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Feat: Add trust-region QN
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mscho527 committed Oct 16, 2024
1 parent d6f0683 commit 1feab6f
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Showing 3 changed files with 145 additions and 30 deletions.
40 changes: 25 additions & 15 deletions molbe/
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Expand Up @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ def objfunc(self, xk):
return errvec_

def optimize(self, method, J0 = None):
def optimize(self, method, J0 = None, trust_region=False):
"""Main kernel to perform BE optimization
Expand All @@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ def optimize(self, method, J0 = None):
High-level quantum chemistry method.
J0 : list of list of float, optional
Initial Jacobian
trust_region : bool, optional
Use trust-region based QN optimization, by default False
from molbe.external.optqn import FrankQN
import sys
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,19 +157,24 @@ def optimize(self, method, J0 = None):
optQN = FrankQN(self.objfunc, numpy.array(self.pot),
f0, J0,

# Perform optimization steps
for iter_ in range(self.max_space):
self.iter += 1
print('-- In iter ',self.iter, flush=True)
print('Error in density matching : {:>2.4e}'.format(self.err), flush=True)

if self.err < self.conv_tol:
if self.err < self.conv_tol:
print('CONVERGED w/o Optimization Steps',flush=True)
# Perform optimization steps
for iter_ in range(self.max_space):
print('-- In iter ',self.iter, flush=True)
self.iter += 1
print('Error in density matching : {:>2.4e}'.format(self.err), flush=True)
if self.err < self.conv_tol:
print('This optimization method for BE is not supported')
Expand All @@ -176,8 +183,9 @@ def optimize(self, method, J0 = None):

def optimize(self, solver='MP2',method='QN',
only_chem=False, conv_tol = 1.e-6,relax_density=False, use_cumulant=True,
J0=None, nproc=1, ompnum=4, max_iter=500, scratch_dir=None, **solver_kwargs):
only_chem=False, conv_tol = 1.e-6, relax_density=False, use_cumulant=True,
J0=None, nproc=1, ompnum=4, max_iter=500, scratch_dir=None, trust_region=False,
"""BE optimization function
Interfaces BEOPT to perform bootstrap embedding optimization.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,6 +215,8 @@ def optimize(self, solver='MP2',method='QN',
If nproc > 1, ompnum sets the number of cores for OpenMP parallelization. Defaults to 4
J0 : list of list of float
Initial Jacobian.
trust_region : bool, optional
Use trust-region based QN optimization, by default False
from .misc import print_energy

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,7 +249,7 @@ def optimize(self, solver='MP2',method='QN',
J0 = self.get_be_error_jacobian(jac_solver='HF')

# Perform the optimization
be_.optimize(method, J0=J0)
be_.optimize(method, J0=J0, trust_region=trust_region)
self.ebe_tot = self.ebe_hf + be_.Ebe[0]
# Print the energy components
print_energy(be_.Ebe[0], be_.Ebe[1][1], be_.Ebe[1][0]+be_.Ebe[1][2], self.ebe_hf)
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101 changes: 86 additions & 15 deletions molbe/external/
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@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
# Author(s): Hong-Zhou Ye
# Oinam Romesh Meitei
# NOTICE: The following code is entirely written by Hong-Zhou Ye.
# Minsik Cho
# NOTICE: The following code is mostly written by Hong-Zhou Ye (except for the trust region routine)
# The code has been slightly modified.

import numpy,sys, h5py
from .. import be_var

def line_search_LF(func, xold, fold, dx, iter_):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,10 +47,76 @@ def line_search_LF(func, xold, fold, dx, iter_):
return alp, xk, fk

def opt_QN(self):

J0 = self.get_be_error_jacobian(solver)

def trustRegion(func, xold, fold, Binv, c = 0.5):
"""Perform Trust Region Optimization. See "A Broyden Trust Region Quasi-Newton Method
for Nonlinear Equations" (
Algorithm 1 for more information
func : function
Cost function
xold : list or numpy.ndarray
Current x_p (potentials in BE optimization)
fold : list or numpy.ndarray
Current f(x_p) (error vector)
Binv : numpy.ndarray
Inverse of Jacobian approximate (B^{-1}); This is updated in Broyden's Method through Sherman-Morrison formula
c : float, optional
Initial value of trust radius ∈ (0, 1), by default 0.5
xnew, fnew
x_{p+1} and f_{p+1}. These values are used to proceed with Broyden's Method.
# c := initial trust radius (trust_radius = c^p)
microiter = 0 # p
rho = 0.001 # Threshold for trust region subproblem
ratio = 0 # Initial r
B = numpy.linalg.inv(Binv) # approx Jacobian
#dx_gn = - Binv@fold
dx_gn = -(Binv@Binv.T)@B.T@fold
dx_sd = - B.T@fold # Steepest Descent step
t = numpy.linalg.norm(dx_sd)**2 / numpy.linalg.norm(B@dx_sd)**2
prevdx = None
while (ratio < rho or ared < 0.):
# Trust Region subproblem
# minimize (1/2) ||F_k + B_k d||^2 w.r.t. d, s.t. d w/i trust radius
# to pick the optimal direction using dog leg method
if numpy.linalg.norm(dx_gn) < max(1.0, numpy.linalg.norm(xold)) * (c ** microiter): # Gauss-Newton step within the trust radius
print(' Trust Region Optimization Step ', microiter, ': Gauss-Newton', flush=True)
dx = dx_gn
elif t * numpy.linalg.norm(dx_sd) > max(1.0, numpy.linalg.norm(xold)) * (c ** microiter): # GN step outside, SD step also outside
print(' Trust Region Optimization Step ', microiter, ': Steepest Descent', flush=True)
dx = (c ** microiter) / numpy.linalg.norm(dx_sd) * dx_sd
else: # GN step outside, SD step inside (dog leg step)
# dx := t*dx_sd + s (dx_gn - t*dx_sd) s.t. ||dx|| = c^p
print(' Trust Region Optimization Step ', microiter, ': Dog Leg', flush=True)
tdx_sd = t*dx_sd
diff = dx_gn - tdx_sd
#s = (-dx_sd.T@diff + numpy.sqrt((dx_sd.T@diff)**2 - numpy.linalg.norm(diff)**2*(numpy.linalg.norm(dx_sd)**2-(c ** microiter)**2))) / (numpy.linalg.norm(dx_sd))**2
# s is largest value in [0, 1] s.t. ||dx|| \le trust radius
s = 1
dx = tdx_sd + s*diff
while (numpy.linalg.norm(dx) > c ** microiter and s > 0):
s -= 0.001
dx = tdx_sd + s*diff
if prevdx is None or not numpy.all(dx == prevdx):
# Actual Reduction := f(x_k) - f(x_k + dx)
fnew = func(xold + dx)
ared = 0.5 * (numpy.linalg.norm(fold)**2 - numpy.linalg.norm(fnew)**2)
# Predicted Reduction := q(0) - q(dx) where q = (1/2) ||F_k + B_k d||^2
pred = 0.5 * (numpy.linalg.norm(fold)**2 - numpy.linalg.norm(fold + B@dx)**2)
# Trust Region convergence criteria
# r = ared/pred \le rho
ratio = ared / pred
microiter += 1
if prevdx is None or not numpy.all(dx == prevdx) and be_var.PRINT_LEVEL > 2:
print(' ||δx||: ', numpy.linalg.norm(dx), flush=True)
print(' Reduction Ratio (Actual / Predicted): ', ared, '/', pred, '=', ratio, flush=True)
prevdx = dx
return xold + dx, fnew # xnew

class FrankQN:
""" Quasi Newton Optimization
Expand All @@ -59,7 +127,7 @@ class FrankQN:

def __init__(self, func, x0, f0, J0, trust=0.3, max_space=500):
def __init__(self, func, x0, f0, J0, trust=0.5, max_space=500):

self.x0 = x0
self.n = x0.size
Expand All @@ -83,7 +151,7 @@ def __init__(self, func, x0, f0, J0, trust=0.3, max_space=500):
self.B = None = trust

def next_step(self):
def next_step(self, trust_region=False):

if self.iter_ == 0:
self.xnew = self.x0
Expand All @@ -106,14 +174,17 @@ def next_step(self):
self.Binv += tmp__
us_tmp = self.Binv@self.fnew[self.iter_] = self.get_Bnfn(self.iter_)

alp, self.xnew, self.fnew = line_search_LF(
self.func, self.xold, self.fold,[self.iter_], self.iter_)

# udpate vs, dxs, and fs
self.vs[self.iter_] =, self.fnew)

if trust_region:
self.xnew, self.fnew = trustRegion(self.func, self.xold, self.fold, self.Binv, c =
else:[self.iter_] = self.get_Bnfn(self.iter_)

alp, self.xnew, self.fnew = line_search_LF(
self.func, self.xold, self.fold,[self.iter_], self.iter_)

# udpate vs, dxs, and fs
self.vs[self.iter_] =, self.fnew)
self.dxs[self.iter_] = self.xnew - self.xold
self.fs[self.iter_+1] = self.fnew.copy()

Expand Down
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
This script tests the correlation energies of sample restricted molecular BE calculations from density matching
Author(s): Minsik Cho

import os, unittest
from pyscf import cc, gto, scf
from molbe import fragpart, BE

class TestBE_restricted(unittest.TestCase):
# TODO: Add test against known values (molecular_restrict_test)
def test_h8_sto3g_ben_trustRegion(self):
# Test consistency between two QN methods
mol = gto.M()
mol.atom = [['H', (0.,0.,i)] for i in range(7)]; mol.atom.append(['H', (0.,0.,4.2)])
mol.basis = 'sto-3g'
mol.charge = 0.; mol.spin = 0.
self.molecular_QN_test(mol, 'be2', 'H8 (BE2)', 'hchain_simple', only_chem = False)

def molecular_QN_test(self, mol, be_type, test_name, frag_type, delta = 1e-6, only_chem = True):
mf = scf.RHF(mol); mf.max_cycle = 100; mf.kernel()
fobj = fragpart(frag_type=frag_type, be_type=be_type, mol = mol)
mybe1 = BE(mf, fobj)
mybe1.optimize(solver='CCSD', method='QN', trust_region=False, only_chem=only_chem)
mybe2 = BE(mf, fobj)
mybe2.optimize(solver='CCSD', method='QN', trust_region=True, only_chem=only_chem)
self.assertAlmostEqual(mybe1.ebe_tot, mybe2.ebe_tot,
msg = "BE Correlation Energy (DM) for " + test_name
+ " does not return comparable results from two QN optimization!", delta = delta)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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