A real-time facial expression recognition system based on opencv and CNN.
In this project, we implemented a real time expression resognition system using webcam streaming and CNN. Also, we use pytorch, implemented CNN, RNN, ResNet, and compared their training and testing accuracy. Analysed their advantages.
We are using fer2013, which is anounced in Kaggle competition in 2013.
CPU : 3.1 GHz Intel Core i7
GPU : nvidia GTX 960 2G
RAM : 16G
Strongly recommend using 'Anaconda'.
Create virtual environment using anaconda
conda create -n myenv python=3.4
conda info --envs
Set my virtual environment name to myenv
Activate virtual environment
source activate env-name
conda install scikit-learn
conda install opencv
pip install --upgrade keras
is used for saving weights of pre-trained models.
conda install h5py
when finished, simply type:
source deactivate
After installing all the dependencies, you can direct to webcam
directory, and simply run
python webcam_detection.py
If everything went well, our system should start detecting users' expression and show the result on screen. Also, there will be a history log on your terminal. If you will. you could save those results for later use by typing this command:
python webcam_detection.py > log.txt
which coould save those result to log.txt file.
We also support determination of signle image, simply using the following command:
python webcam_detection.py --testImage images.jepg
This could show the result on terminal and it's probability.
Simply store your images in a directory, and use the following command:
python webcam_detection.py --dataset dir_name
This could show the resulsts on terminal and their probabilities.
In this part, you can simply direct to model_pytorch
directory. There are several networks implemented by ourself. We are trying to find out the accuracy difference between different models. Ideally, we could use the model with highest accuracy in our system.
For some mac users, when using this command,
python webcam_detection.py --dataset dir_name
there might exists problem on terminal:
NotADirectoryError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/.DS_Store'
You can simply remove this file .DS_Store
under testing directory.
We are still working on this, but other usages can be completed without any problem.
Here are the thoughts:
- We might add multiple faces detection later;
- Improve the accuracy using different Neural network model.
Feel free to contact us.