- contains a public rect that sets its boundaries
- contains a public list of Probes
- contains a private tree of Quadrants
- is generic for objects contained by quadrants
- contains a rect with its lower left corner at location that shows its Size and Position
- contains an object that describes its location
- is generic for contained object
- is enumerable
- contains a rect centered on its location that shows its Size and Position
- contains a rect that includes all intersecting quadrants that shows its Domain
- contains a ref to the object in the quadrant with its center nearest the probe Position that describes its location
- provides iterator for neighbor rects of the same size with objects in the W, N, E, S directions
- provides a generic method to update objects describing quadrant locations
- provides events for entering and leaving quadrants
- internally handles quadrant creation using supplied update method
- can be translated to any position within the boundaries of the quadtree
- is generic for object manipulation
- contains a public rect that describes its size and location
- contains a public object ref that describes its location
- contains public refs to neighbor iterators moving outward from W, N, E, S
- contains public ref to contained iterators moving inward from W, N, E, S
- is generic for object selection