Tutorial and introductory scripts for using HoloViews (Bokeh backend) to generate interactive plots
Use tutorial files in the 'COW Tutorial' Folder
Install Conda environment from InteractivePlots.yml file:
conda env create —f InteractivePlots.yml
Open in a code in a notebook (requires ipython installation for VS Code or jupyter for Jupyter Lab/Notebook)
Note: Import section of python script will require 1-2 minutes to run for first use
Please be aware that this package contains the tools required to prepare interactive figures but it may not include all necessary tools for data preparation (data splits, scaling etc.)
- hv.Scatter (bokeh backend) HoloViews Scatter
- 2D Models
- Chemical Space
- Heatmap, Bubble Plots, and Heatmap Bubble Plots
- hv.Slope (bokeh backend) HoloViews Slope
- Linear Modeling
- hv.Area (bokeh backend, plotly dependency) Holoviews Area
- Confidence Interval
- hv.Bars (bokeh backend) Holoviews Bars
- Data Distribution
- Training / Validation Splits
- Hover data displays as '???'
- JavaScript backend does not accomodate for any special characters in column names. If these are present, the column names must be changed.
- Some Bokeh color palettes cannot be found
If hv.extensions includes both 'bokeh' and 'matplotlib' and palette name is used by both programs (example: 'Accent'), it cannot be used. Restart notebook and remove 'matplotlib' from hv.extensions.
Alternatively, you can import dataframe from Bokeh directly (most cases)
color = hv.Cycle('Category20b').values
- Matplotlib/Yellowbrick fonts not found
import matplotlib.font_manager fonts = matplotlib.font_manager.findSystemFonts(fontpaths=None, fontext='ttf') font_names = [matplotlib.font_manager.get_font(f).family_name for f in fonts] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams["font.family"] = "DejaVu Sans" # or another font available on your system
- VS Code not showing plot (not seen in Jupyter Notebooks)
- Restart VS Code