#1st I'm going to try to get the login working sometime before we actually start working on the project but, I cant garauntee it.
#setup Here is the download for pycharm, it also contains links for linux and mac You might want to go for the professional version, they have a free student account.its a free year long, renewable every year and uses your .edu. Basically, the paid version has more gui commands to make certain things easier but, if you dont want to use it, you should be able to do everything via command line https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/#section=windows
To setup a student acccount with jetbrains, on the top right click the search bar and type student. setup a student account and youll have access to ALL of their professional products. The main difference is, professional has a lot of built in features that you might otherwise have to type into a terminal and other nice quality of life features.
#tutorials ##python Allen Downey's Think Python is a great intro to programming and the Python language. Working through it over a weekend is a great away to get acquainted with the language and its built-in data structures. It starts with telling you how to install the Python3, if you needed that information. http://greenteapress.com/wp/think-python-2e/
Another useful tutorial is Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, which teaches beginners to the language all sorts of useful things. Check out the Table of Contents. https://automatetheboringstuff.com/
MOOC sites like Coursera, edx, and Udacity all have great Python courses. Udacity in particular has a bunch of self-paced courses in Python at all levels. Working through Think Python followed by one of Udacity's introductory Python courses will really cement the language in your mind.
##django Here is a solid tutorial on Python/Django https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/intro/tutorial01/
Here is the actual python download, it contains all the links for different OS's there We're going for python 3.5.2 unless any one wants to do something different. https://www.python.org/downloads/
#Note So! once you have python install and you have pycharm installed, you can go to the create new project, and select the python interpreter, mine was default to C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\python.exe Make sure you had django project selected, pycharm will automatically install django for you.
Then under file -> settings, there is a search button/tab and type in git, and you can put in your github information and it should be good to go. Note, that I dont have anything actually started though.
to change the theme/colors, goto file -> settings and type in theme, and you should be able to customize it If you want eclipse, or any other, key bindings you should search i think for bindings and you can change it to that.