - Tester
- 🔥 Yakup Yüce - Tester
This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.