Replace this readme with your own information about your project.
The project asked us to do a chatbot of our own theme using the DOM, functions and scope among other things
Tree,Pear and Apple icon by Icons8
I think this project had the issue of being quite "simple" but me having no idea where to start. I felt there was a disconnect between the info, videos and lectures and the project itself. The result was that instead of listening and learning, I was looking for clues on what I was supposed to do for the project, not to learn this week.
As a visual learner who likes repetition to get things in place, this is very stressful as I could find a number of versions online on hoe to do bots, everyone looking different. And I didn't seem to find the same support in the live sessions as I did last week.
However, as I stopped thinking of the project as the aim and actually learning something instead, and finding good examples that guided me in the right direction, I could spend time on the project and not just frantically trying to find the right minute in the hours of information I had available.
In the end I tried some things like using one global let (treechoice) not 100% if it's working the way I intend but hoping to look further into that. I also "forgot" I could use else-if since we don't leave past weeks behind but bring them along.
The best part of this project was when I did some css and icon-tweaks to make it feel like it was mine. I didn't do a very long chat but atleast got to pick one tree!